What is Godsilver? Godsilver is (obliviously) the silver from God. Ancient people created 10 artifacts from the Godsilver, but those artifacts were too powerful, so they decided to hide it. 2000 years later, human king Edward discovered one of the artifacts. Few years later orcs, elves, dwarves and goblins found one of the artifacts too. They wanted to live in peace, and never used the artifacts in war. But then, Edwards Brother, a necromancer, ruler of the undead found another artifact. Few days later, the orcs and goblins declared war against the humans and joined forces with the undead. The elves, dwarves and humans created the Alliance of Light. Its goal is to destroy all undead, and the necromancer Hrol. And here the story begins...
Character sheet: Name: Gender: Age:(human 16-30, other below 100) Race/Class: see bellow Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: see bellow Damage: 3-7 (Warriors/Archers: For each 2 points in strength, + 1 DMG) (Mages/Bombard: For each 2 points in intelligence, + 1 DMG) Health: 15/15 (For each 2 points of endurance, + 1 HP) Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Stat points: 10 Strength: ( Your physical power, damage for warriors and archers.) Endurance:( Your ability to resist damage, your health.) Intelligence:(Your ability to read books, creating potions, persuade people and damage for mages/bombards.) Agility:(Your ability to dodge attacks, climb things, your speed.)
Races/Classes: Humans- Humans are average fighters, average intelligent and average agile(+1 STR, + 1 INT, + 1 AGL) -Warrior: Basic melee fighter( + 2 STR, + 1 END, rusty old sword, med kit) - Crossbowman: A human with a crossbow. (+2 AGL, +1STR, old crossbow, bolts 40x) -Mage: A human that can cast fire spells. (+2 INT, + 1 AGL, old wand, book of fire spells)
Elves - Very intelligent and agile race. (+2 INT, +1 AGL) -Fighter: Fights with 2 swords. ( + 2 STR, + 1 AGL, 2x old sword, med kit) -Archer : Elven archers are the best archers! (+3 AGL, wooden bow, arrows 40x) -Enchanter: Can control air ( +3 INT, old staff, book of wind spells)
Dwarves- They are small, but their bones are strong like steel (+ 3 END) -Defender: Warrior with high defense. (+3 END, wooden shield, old axe) -Hunter: Uses throwing axes. (+2 END, + 1 STR, Throwing axes 20x) -Wizard: Can control lightning(+2 INT, + 1 END , old thunder staff, book of thunder spells)
Orcs- The strongest race ( + 3 STR) -Berserker : Warriors that wield heavy axes. ( + 3 STR, old heavy axe, med kit) -Slingshot orc: Orc that shoots with a slingshot.( +1 STR, +1 AGL, +1 END, old slingshot, stone 20x) -Shaman: Can control nature (+ 1 INT, +1 END, +1 AGL, earth staff, book of nature spells)
Goblins- They are very weak but very agile and intelligent ( +2 AGL, + 1 INT) -Halberdier: A goblin with a halberd. (+ 3 AGL, old halberd, med kit) -Spy: Goblin that shoots poison darts. ( +1 AGL, + 1 INT, +1 STR, tube, darts 15x, sleep powder) -Bombard: Goblins canât use magic, but are good in creating bombs.( + 2 INT, + 1 STR, small bomb 10x, 300 coins)
Name: blue wings Gender: male Age:18 Race/Class: enchanter Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: old staff Damage: 8-12 Health: 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Stat points: 0 Strength:1 Endurance:2 Intelligence:10 Agility:4
You went to the forest. After few minutes of walking you saw a camp. You see there armed people. One of them, who seems to be the leader asks you: ,,What do you want? "
--------------------------------------------------------- Name: Valg Gender: Male Age: 16 Race/Class: Goblin Bombard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 500 coins Equipment: Small bomb 8x, +5x Smoke bomb, +5x Medium bomb, +5x Poison smoke bomb Damage: 7-11 Health 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Strength: 2 Endurance: 2 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 4
You got two horses from the human an rode to Goblor. After few hours you found the camp. A human talks to Varzok. ,,You're finally here. Here take the map of the altars. The first one should be easy. They don't know that we know about the altars, so we will give you only 3 soldiers." Varzok turns to you. ,, This will be a test of your skills. You will go alone with the soldiers. Good luck!" What now? ----------------------------------------------------------- Klay-Hrho Gender: male Age: 30 Race/Class: Dwarf, Wizard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: old thunder staff, book of fire spells Damage: 5-9 Health: 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 4/8 Stat points: Strength: 2 Endurance: 3 Intelligence: 7 Agility: 5 Elements and spells: Thunder lvl.2, Fire lvl.1
,,Normally 500 coins. But if you help us destroy the goblin town, I will do it for 100." say the blacksmith.
Name: Valg Gender: Male Age: 16 Race/Class: Goblin Bombard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 500 coins Equipment: Small bomb 8x, +5x Smoke bomb, +5x Medium bomb, +5x Poison smoke bomb Damage: 7-11 Health 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Strength: 2 Endurance: 2 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 4
I say 'farewell' to Varzok and head to the first altar, but still be cautious because they MAYBE know that we know about the altars. So I go to the altar given on the map and head in that direction.
Name: Valg Gender: Male Age: 16 Race/Class: Goblin Bombard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 500 coins Equipment: Small bomb 8x, 5x Smoke bomb, 5x Medium bomb, 5x Poison smoke bomb Damage: 7-11 Health 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Strength: 2 Endurance: 2 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 4
You headed for the altar. When you saw it, your soldiers were surprised - it was guarded by normal 6 orcs and a one huge orc (3 times bigger than a regular one). What now?
