character name: healthstart at 100) Cop or robber: money: weapons: items: mission: followersthese are people who are loyal to you and will be more common later in the game) Actionwhat you do your turn)
Robbers can steal and hijack(etc.) and cops have to stop them and do missions for the police force for money.
You are making to much RPG's and to tell the truth they are not very good...
The Character sheet does not even give a lot of details... No age or Gender..Not even a Description or Bio... So before making a RPG go and play some to figure out what you are supposed to do in them and also check out the sheets as they give a lot of stuff....
@Assarb: you go to your friends house but he's not their. fortunately the helicopters lost you in the chase. you gain 1000 dollars. please post your character sheet....