I know this has probably been made a million times before but I wanted to make my own with my own set of rules.
-Bosses will be random, you will be pit against the baddest, most difficult enemies the world has ever seen. Do not underestimate there powers.
-Bosses will all have a weakness, up to you to find it, otherwise you will only scratch it and deal very little to no damage.
-You may only attack the boss by posting a picture of what your using. You may not use the same thing twice on the same boss
-When damage has been done to the boss, I update its current status for armor game to see. Your all a team!
-Bosses are immune to war tactics out of there age spectrum (A dragon boss for example will not take damage from a rocket, you need to keep it medieval)
-Bosses are immune to loophole war tactics like "Chuck Noris" or "Nukes"
----------------------------------------- Enjoy and Good Luck! -----------------------------------------
Angel from god and Minotaur fight. Dark angel dodges the many charges launched at him, and manages to bash AM a bit, however the heavy fellow wears top notch armor and the sword can do little and does not really penetrate. Dark angel is soon destroyed
great, you have one happy customer
he charges down thine Minotaur and puts his head uponeth a stake!
The enraged minotaur spooks the knights horse, who'm looses control in complete panic, the knight falls over. The minotaur grabs him and shakes him until his neck snaps
I send my catapult and men to attack the foul best from range.age=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=138&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0" alt="http://www.google.com/imgres?q=catapult&um=1&hl=en&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1366&bih=603&tbm=isch&tbnid=hLnMCOKZYwbILM:&imgrefurl=http://mcaaron.wordpress.com/2008/03/19/nothing-like-a-good-old-fashioned-catapult/&docid=5GQYV0huiZ08wM&w=402&h=402&ei=BkBLToaHOZSnsQKE37jPCA&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=692&vpy=113&dur=871&hovh=224&hovw=224&tx=96&ty=100&age=1&tbnh=136&tbnw=138&start=0&ndsp=21&ved=1t:429,r:3,s:0" />
Archers are able to shoot quite a lot at AM however his heavy armor is still too powerful to penetrate, only a couple arrows actually hit the boss before your archers run out of ammo
I summon a group of swords men. while they are highly trained and high in number the realize that they stand no chance against the AM they go in fully aware of the fact that they will die today thus they hold nothing back and attack with everything they have got. (I will beat this boss!!! )
Crossbows without a carrier are quite useless. Your soldier attack the AM fully aware of the suicide mission. The casualties are huge as they are easily swatted like flies. You lose 2,000 men in the span of 15 minutes, however the boss tired himself a bit in fighting so many units dealing a little damage