as you watch TV you flip to the news... you see something about a solar flare... they catch live footage... but 9 minutes after i was cought... all power turned of... batteries didnt work... you thought it was a one hour thing but you were wrong...
1 year later every things a mess... the world is a lawless place what will you make of it...
Nameyour name) Ageyou charaters age) Biowhat you look like) Karma:0 (i will set this depending on your action) Abilitys: sloppy kick sloppy punch (add one it hase to be sloppy) Education ( depends on you age) Items: Weapons: Tech: Apps: Armor:
Name: John Smith Age: 27 Bio: Medium height, brown eyes, Light brown hair, slightly muscular. Very fast runner Karma:0 Abilitys: sloppy kick sloppy punch sloppy dodge Running Education: College graduate Items: Blank journal Moneys:15 Weapons: Hand gun (5 rounds) Tech:Cellphone Apps:Maps Armor:Clothes Special skills: Fast sprint
you do so... YOU WON.. after you get a drink... you colect your winnings.. the next race in in one week if your itrested... as you leave a man aproches you ...points a gun at you ( in secret ) and says lets talk you say "
Name: John Smith Age: 27 Bio: Medium height, brown eyes, Light brown hair, slightly muscular. Very fast runner Karma:0 Abilitys: sloppy kick sloppy punch sloppy dodge Running Education: College graduate Items: Blank journal Moneys:115 Weapons: Hand gun (5 rounds) Tech:Cellphone Apps:Maps Armor:Clothes Special skills: Fast sprint
Name: Jack Ryder Age: 26 Bio: Black hair, Red scar down face, Muscular, not that fast, Was a boxer through High school Karma:9 +5 cleaning up +3 fixing / Abilitys: sloppy kick, sloppy punch, normal upercut Education: high school Items:Blank Book / journal Moneys:30 Weapons:Hand Gun ( 5 rounds) Tech:Cellphone Apps: Maps Armor:Clothes Special skills: Boxing Skills Tech:cell phone Apps:Maps Armor:Clothes
you do so... after you sleep you prepare of the match... you have 3 hours toget there... t take 1hour to travle there... you go a text... AHHH A a BuSinEss.>. One oF thE unDaMenTles Of yyoUr cOunTrY... BuT thIngS doNt All Cost MOnNeYs... ThErE ArNt mAny Stors In youR aRea... A ScaveNgeinG wiLL hElp... k