Story: You Crash Landed on a Planet and came out of what was left of your ship...Your survivor very far away from earth....its your job to make sure you sure you survive by.... Also lucky it was a planet you could breath on... 1.Finding a way back to earth... 2.Building a settlement on this planet 3.Call Earth for help
Player Sheet:
Name: Age:18-30 Job:Look Below Bio: -------------- Equipment: HelmetLook Below) Body:Look Below Overbody: Look Below Legs:Look Below Shoes:Look Below Weapon:Look Below in Jobs Melee Weapon:Combat Knife Items: Look Below ---------------------------------- Stats50 Points) Strused for melee damage and speed of building) DexGun Aim) IntAllows for faster research and to see if some ones lieing) CharmHow much people will like you and trust you) SpdHow fast you are and how well you can escape attacks) ---------------------- Base: Crashed Space Ship CrewPlayers) None
Jobs: ------------------ Space Marine Weapon: M14 Rife Helmet:Solder Helm Body: Soldier Shirt OverBody: Bulletproof Vest Legs: Green Soldier Pants Shoes:Military Boots Items:First Aid,Flare ---------------------- Space Medic Weapon:Stun Pistol Helmet:Medic Helmet Body:White Shirt OverBody:None Legs:Brown Pants Shoes:Military Boots Items:First Aid Kit(2),Flare,Shot ------------------------ Space Captain Weapon:M16 Body: Captain Uniform OverBody: None Legs:Captain Pants Shoes:Military Boots Items:First Aid Kit,Flare,Stun Unit(Stuns Enemies) ----------------------- Space Worker Weapon:Pistol Body:Worker Cloths OverBody: Worker Overalls Legs:Worker Slacks Shoes:Worker Boots Items:First Aid Kit,Flare,Hammer(1 Less Post to make buildings) -------------------
Name:Steve Charac Age:21 Job:Space Captain Bio:Was Captain Of Artemis IV, the space shuttle to go to Gliese 581 g... unfortonately, we crashed Into Epsilon Eridani d instead. -------------- Equipment: Helmet:N/A Weapon:M16 Body: Captain Uniform OverBody: None Legs:Captain Pants Shoes:Military Boots Items:First Aid Kit,Flare,Stun Unit(Stuns Enemies) ---------------------------------- Stats: 0 Points to allocate Str:11 Dex:6 Int:13 Charm:12 Spd:8 ---------------------- Base: Crashed Space Ship CrewPlayers) None