ForumsForum GamesMemetia Arcade: Half Past Humanity(a survival game)

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It was dark. And cold. Cold like the void of space, or the stare I'm giving The Author.

I'm using my failed Creative Writing assignment. So what?

This is your return to AG after three weeks. People are expecting something good!

Well, the nickname for this could be Half *** Humanity. So sue me.

I think I will!

You can't. We're ethereal concept of forum games. Ethereal concepts can't sue.

Well, I can...walk out!

Just try it. You don't have legs.

Hmph. Good DAY, sir!

Huh. So he really can leave. Well, now I need a Narrator. I'll have to make do until one shows up...

In this game, you must survive on this island, explore the everywhere, uncover what happened to mankind and try to remember...just how the hell did I get here?

Character Sheet:
Name/Gender-Obvious. You're free to put Other.
Race: What part of this lovely rainbow of races are you? Details below
Bio: Describe yourself. The more details, the better I can write the character how you want.
Affinity- Will be found out in game
HP: 100/100(20x Body)
MP: 50/50(10x Mind)
Stamina: 200/200(40x Athlete)
Agility:5--- Redistrutable
Clothes: Torn Clothes
Tool: None
Team: None
Shelter: None

Races(There's a lot of them...)

Cheezburgian: Cat people! Everyone loves cat people. Has a fondness for meat and heightened senses. Also, sharp utili-claws.

Youtubian: Cyborgs, of the Hollywood kind. Their diet is primarily fruit and they can sense metals. Godd tool-makers.

Chanian: Where's the love for the hulking ape-man? Eats veggies and gets extra strength and HP, equivalent to 2 extra points.

Trollix: Dragons! Except not as big and strong. Eats primarily grain and is attacked less by animals. Add in affinity breath, too!

Troper- Wise sages of the universe that contemplate stars, riddles and navels. Eats dairy food and has a near encyclopedic knowledge. Uses magic better, equivalent to 2 extra points of Mind.

Behemel- Religious Space Nazi Bears. Concept by Bluydee. Mostly eats Meats and Veggies. Easy for them to get team members and can sense affinities.

Syphronitzan- Communist Hive Mind Scorpions. I'm serious, this series has Communist Hive Mind Scorpions. Can sense danger and has a poisonous stinger. Concept by seVain5

Hyrin-Pern: Wolf people with a hyphenated name! More agile and better fighters, equivalent to 2 points of Agility. Immune to being drunk. Eats meat and grain. Concept by GhostSauce.

Collective: A race of less effective Cthulus. Eats grain and dairy. Proficient marksmen and great shelter builders.

Watermaids- Mermaids. No, not like Ariel from Little Mermaid, more like a siren. Swims well and can hold their breath for a long time. Consumes dairy and meat.

Balchean-Giant tough frogs with a Spartan culture. Can carry a lot and eats fruits and dairy. Immune to HP drain.


-HP is recovered with Primary/Secondary foods and medical plants like Aloe.
-MP is restored with Primary/Secoindary food and energy plants like Coffee.
-Stamina is restored with food.
.Primary(One listed as what the species eats): 50/unit
.Secondary(two under what you eat): 25/unit
.Tertiary(unlisted): 10/unit
-Sleeping restores all

-If you run out of Stamina, actions that use it cost HP
-If you run out of MP, using magic costs stamina
-If you run out of HP, you will faint or die depending on the reason.

