You are (With many other spartan and ODSTs) being brought to a forest were they need backup, when the ship begins to land (BBBBAAAAAAAAMMMM) The ship gets shot down!!!!!! Crashing Falling and (BOOOOOOOMMMM) One by one you all start to wake up, how to get of this crash... You decide...[b]
Chur' Zamee and his 11 soldiers notice something glowing, and they go to check it out. Sure enough its a spartan. A red spartan that was unconscious. They aimed there guns directly at him and BANG!!! Nobody knew who had shot, but one jackal fell over dead. having realized the shot came from behind, they turned to see an ODST holding a sniper rifle, and they all shot repeatedly. The ODST along with 2 Jackals and a grunt, were dead. And the spartan was gone...
Chief is walking and finds a spartan who goes by Kitty and he is red with an eod helmet, so they and 5 ODST started making there way through the dim lights and sparks to the armory.
Daylin finds himself disoriented for a few minutes after waking up, but soon finds all of his weapons in a suit case and it helps to refresh his memory. meanwhile, Chief, Kitty, and 5 ODST are walking and run into a hunter, but do not have to fight it because it already had a large piece of metal sticking out of it's back. They do find many dead covenant and humans, and realize that the covenant has been sending reinforcements into the crash site.