The photosphere of our solar systems sun is 5500 degrees Celsius. About the core of the sun, "scorching" is a complete under statement. At 15000000 degrees Celsius, the core will incinerate ANYTHING that comes anywhere near it. (I think we have a winner)
The sun is the star nearest to earth, and, although it is 17 lightyears from earth, it still manages to heat up the planet to temperatures above 100 degrees Fahrenheit. In fact, any spacecraft that go near it will melt from the burning heat. The surface temperature of the sun is approximately 5,800 kelvin, or about 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit. In the photosphere, what we see of the sun, is around 6,000 K.
At the core of the sun, temperatures can reach up to 13.6 million K, or almost 25 million degrees Fahrenheit. However, if the fusion rate is increased, the core can heat itself up even more in order to expand.
For more information on the heating of the sun, go here
The ocean's tides are caused by the moon and the sun (just the moons influence is bigger.).
The deepest point in each of the earth's oceans are as follows; the Arctic Ocean's Eurasian Basin at 5,450 meters deep, the Indian Ocean's Java Trench at 7,725 meters deep, the Atlantic Ocean's Puerto Rico Trench at 8,648 meters deep and the Pacific Ocean's Mariana Trench at 11,033 meters deep(36,201 feet.)
The coordinates for the Mariana Trench are 11"21' North latitude and 142" 12' East longitude. go find them on a map!
The sun is the star nearest to earth, and, although it is 17 lightyears from earth,
That is just wrong. the sun is 90 Million Miles (1 AU) from earth.
if it was 17 Lightyears then several stars would be closer.
since there is 5865696000000 miles in a lightyear, you say the sun is actually 99,716,832,000,000 miles from Earth? it is actually 90,000,000 miles from earth. you are off by ALOT.
if the fusion rate is increased, the core can heat itself up even more in order to expand.
Actually, once the sun runs out of Hydrogen to fuse it will start fusing heilum. then it will expand like a balloon.
But who CORRECTS the people who do wrong will sound even smarter and i took that all from the top of my head, no googleing. (okay, i guess a googled how many miles in a lightyear...)