OK, I know there is already a Pokemon game where you take questions, and you play as the Pokemon that you got. This is a bit like that, except I'm basing my questioneer off a real Pokemon questioneer, so you have a better chance at getting the pokemon you want . First the story, then the questions:
You wake up in an open field. Nobody is around. You are alone. You see a town in the distance, and start walking towards it. Your in the town. It has been abadoned. You are still alone. What must you do to find friends?
Ok, here's the questions. Answer them, then I'll do the rest:
1. When a new day begins, where are you at?
A.Up early to watch the sunrise. B.Up late from the previous night, watching the sunrise. C.Asleep in your bed, dreaming sweet dreams. D.Asleep in your bed, having nightmares.
2. What did you have for breakfast this morning?
A.Something fruity. B.Something sugary. C.Something nutty, wheaty or grainy. D.Nothing.
3. How do you feel about your body?
A.It's mine. B.It's a bit too big. C.It's a bit too small. D.I like it. E.I'm working on making it better. F.None of your business.
4. When something bad happens, where are you at?
A.Comforting the victims. B.Preventing it from happening again. C.Distracting the children from worrying about the mess. D.I made it happen!
5. You've been told you are moving to a different country. What is your reaction?
A.Sad, nervous, abandoned, lonely. B.You pack what you know you'll need, and you're fine with it. C.You'll leave behind everything and start afresh. D.You know it won't be easy, but you'll survive.
6. In a team of 6, which role do you play?
A.The leader. B.The genius. C.The ideas fountain. D.The problem solver. E.The one who does the grunt work. F.The realist.
7. At a party, where are you at?
A.The sexy stranger in the dark corner. B.The agony aunt. C.In the kitchen, preparing snacks and washing glasses. D.The MC. E.The DJ. F.Having an intimate conversation with a small group of friends. G.Entertaining a large crowd.
8. What do you feel is your greatest asset?
A.I am compassionate. B.I am a good teacher. C.I am a good student. D.I am worldy and confident. E.I am loyal. F.I am creative. G.I handle stress very well. H.I am trustworthy. I.I can handle change.
9. What was your best subject in school?
A.Art/creative writing. B.Health Ed. C.Phys. Ed. D.Social studies E.Maths F.Science G.English H.About the same for all
You do so, but when you go in, you find an old Slacking sleeping in a chair. What do you do?
(Slacking is the 11th best Pokemon ever, which is surprising because of it's type: Normal. It's the only normal nonlegendary pokemon up that high, lol).
You do so, and look around for anything else, then you come a cross a sleeping Slakoth, and then you hear a metallic banging behind it. You see there's a Vigoroth pounding on an anvil. It's a blacksmith family, lol. What now?
****(even though I didn't use that harsh language it would appear like that anyways.) Well I accidentally linked this tab so I lost the first reply. Shortened version: I haven't played Black or White nor any Pokemon game in over a year now. I only looked at the two pages for several minutes.
I am happy with the new Pokemon I got. May you fix the HP?