Flag in the year 24566 SD ( star date... 1000000 years from today) the imperium of man was a stable socitiy of loving cyborgs but not in your sector... in sector 117 crime and poverty rule the land. this area used to be a deadspace until the 5 massive jail breaks in 24300. your sector has been blocked off from the rest of the universe using a plasma field. sector 117 has four MAIN galixies... Nublan: aka the jail sector mainly populated by man... consisting of over 1000 small prisions and 700 major maximum security prision ,and 345 asylums starting wth 2 of the 5 massive jail breaks in this sector, then a jail break spree... every simgle prison is compltely empty of gaurds. with 89654.82 planet completely mined empty of all resorces pollution and astroid fields r rampid over this galaxy... full of scumbags, pirates, gangs, mobs, and just out roght bad people, being raised here will give you a 8 resorcfullness, and will Toughness be a 10.
Atrulas: home of the narturan... a distusting, disturbing creature that has the brains of a retarted ape... ( and the strength of one)this hair less barbarin will kill anything i is path. the only way its even in space is because the race of supers genius called the Mont'ka ue them as the back bon of there millitary. being born here will give you a +8 defence and 10 strength
orbithius:... home to the Mont'ka... and extremely smart , and fragile race, relying mainly on there brains and tech. bieng slinder with soft skin and thin bones. they use battle armor plasma shields. after the jail breaks human have corrupted the mont'ka using them as techies in jail breaks. they knowacto ar mercinaries to anyone. they will DESRTOY anything with a smart missile or lazer rifle or even a single bounceing ball... being born here will give you a + 8 smart... and a 10 tech charater sheet ... all depends on your race
Nameyour name) Ageyour age) Mood optimisim, scpticism) Race: Skills: strength who strong r u) Defence can you take a hit?) toughness r u sensative) Speedhow fast r u) Smart: ( who samert r u) Techhow good r u at usin tech