You are unconcious lying in some forest. You feel pain all over your body. As you gradually open your eyes, you see something coming at you. Everything is hazy though...
In this game you are a pokemon. This is like the pokemon games that has been made, i just can't think of the names.
Character Sheet Answer these questions to determine what pokemon you will be. After you answer i will create your Character Sheet.
1.You see a person being robbed in an alley. Do you... A)keep walking like you never saw anything B)attack the assailant C)yell for help
2.Would you rather... A)win a team sport B)win a solo sport
3.You find a wallet with $500 dollars in it. Do you... A)turn it into the police B)take the money and run C)drop the wallet back on the ground
4.Which do you think is more powerful... A)volcano B)thunderstorm C)tornado D)blizzard E)hurricane F)venomous creatures
i know there is no more room left but i hoped youd tell me if you decide to make more room. anyway those are my answeres and you meant the mystery dungeon series
In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, there can be up to 4 active Pokemon in a team that requires you and your partner to remain in it at all times(until after the end of the game and specific solo battles). However, there can be many other teams.
Even though there are possible corresponding numbers in the Pokemon games, the reason he makes it four is to reduce the number of characters and character sheets he has to create situations for.
In Pokemon Mystery Dungeon, there can be up to 4 active Pokemon in a team that requires you and your partner to remain in it at all times(until after the end of the game and specific solo battles). However, there can be many other teams.
Even though there are possible corresponding numbers in the Pokemon games, the reason he makes it four is to reduce the number of characters and character sheets he has to create situations for.
I understand all of this but if someone leaves the game or for some reason another spot opens up I will already have the questions done.
If anybody is unhappy with the pokemon they got please tell me. If you are happy with your pokemon also tell me. As soon as everybody tells me they are happy and that they are still playing this RPG, i will begin the storyline for everybody.
Zyba Pokemon:Poliwag Items:Empty Equipped item:None ======================== Moves: Tackle Growl - - ======================== It could've been a better selection, but I guess I'm happy getting a water Pokemon that is better than Psyduck... at least when it evolves.