Now, finally, an example sheet:

Name/Gender: John Jackson/Male
Race: Cheezburgian
Bio- A cat who will never go down without a fight and is always ready for danger. He usually wears bluejeans, a T-shirt, working boots and leather gloves. Works as a whiskey brewer and often sails. Of the Norwegian Forest Cat breed. 6'3", Hazel eyes, blonde hair, built like a linebacker.
HP: 100/100
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 200/200
Strength: 5
Athlete: 5
Mind: 5
Armor: Torn Clothes
Tool: None
Team: None
Shelter: None

Some example breeds for a few races:

Cheezburgian: Calico(White/Brown/Black, All Female), Manx(Brown, No Tail), Tabby(Various colors, Fat)

Youtubian: Microsoul(Black, Fun-loving), Macintosh(White, Artistic), Linus(Beige, Serious)

Trollix: Ruby (Red, Fire attribute), Blood(Blood Red, Chaos attribute), Obsidian(Black, Dark attribute)

Watermaids: Naga (Green/Blue, more snake-like), Siren (Black, more shark-like), Mermaid (White, more fish-like)

Syphronitzan: Bark (Light Tan, Club-like tail), Bloodtail (Red, Blood-sucking tail)[/i]

  • 1,137 Replies
4,813 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(140%)(0% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Volcanic Amputator*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver

Having run out of powerburst, you cannot dual wield. Also, DSA just dodged the thunder.

13,701 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(140%)(0% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Rainbow Cutter*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver

fine, then i just heal Talow H.

4,813 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(130%)(20% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Rainbow Cutter*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver

Bweem, you successfully heal your clone, bzzzt!

13,701 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(130%)(20% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Rainbow Cutter*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver

right... can i heal pinkie pie then?

4,813 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(130%)(20% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Rainbow Cutter*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver

Unfortunately, the medigun doesn't overheal, goro!

Hm... I sense something suspicious.

13,701 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(130%)(20% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Rainbow Cutter*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver

Talow H: "you mean beyond the fact that there's what...4 people here who breaks the fourth wall? and two of them are apparently named the same?"

Talow C: &quotrobably."

Demyx: "why the hell is there two of you?"

... right... then switch to the Rainboom Needler and fire at Dark Super.

4,813 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(130%)(20% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Rainbow Cutter*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver

You fail to hit him because Dark Super actually dodges needles.

13,701 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(130%)(20% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Rainbow Cutter*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver

scout hitting tactic #2: Spray them out so it's harder to dodge. (#1 is sneak attack)

4,813 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(130%)(20% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Rainbow Cutter*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver

Well, Dark Super...splits itself apart to dodge the needles.

13,701 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(130%)(20% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Rainbow Cutter*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver

... on that note.... i'll just switch back to healing my clone.... and ask him to do something self-damaging so i get powerburst faster.

4,813 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(130%)(20% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Rainbow Cutter*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver

That sounds mean, ki*slash* kikwiiiiii!

Okay, that takes care of the guys trying to invade my, where were we?

13,701 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(130%)(20% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Rainbow Cutter*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver

"me dealing with my clone and Dark Super..."

4,813 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(130%)(20% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Rainbow Cutter*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver

Oh. Well, what do you do, then?

13,701 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(130%)(20% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Rainbow Cutter*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver

... take out a coin. heads, i'll heal my clone. tails, the two idiots who was at war gets filled with needles.

4,813 posts

Name/Gender: Talow Rosine(Male)
Race: Trollix
Bio: A sorta loner who dreams of being free and isn't one for rules. will follow rules that don't interfere too much with his freedom, and loves looking at the sky. does not like leadership as it's basically a prison worst then jail. also tends to mess around unless the situation calls for being serious. also, if he makes friends with someone, he will protect that friend with his life!
Affinity- Chaos
HP: 140/140(20x Body)
MP: 45/90(10x Mind)
Stamina: 180/240(40x Athlete)
Clothes: Rainbow Hardhat*, Rainbow Medical Gear*, Medibackpack*, Dagger Sheath*, Black ExoArmor
Tool: Warp Drive(130%)(20% Powerburst)*, Rainboom Needler (100%)(500 Rainbow Needles), Rainbow Cutter*
Pinkie Pie
HP: 160/160
MP: 50/50
Stamina: 500/520
Body: 8
Athlete: 13
Mind: 5
Clothes: None
Weapon: Party Cannon*, Scalpel, Hacksaw, Tazer, Cleaver


You continue healing your clone.

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