I have decided to make a How to Raise a Dragon Walkthrough!
-Press any key(s) about 8 times until you break free.
The point of the infantry stage is to get your color. You can use mixes of red, blue and green. You could even use all three or none! The choice is up to you, but I will tell you where you can get the colors.
To get red, you must eat caterpillars. They have a reddish glow to them.
-There is one under the first tree you see.
-When you go down through the log, the caterpillar will be under you.
-When you have to jump, try going right and keeping to the top. There will be a caterpillar.
-Near the exit to the cave, take the lower path. There will be a caterpillar there.
-After the exit, go to the top of the right tree. There will be a caterpillar there.
To get green, you must eat plants. They have a greenish glow to them.
-There is one to the left of the first rock you see.
-There is one on top of the first tree you see.
-When the game tells you to go down through the log, go right instead. There will be a plant there.
When you have to jump in the cave, go left. There will be a plant there.
-Near the exit of the cave, take the higher route. There will be a plant there.
To get blue, you must eat scorpions. They have a bluish glow to them.
-There is one in front of the first rock you see.
-After you go through the log, go right. There will be a scorpion at the part where you have to jump.
-Near the exit to the cave, take the higher route. There should be a scorpion to the right of the plant.
-After you take the higher exit, jump to the branch. There will be a scorpion in that tree.
At this stage, you get to decide what type of breath you get! There is Fire Breath, Healing Breath and Plant Breath. You need to get four of a certain thing (i.e. fire, plants, potions) to get each breath.
Fire Breath
This breath causes certain objects to burn up. To get it, you must eat things with fire in them. Here's where they are:
-After you escape, go down into the kitchen. Eat the fire in the fireplace.
-After that, keep going right until you reach the basement. There will be a torch there. You must jump and press the eat button at precisely the right time to get it. What I do is press the eat button, then the jump button right after.
-After that, go up and right to the stairwell. Go up two floors and eat the lantern.
-Go the stairwell to the left. Go to the third floor and eat the candle.
Now that you have fire, go and burn the hay at the extreme right of the stage. Just go to the ground and keep going right, you'll find it.
Plant Breath
This breath causes plants to grow wildly in the area. To get it:
-After you escape, go up to the roof. Eat the plant growing there.
-After that, jump off to the left and eat the plant growing on the stone.
-After that, go right until you see a tree. Eat it.
-After that, go into the tower to the right, go to the second floor, and eat the plant.
When you have the plant breath, go to the tree at the extreme right of the stage. Use your breath, jump up onto the branches, go over the wall, and be free!
Healing Breath
This breath allows you to heal injured people or animals. Here's how to get it:
-After you escape, go down to the ground. Go right until you reach the basement. Go left and eat the mushrooms.
-Exit the basement, Go to the tower to the right. Go to the second floor and eat the potion.
-Go to the tower to the left. Go to the third floor. Eat the potion, which is at the left of the room.
-Go up one floor. Eat the potion in that room.
Once you have the healing breath, go up one more floor. Heal the wizard.
This stage is where you get to choose your stance. Your stance is made up of two combinations: Your behavior and your title, or what you do and where you live. The behavior can be either Fertile, Fiery, Healer, Necromantic, Rampaging, Reclusive or Wild. The title can be either Guardian, Tyrant, Watcher or Scourge. The choice is up to you.
Instead of telling you how to get every combination, I will just tell you how to get each behavior or title separately. If anyone has questions on how to get specific combinations, they can ask me.
Fertile: Get plant breath, use it on only the crops.
Fiery: Get fire breath, burn everything.
Healer: Get healing breath, heal people.
Necromantic: Get healing breath, step on people, bring them back to life.
Rampaging: It doesn't matter what breath. Just kill everyone.
Reclusive: It doesn't matter what breath. Do nothing to the people.
Wild: Get plant breath. Use it on everything.
Guardian: Do something good, live on the castle.
Tyrant: Do something bad, live on the castle.
Watcher: Do something good, live on the hill at the end.
Scourge: Do something bad, live on the hill.
This is the last stage of the game. In this stage, the hero tries to do something to the dragon, either try to kill or befriend it. You can either use a flower, bag of gold or bow & arrow.
Bag of Gold: Befriends dragon.
Flower: Gets rejected unless the dragon has plant breath.
Bow & Arrows: Makes the dragon try to kill you.
There are four endings to this game. Here they are:
Fall of the Hero: Shoot an arrow, get killed by the dragon.
Slaying the Dragon: Use the arrows to kill the dragon.
Friendship: Give either the bag of gold (all types) or the flower (plant breath only) to the dragon.
Stalemate: This is the hardest ending of all. If I remember correctly, it takes 15 arrows to kill the dragon. One without fire breath is recommended. Shoot the dragon 14 times, get hit twice, shoot one more arrow just as you get hit. Wait until you see his mouth open to bite you to shoot the last arrow.