This is a tribute to the Lego Rock Raider sets that started 1999, but were dicontinued 2000. The only set I was able to get in those two short years wasn't a set actually: it was the PC game. Even though I can't find an old enough computer that will run it, I'm making this RPG as a remembrence, or such, to the Rock Raiders (I like the fact they have the Power Miners out now, but, seriously, 10 YEARS LATER!!!???)(Also, like title says, this is a BETA of upcoming Rock Raider forum games) Date: June 20, 2500 Location: Quadrant 9, over looking the planet of Cortis 9
being spoken by Chief: It has been 400 years since the Rock Raiders have returned to Earth. They have been able to succsesfully colonize 6 planets in 3 solar systems. They have come to this final planet before they journey home, but it seems that somebody has gotten ther first: holes drilled everywhere on the facing surface. A scout sent down to the surface said they were man-made. Looks like the Rock Raiders have been unknowningly been submitted to a crystal compettition, against a new band of miners, called the Power Miners. Before you are dropped onto the planet from the LMS Explorer, can you please tell us a little about yourself?:
Name: Age: Gender: Class: Choose below Level: 1 HP: 20/20 XP: 0/50 Money: $0 Ability: Comes with your selected class Inventory (0/25): Right Hand: Left Hand:
Miner The basic unit of the Rock Raiders, this class will alow you basic access to everything. Ability: Super Axe; Pick Axe upgraded to gold Pick Axe for a short time. Right hand: Pick Axe Left hand: None
Explosives A Rock Raider with special explosions training, this unit is useful for blasting through solid rock, or open up areas to get to something easier. Gets special Explosives access to everything. Ability: Fire in the Hole!!; helps get other Rock Raiders out of area when he/she lights a stick of dynamite. Right Arm: Dynamite (5x) Left Arm: None
Mechanic Gets special Mechanic access to everything. Useful for building better versions of certain vehicles underground, even on very little ore and crystals. Ability: Build it Better; Can build or revamp vehicles on little recources. Right Arm: Wrench Left Arm: Toolbox
Pilot Gets you pilot access to everything. You drive the machines that either mine, transport miners, or are scout machines. Ability: Pilot; drives the machines Right Arm: None Left Arm: None
Geologist Get's geologist acces to everything. You help determine rock from ore, ore from crystals, crystals from rock, and everything in between. Ability: Rock Hound; Can pick up rocks/ore/crystals for scientific purposes, and do tests on them. Right Arm: Magnify Glass Left Arm: Sampling Vial
Builder Gets Builder acces to everything. Constructs the buildings that the Raiders use while underground. Ability: From Junk to Beauty; Can build any building from anything lying around. Right Arm: Hammer Left Arm: Nothing
Other Things
Power Miners Another band of miners that are going after the crystals. Sometimes friendly, sometimes hostile. Better to stay away.
Creatures of the Caverns Down in the Cavers, you have more to worry about besides your competition. Rock Mosters, Ice Monsters, Lava Monsters, Giant Slugs, and Reaper Bats are the norm, but every now and then, another creature of the dark shows it's face: Prepare for anything!!
Leveling up When you level up, you are able to buy better items to use. Your "aura" of level ing up will be sent through the caverns, like a plate of just-baked cookies in front of a fan. All creatures will compensate to your change.
Making Money Doing quests, delivering ore and crystals, and defeating creatures give you money to buy stuff.
If you have any questions, please ask.
Here's another old one I'm bring back from the grave, along with three new classes. And I have a strange feeling that I might have too many RPGs at once, lol
Name:John Doh Age:26 Gender:Male Class: Explosives Level: 1 HP: 20/20 XP: 0/50 Money: $0 Ability: Fire in the Hole!!; helps get other Rock Raiders out of area when he/she lights a stick of dynamite. Inventory (0/25): Right Handynamite (5x) Left Hand: None
You are on the LMS Explorer, about to be teleported down to the surface of Crotis 9. Do you do anything before you go?
Name:John Doh Age:26 Gender:Male Class: Explosives Level: 1 HP: 20/20 XP: 0/50 Money: $0 Ability: Fire in the Hole!!; helps get other Rock Raiders out of area when he/she lights a stick of dynamite. Inventory (0/25): Right Handynamite (5x) Left Hand: None
"We have all the medical supplies, building equipment, builders, and weapons already down on the surface." Said the teleporter operator. What now?
Name:John Doh Age:26 Gender:Male Class: Explosives Level: 1 HP: 20/20 XP: 0/50 Money: $0 Ability: Fire in the Hole!!; helps get other Rock Raiders out of area when he/she lights a stick of dynamite. Inventory (0/25): Right Handynamite (5x) Left Hand: None
You get teleported donw to the surface of Crotis 9. The place is a barren wasteland. Apparently something is making oxygen somewhere, cause you can still breathe. You see the supplies being lowered down into a hole. "Mr. Doh!" cried out a guy, running over to you. "I'm Axel, I'm head pilot for the Rock Raiders, and I'm going to help you down there, ok? I've already got the gang lowering the stuff down." What do you do?