I know this has probably been made a million times before but I wanted to make my own with my own set of rules.
-Bosses will be random, you will be pit against the baddest, most difficult enemies the world has ever seen. Do not underestimate there powers.
-Bosses will all have a weakness, up to you to find it, otherwise you will only scratch it and deal very little to no damage.
-You may only attack the boss by posting a picture of what your using. You may not use the same thing twice on the same boss
-When damage has been done to the boss, I update its current status for armor game to see. Your all a team!
-Bosses are immune to war tactics out of there age spectrum (A dragon boss for example will not take damage from a rocket, you need to keep it medieval)
-Bosses are immune to loophole war tactics like "Chuck Noris" or "Nukes"
----------------------------------------- Enjoy and Good Luck! -----------------------------------------
Base Star Age: Future Health- 800,000/800,000 Special- Radars, Jump Pad Status- In space
Radar squad 1 Health- 4,870/5,000
Radar squad 2 Health- 5,000/5000
Radar squad 3 Health- 5,000/5,000
Radar squad 4 Health- 5,000/5,000
The star destroy aims its guns at radar's in squad 1, however the ships move quite too fast for any good shots. Very little damage is done. Base star then nukes the star destroy immediately eliminating it, Base star spawns new radars
The Matriarch from the Matriarch flash game is hacking into your systems to provide yet another beatable conquest for the fully upgraded drone Construction ship to attack and acquire more technology from. [url=http://armorgames.com/community/thread/8213249/matriarch/page/1] is link to thread about it
The construction ship proceeds to build 6 Zeus Dreadnoughts to attack you. And comes are you fully armed with 2 shield absorbers, 1 anti-gravity repulse field (slows your ships), Manufacturing Boost for faster ship building, and a Weapon Fire Rate Boost add-ons. The main construction ship unleashes a flurry of Proton Bombs at your main base and ships. (the bombs have a huge radius of attack, maybe as good as a nuke or better since made for space combat)
P.S with manufacturing boost the build time for Zues Dreadnoughts is about 3.5 seconds I think? or is it 2.5 seconds from 4-5 sec. I guess that's 2.5 minutes in this game. Maybe..?
Firing from the longest distance possible. The dreadnoughts attack about about every .3 second I think or less. And are maneuverable.
Should they have double hp/shielding for the epic boss-battle?
Also the Matriarch may neutralize your defenses for short while even if 'she' doesn't gain complete control over your station.