name:sky color:dark purple and light blue element:twilight hp:10 attacks: Shadow Blast: Takes 4 damage during day, 5 at dusk. You are asleep in you house, and it turns to dusk. You travel through the woods to a nearby farm. There is a pig with a moustache. Do you want to take him?
Name: bob da blob Colour: WHITE/LIGHTBLUE Element: ice hp25) Wealth:10 Attacks: Frost Freeze: 4 damage and has a 1/4 chance of freezing the target You freeze him and have a chance to run off. But where to? There is nothing blocking the town, but your friend knows it like the back of his blob-hand thingy. Or you could go to the forest, but there is a group of blobs and you are not sure if the good or not. Which way?
Name: bob da blob Colour: WHITE/LIGHTBLUE Element: ice hp25) Wealth:10 Attacks: Frost Freeze: 4 damage and has a 1/4 chance of freezing the target New Move!: Icicle Attack: Takes 7. You head to the forest and reach the group of blobs. Do you talk to them? Or do you avoid them?
name:sky color:dark purple and light blue element:twilight hp:10 attacks: Shadow Blast: Takes 4 damage during day, 6 at dusk You put up the poster. Soon a man comes up looking for the pig. But you have grown a bond between the pig. Do you keep the pig or take the 50 coin reward?
Name: bob da blob Colour: WHITE/LIGHTBLUE Element: ice hp25) Wealth:10 Attacks: Frost Freeze: 4 damage and has a 1/4 chance of freezing the target Icicle Attack: Takes 7. You dodge past them. But your friend is running hot on your trail. You see a tatoo of a Blob with Two swords across him. He and you run into the forest. A fork up ahead. Left, right or middle? Should you turn back?
TheName: bob da blob Colour: WHITE/LIGHTBLUE Element: ice hp25) Wealth:10 Attacks: Frost Freeze: 4 damage and has a 1/4 chance of freezing the target Icicle Attack: Takes 7. He is furious at you and races after you. You run to the group and ive in. You quickly explain you need cover. They tell you about the sewers. Aparrently, there is a secret base, ready for you to go there. The Clan () fend of your friend while you run. Your reach the sewers and meet loads of fuzzball things. Will you befriend them? Or could they be DANGEROUS with a capital F? p.s. you can return above ground at anytime in the sewers. p.s.s. I got the message.
TheName: bob da blob Colour: WHITE/LIGHTBLUE Element: ice hp25) Wealth:10 Attacks: Frost Freeze: 4 damage and has a 1/4 chance of freezing the target Icicle Attack: Takes 7.