My free trial on Switch Sound File Converter just wore out and I wasn't finished. Does anybody know a program that can convert music formats (requires .wma, .mp3 and m4a)? This seems like the only acceptable section in the community.
The 1.3 beta of Audacity can import/export .wma, .mp3 and m4a but I can't touch anything with copy protection. There might be something better out there actually geared towards conversion though.
I was ready to suggest the Switch Sound Converter until I read your post. :P
For help, the above recommendations seem worthy of consideration. I'm unsure of how well Zamzar converts music though, but it's bound to be a little helpful. :3
I'm unsure of how well Zamzar converts music though,
It's a bit slow but if you don't mind waiting a little then it's perfect. You just fill out the green bar with your song, format and email (they mail it to you).