This i An Evolution Game... DUHH. after the death of EVloution(game) all "evo" died i want to bring them Back ...
you start as a simple creatuse the suze of a small bunny... you need to find a place to live... food sorce water sorce
and throught to game you can make "clans" with other Creatures... bigger of lesser or a symbiosis with creatures...
Name your name) Bio: ( what does it look like (remeber its small) pop: 10 Type: critter Evo points:0 Needs 100 to evolve(you collect them for doing things... once tyou get enought you get to evolve { withe in reason}) symbiosis:none Habitat:None Needs: Food sorce [] 33.3 evo points water sorce[] 33.3 evo points Habitat [] 33.3 evo points
PS i will randomly ad mutations you your creatures
Nameentibus Monstrum Bio: fat and slow, like an oversized gila monster with bony protrusions all over the bodies, quick tongues, the genetically superior males have larger brighter tails when mating (to ensure less mutations for worse) pop: 16 Type: critter Evo points:100 Needs 200 to evolve symbiosis:Predatory( i made this kind up) to all bugs and small fish Needs: to find niche 50 evo points [] Food sorce:Passers by water sorce Stream Habitat: Stream? brush? holes
one wet season noe flood happens... thn in the dry season the stream is gone what to do?
Nameentibus Monstrum Bio: fat and slow, like an oversized gila monster with bony protrusions all over the bodies, quick tongues, the genetically superior males have larger brighter tails when mating (to ensure less mutations for worse) pop: 16 Type: critter Evo points:100 Needs 200 to evolve symbiosis:Predatory( i made this kind up) to all bugs and small fish Needs: to find niche 50 evo points [] Food sorce:Passers by water sorce Stream Habitat: Stream? brush? holes
Nameentibus Monstrum Bio: fat and slow, like an oversized gila monster with bony protrusions all over the bodies, quick tongues, the genetically superior males have larger brighter tails when mating (to ensure less mutations for worse) pop: 16 Type: critter Evo points:100 Needs 200 to evolve symbiosis:Predatory( i made this kind up) to all bugs and small fish Needs: to find niche 50 evo points [] Food sorce:Passers by water sorce Stream Habitat: Stream? brush? holes
you keep diging... a pack of dentibus find a large air pocket were a tree rooy has been dripping into and water from the streem seeps into...
Name: Karcle Bio: small, Bunny-like, 2 legged, furry, yellow, creature pop: 10 Type: critter Evo points:0 Needs 100 to evolve(you collect them for doing things... once tyou get enought you get to evolve { withe in reason}) symbiosis:none Habitat:None Needs: Food sorce [] 33.3 evo points water sorce[] 33.3 evo points Habitat [] 33.3 evo points
Name: Karcle Bio: small, Bunny-like, 2 legged, furry, yellow, creature pop: 10 Type: critter Evo points:0 Needs 100 to evolve(you collect them for doing things... once tyou get enought you get to evolve { withe in reason}) symbiosis:none Habitat:None Needs: Food sorce [] 33.3 evo points water sorce[] 33.3 evo points Habitat [] 33.3 evo points
good .. what kind of climate do you live in and are you a pack animal or independant
Nameentibus Monstrum Bio: fat and slow, like an oversized gila monster with bony protrusions all over the bodies, quick tongues, the genetically superior males have larger brighter tails when mating (to ensure less mutations for worse) pop: 16 Type: critter Evo points:100 Needs 200 to evolve symbiosis:Predatory( i made this kind up) to all bugs and small fish Needs: to find niche 50 evo points [] Food sorce:Passers by water sorce Stream Habitat: Stream? brush? holes
ok now that i have an underground water source packs start digging multiple tunnels expanding the explored territory for the others to have within easy reach
Nameentibus Monstrum Bio: fat and slow, like an oversized gila monster with bony protrusions all over the bodies, quick tongues, the genetically superior males have larger brighter tails when mating (to ensure less mutations for worse) pop: 16 Type: critter Evo points:100 Needs 200 to evolve symbiosis:Predatory( i made this kind up) to all bugs and small fish Needs: to find niche 50 evo points [] water sorce: underground water Food sorceassers by Habitat: tunnels
you do so... your cretures evolve a little... hands and feet are stronger to handle the digging...
Extreme dry season... not a drop of rain EXTREME wet seasons... heavy thinderstorms all thi time...
Nameentibus Monstrum Bio: fat and slow, like an oversized gila monster with bony protrusions all over the bodies, quick tongues, the genetically superior males have larger brighter tails when mating (to ensure less mutations for worse) pop: 16 Type: critter Evo points:100 Needs 200 to evolve symbiosis:Predatory( i made this kind up) to all bugs and small fish Needs: to find niche 50 evo points [] water sorce: underground water Food sorceassers by Habitat: tunnels
well they seem fine, wait until the wet season unless something happens
Nameentibus Monstrum Bio: fat and slow, like an oversized gila monster with bony protrusions all over the bodies, quick tongues, the genetically superior males have larger brighter tails when mating (to ensure less mutations for worse) pop: 27 Type: critter Evo points:150 Needs 200 to evolve symbiosis:Predatory( i made this kind up) to all bugs and small fish smarts: 5 Needs: to find niche 50 evo points [] water sorce: underground water Food sorceassers by Habitat: tunnels
you tunnels expand... males stick with the pack ... they do most of the digging...
one day a giant bird come by and eats a "denti"... hmmm good... you r know prey to another creature... watch out...
ps... every 5 post theseasons change... you r in the dry season... food is scarce and water is low
pss the one mutation earlyer is know the dominat geen in all denti
Nameentibus Monstrum Bio: fat and slow, like an oversized gila monster with bony protrusions all over the bodies, quick tongues, the genetically superior males have larger brighter tails when mating (to ensure less mutations for worse) pop: 27 Type: critter Evo points:150 Needs 200 to evolve symbiosis:Predatory( i made this kind up) to all bugs and small fish smarts: 5 Needs: to find niche 50 evo points [] water sorce: underground water Food sorceassers by Habitat: tunnels
mutation alert: an egg was hatched with a clear coathing so that the denti inside ould know more about its surrounding removing the birth blindness and babying ... also this child like to dig... with harder and longer claws to with stand the "abuse " of digging and the sronger front arms for digging... but smaller for amore nimble cut...
Name:Blade Wolf Bio: a wolf the size of a small dog that has three sharp and flexible bone blades going along it's tail. They love to use their tail in spin attacks. pop: 14 Type: critter(pack) Evo points:100 Needs 200 to evolve symbiosisredatory Needs:none Food source: What ever is around water source: salt pond Habitat: the pond
Lets hunt some fish so we can keep our water source.
Name:Blade Wolf Bio: a wolf the size of a small dog that has three sharp and flexible bone blades going along it's tail. They love to use their tail in spin attacks. pop: 14 Type: critter(pack) Evo points:100 Needs 200 to evolve symbiosisredatory Needs:none Food source: Fish water source: salt pond Habitat: the pond
you do so... the only problem was that they didnt have a predator...
Name:Blade Wolf Bio: a wolf the size of a small dog that has three sharp and flexible bone blades going along it's tail. They love to use their tail in spin attacks. pop: 14 Type: critter(pack) Evo points:100 Needs 200 to evolve symbiosisredatory Needs:none Food source: Fish water source: salt pond Habitat: the pond
Well now they do. Lets look around the pond for a good den to reproduce in.