This is no based on the show, just used the name XD
Introduction- First off let me begin by saying, There are no limit to the amount of players that may join and you may join whenever you want. Your goal is to survive on a deserted mysterious island that your trapped on. You will need to interact with other players, collect materials, face dangerous perils, and eventually build marvels that will further help your game.
Health- If your health reaches 0 your character dies and you fail your objective.
Age- (All players begin at 10 year's old upon entering the game) Your age determines your physical skill and your abilities granted in the game. A player gains a year every "5" posts that advance you somehow in the game that I make. Younger players have limited abilities and will need to stick with adults, older players (more experienced) will have almost no handicap.
Resources- You will always be interacting with your environment, when your on the beach for example you might want to pick up sand. You can then use sand to build or construct things. Later you can can yourself weapons or other items of use.
Party- To create a party, have other players you want to add confirm, and instead of traveling or doing things separate, players move as a team. This can be helpful when exploring dangerous area's. But you'll have to meet other people first
Character Sheet (Examples and Notes)
Name- (Bill Sanchez) Gender- (Male/Female) Age- 10 PTB (Posts till birthday)- 5 Health- 5 (Goes up with age and special Items) Resources- Clothes Party- None
Join in and start your primitive dangerous life on "Lost Island!!"
Name- James Kicker Gender- Male Age- 10 PTB- 5 Health- 5 Resources- Clothes Party- None
There has lately been MANY island survival games, but they haven't been special enough for me to join in them. I'm not sure what do I think about the birthday thing, but it sure is special, so I'll just join in then.
Name- James Kicker Gender- Male Age- 10 PTB- 4 Health- 5 Resources- Clothes Party- None
You open your eyes, and shut them again, you realize suddenly that your stuck under some kind of a material, its much to dark for you to see anything. Its also sort of moist.
Name- James Kicker Gender- Male Age- 10 PTB- 3 Health- 5 Resources- Clothes Party- None
You move upwards and break out of the wet sand hill that covered you. Your incredibly close to the load tide on a somewhat large beach, an extremely hot sun glows in the sky and your eyes sting as you adjust to the light.
Name- James Kicker Gender- Male Age- 10 PTB- 3 Health- 5 Resources- Clothes Party- None
I try to cover my head from the sun as I look around the beach more closely, and investigate other directions, to find out if there are any forests, hills, ect.
Name- James Kicker Gender- Male Age- 10 PTB- 3 Health- 5 Resources- Clothes Party- None
You take a look at the beach, there's lots of sand you could pick up, otherwise theres some split bark not too far. Otherwise you could investigate the sea water. Across the beach you notice the entrance to what looks likes a jungle. To the north and west you can not see the end of the beach
Name- Jane Gender- Female Age- 10 PTB- 4 Health- 5 (Goes up with age and special Items) Resources- Clothes Party- None
Your laying in the grass, you open your eyes slowly and notice the distant sun hidden by the over growth of trees and brushes, you hear birds and odd sounds up down and all around you. Your feet are dipped in water
Name- John Miller Gender- Male Age- 10 PTB (Posts till birthday)- 5 Health- 5 (Goes up with age and special Items) Resources- Clothes Party- None
You wake up, your leaning curled up against a rather uncomfortable rock. The air is somewhat cold and oxygen lacking and you cough shortly adapting to the environment.
Please include your character sheet or I will not answer you. It's important to me.
Name- John Miller Gender- Male Age- 10 PTB (Posts till birthday)- 3 Health- 5 (Goes up with age and special Items) Resources- Clothes Party- None
Around you, there are a few pebbles and some lose dirt. Your also surrounded by huge rocks that sort of block your view, you notice a path leading out of it
Name- Ryan Smith Gender- Male Age- 10 PTB - 4 Health- 5 Resources- Clothes Party- None
You wake up gargling, you realize in your sleep you rolled into puddle. You stand up spitting on the floor. Your on the edge of a jungle, there are large ferns blocking the way, but you can see the ocean in the distance