Name: Valg Gender: Male Age: 16 Race/Class: Goblin Bombard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 500 coins Equipment: Small bomb 8x, +5x Smoke bomb, +5x Medium bomb, +5x Poison smoke bomb Damage: 7-11 Health 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Strength: 2 Endurance: 2 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 4
I throw smoke bomb at the orcs to make them blind. Then while they are blind, me and the soldiers try to destroy the altar and try to escape because the smoke will soon clear and they will be able to see again.
Name: Valg Gender: Male Age: 16 Race/Class: Goblin Bombard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 500 coins Equipment: Small bomb 8x, +5x Smoke bomb, 5x Medium bomb, 5x Poison smoke bomb Damage: 7-11 Health 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 6/8 Strength: 2 Endurance: 2 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 4
The soldiers tried to cut the altar, but their swords didn't worked. You have planted two medium bombs there and ran away. One of the soldier though he is strong and tried to attack the orcs, but the bomb exploded and killed him, destroyed the altar and killed the small orcs too (+ 6 EXP). What now? ------------------------------------------------------------- Name: blue wings Gender: male Age:18 Race/Class: enchanter Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: old staff Damage: 8-12 Health: 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Stat points: 0 Strength:1 Endurance:2 Intelligence:10 Agility:4 Elements and spells: Wind lvl 2 ,,Hmm, the lair of the skeletons is on that snowy mountain, you see that black castle? We cant attack it because the entrance to the mountain is blocked by two weird skeleton monsters. They look like a scorpion, but they are made of bones. If you can handle them we will be able to attack the castle." What now?
Name: Valg Gender: Male Age: 16 Race/Class: Goblin Bombard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 500 coins Equipment: Small bomb 8x, 4x Smoke bomb, 5x Medium bomb, 5x Poison smoke bomb Damage: 7-11 Health 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 6/8 Strength: 2 Endurance: 2 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 4
Maybe there's hope for that soldier. Me and the remaining soldiers carry him back into the village, maybe some shamans or witch doctors can bring him back to life. We need as much soldiers as we can get, and every soldiers helps a lot!
Name: blue wings Gender: male Age:18 Race/Class: enchanter Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: old staff Damage: 8-12 Health: 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Stat points: 0 Strength:1 Endurance:2 Intelligence:10 Agility:4 Elements and spells: Wind lvl 2
,,Hmm, They are huge, swords and arrows don't work on them. But we aren't sure about magic. Fire magic didn't worked, but we cant use other magic elements, so we don't know if they work." What now?
------------------------------------------------------------ Name: Valg Gender: Male Age: 16 Race/Class: Goblin Bombard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 500 coins Equipment: Small bomb 8x, 4x Smoke bomb, 5x Medium bomb, 5x Poison smoke bomb Damage: 7-11 Health 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 6/8 Strength: 2 Endurance: 2 Intelligence: 8 Agility: 4
You've carried the soldier back to the village. The doctor says he is dead, but the shaman resurrected him....for a hour. Nobody can resurrect someone forever (except the GS artifact The Ring of Resurrection). Varzok tells you where the next altar is and they send with you 10 soldiers and 5 fire mages. What now? ----------------------------------------------------------- Name: Xrisor Gender: Female Age:77 Race/Class: Elf-Archer Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: Wooden Bow, Arrows 40X Damage: 4-8 Health: 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 1/8 Stat points: 0 Strength:3 Endurance:2 Intelligence:4 Agility:6
You have shot one into the head and killed him (+ 1 EXP). The other was distracted by that and the dwarf killed him. The dwarf thanks you. ,,You saved me. You are a good archer. Do you want to join the Alliance of Light?" What now?
Klay-Hrho Gender: male Age: 30 Race/Class: Dwarf, Wizard Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: old thunder staff, book of fire spells Damage: 5-9 Health: 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 4/8 Stat points: Strength: 2 Endurance: 3 Intelligence: 7 Agility: 5 Elements and spells: Thunder lvl.2, Fire lvl.1
thats the reason why i am here. to destroy the goblin town. oh, by the way, can you sell me some armor? i could need it against the goblins.
Name: blue wings Gender: male Age:18 Race/Class: enchanter Inventory: Food for 5 days, 200 coins Equipment: old staff Damage: 8-12 Health: 16/16 Level: 1 XP: 0/8 Stat points: 0 Strength:1 Endurance:2 Intelligence:10 Agility:4 Elements and spells: Wind lvl 2
You and Sivolos went to the location of the monsters. When you were near the mountain, two skeleton-scorpion monster appeared. What will you do?
--------------------------------------------------------- Klay-Hrho Gender: male Age: 30 Race/Class: Dwarf, Wizard Inventory: Food for 5 days Equipment: Fire-Thunder staff, Leather armor(+2 END) Damage: 5-9 Health: 17/16+1 Level: 1 XP: 4/8 Stat points: Strength: 2 Endurance: 3+2 Intelligence: 7 Agility: 5 Elements and spells: Thunder lvl.2, Fire lvl.1
,,Stronger wizards can create magic armor that will protect them, but I see that your are not trained." Says the blacksmith. He linked your thunder staff with a fire staff (but remember you learned only fire lvl 1, so its weaker than your thunder). You've bought an leather armor for 100 coins. The soldier are ready to go. What will you do?