this will take place in the magical land know as the past (before blackpowder to be exact) and you can build a nation in any area (i.e. asia, europe, americas etc.) depending on where you are there will be specific tech and a nationality trait which is a perk for where you are.
lets get to the sheet
Leader name: Age: Gender: Bio: optional , at least a 6 sentence paragraph Perk: from bio Physical Desc.: optional Personality: optional ---------------------------- Town Name: nothing stupid make it at least a little realistic Area: (you can make it general like Asia or specific like Japan the more specific the more specific the trait and tech) Area Trait: i put Population: 1000 (split them up in the 3 categories below) Workers: Researchers: Soldiers: Soldier Types: Light Spearman (no armor, fast, weak) Events: check here every now and again Research: any lengthy research is here in turns Defenses: none, 0/0 ------------------------------------ Buildings: 500 huts Vehicles: (i.e. chariots, ships etc.) none Technology: wooden fences, simple spears, wooden huts, agriculture Enemies: none Allies: None
oh and i forgot to mention you can't just say "i attack them" while battling you have to put some strategy into your orders otherwise you will most likely lose