To help explain the rules, this game is similar to the popular time burner game "21 questions". I have expanded the rules a bit to make a more fun forum game:
Each round there will be a new chest with a passcode locking it, players may ask "Yes" or "No" question's about the passcode, and I will answer truthfully. The first player to yell out the correct passcode wins whatever sum is in the chest. More difficult passwords usually hold more money, you will keep track of your money with a simple character sheet (Use it to join in the game):
Name: (Enter your name, can be account or fantasy) Money: (You begin with $150) Bonuses: (None, some chests may unlock special bonuses)
Now, you will need to play strategically, and only ask questions that you think will be helpful as it costs money to ask questions or guess the passcode. Every time you ask a question about the passcode (Exp. Is it larger then an apple?) it costs 5 dollars. Every time you guess the passcode, it costs 15 dollars . I will subtract money on the post responding to a question or a pass guess. If you run out of money your game ends, you may loan from the bank if you wish, if you need to do this, we will talk then about how it works at the given time.
As soon as a chest is unlocked, a new one will automatically come in to play unless I say otherwise.
If two players guess he right passcode, the first player to get it wins the sum.