I want to know what video format out of the others below has the best quality or if it's the same. As for memory storage that doesn't matter. here is the list that I have to work with.
3gp 3g2 asf avi flv gvi m4v mod mov mp4 mpg ogg rm rmvb vob wmv
I use Zamzar but if you know another online video converter that's better then i'd like to hear it.
Well what do you want the video for? If you just want to convert and then watch it, then quality will either stay the same or get worse between formats.
I forgot to add that it goes between my two computers. I use the notebook computer for surfing and I use my big laptop for my virtual school and occasionally as a DVD player.
I just needed to know if there was a higher quality because I want a video with great graphics instead of some video that looks like Mario did back in the 80's.
If you go to one of those "Download YouTube Videos" sites like [url=http://www.savevid.com/] they give you options on resolution and file type. However, like master said, you aren't going to get any increase in quality.
Once again, changing video format doesn't raise the quality. It will be at whatever quality it was on youtube. Changing video format will either do nothing or make the quality even worse because it's a lossy format, or the format doesn't support high quality videos.
MP4 is probably your best bet with H.264 encoding (kind of a standard for HD in an MP4 container). If you have the option of downloading a HD version of the videos in question, I would recommend that you do.