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I've almost finished the game, but does anybody know where to find all the 100 security cameras do destroy? I found and destroyted 90, but I can't find anymore, I have looked everywhere can anybody please help!
- 2 Replies
== Security Cameras ==
There are 100 security cameras all over Liberty City. The dealer Liam
talks about them in the main mission Tricks of the Triad. After you
complete the main mission Natural Burn Killer, you can actually destroy
them as you need Molotov or grenades to do so. As it happens with
security cameras, they are in important positions guarding an area (more
or less). Usually they are mounted on a roof and they will follow your
movements. During your missions you will encounter a few of them.
Destroying them counts towards 100%.
If you run out of Molotov, just go to the nearest gas station and make a
few more, it's cheaper than buying them from Ammunation and easier to
get to. You can get 10 to 13 Molotovs at a gas station for 200 while
Ammunation (except when they have a sale on Molotov) will only get you 8
for 300, minus the mini game of course.
Thankfully destroying cameras with Molotov does not cause you to get a
wanted rating, even if you are sitting next to a cop.
The locations are described as well as possible. Often the map is taken
as reference. Also the area in which the camera is will be noted. If you
don't know the names, don't worry, just hovering over it in the GPS map
will show it on the upper screen in the lower right corner. That way you
should always be able to tell if you are in the correct area at least.
This list is a work in progress and in no particular order (yet). A map
is also being made.
# Steinway, northwest area. There are three pools there on the map,
close to the water front and just north of the bridge to charge island.
Go to the middle pools east border and you should see it on the building
to the east of you. There also is a drug dealer on top of that building,
can't miss it.
# Francis Intl Airport, south area. South of the terminal and west of
the runways you will find a pier with three short jetties going to the
west and one long to the west. Where the northernmost jetty is, you find
a drug dealer and just north of that is a wall encompassing some tanks.
There are two entrances to that area, as you can see on the map, the
line is broken. The southern of the two entrances has the camera on the
guard hut.
# Purgatory. From the southwest corner of middle park, go one block
south then look at the block to the southwest. On the map it looks solid
except an indentation at the north. Go to that indentation and you will
find the camera on a guard house there.
# Star Junction. From the southwest corner of middle park, skip the
block south of that corner and look closely at the next block. There is
an alley here that goes north south and is a bit wider at the north end.
In here you also find a drug dealer. The camera is found at the north
end on a small guard house, a few steps into the alley.
# Meadow Park. Go to the Meadow Park area, outside the park on the east
side. There are two mansions in the northern area of the park. The
western of the two has this camera on an extrusion of the south facing
wall. A bit to the west inside the park is a dealer.
# Meadow Park. Look at the northeast part of the park on the map where
you see a large square and small squares arranged around it in a circle.
To the west are three separate squares, not part of the circle. Just
north of eastern square of these three squares you can find this camera.
Once you are there you will see an elevated large ring, the camera sits
on that ring.
# Steinway, north shore. On the map, west of the bridge that goes north,
you can see multiple docks going north. The western most has an
extension on the western side of it. Where that dock meets the mainland
in the south, is this camera. There is a wall there on the map (thin
white line) and the camera sits on top of it.
# Castle Garden City, Southwest Algonquin. Just to the northeast of
Happiness Island you can see four docks pointing to the west and two
pointing north. The western one of the two pointing north has this
camera at its north end. There is a ramp there and the camera sits on a
pillar just below that ramp.
# Lower Easton. If you have the Lower Easton safe house already (through
the story) this camera is in the block that is directly northwest of
there. To find it another way, locate the large road going south next to
middle park, this block is to the east of that road. Now look for the
road that goes west off Colony island. Where those two roads cross, go
one block south and the block is to the southeast of this intersection.
Go to the north side of this block, you can see a thin white line on the
map there. The camera is on one of those parking guard houses. A drug
dealer is in that same block in the middle of the alley here as well.
# Lower Easton. In the block just south of the last camera, north side
of it. There is a fence and behind it a dirt lot. The camera is right
there on one of those low buildings. Also a rampage skull is in that
# Chinatown. One block east of the last camera. It's the same block
where the save house will be once you unlocked it during the main story
missions. The camera is on the east facing outer wall of the block, in
the south area of it.
# East Island City, Chan's garage. By the time you get to destroy
cameras you should have been called to Chan's garage, if not play a
couple more missions and follow the C blip. Otherwise follow the road
from the bridge to charge island to the east, take the second right
(south) and the next one left (east). Just south of you is the block
where the garage is. you can enter through the east side of this block.
Once you are behind the building (south facing wall) You can see it
installed up on the roof in the middle of the lighter colored building
above the garage. This is just a bit west of the chevrons to enter
Chan's building.
# North Holland, Northwest Algonquin. If you follow the road thatâs just
north of middle park to the west until you hit the last road before the
shore, there is a block shaped like a mirrored L to your northeast. On
the map you can see there are three buildings on the south edge of that
block. The middle one has on the north side a dealer. This camera is on
the north facing side of the eastern most of these buildings. You can
find it close to the fence to the west, where a green dumpster is you
can search.
# Beechwood City, south east. Locate the Outlook circle on the map
(north east to outlook park in Broker). Now from the circle head
directly east. At the corner where the last road goes north, before the
road you are on curves south, you will find this camera. Just look to
the northeast, itâs on the corner of that building.
# Firefly Projects, east. On the map you can see in the lower right
corner there is one large block that stands out into the water. It is
one connected industrial complex, and you also get to do a mission here
at one point. On its south side is a gate (gap in the walls on the map)
and the camera sits on the wall there, north of the gate. Just behind
it, inside the complex and a bit west is a chainsaw pickup.
# East Holland, just north of the north east corner of middle park. Go
into the alley of that block and you will find a drug dealer in the
smaller westward dead end (behind a chain link fence). Just behind him,
on the wall facing east, you find the camera.
# North Holland. Go to the north end of the second block north of the
northwest corner of middle park. Just west of it is the hospital, whose
southeastern corner is diagonally cut on the map. In the middle alley
here you will find a drug dealer and the camera on the south facing
# Northwood. Go to the northernmost road in Algonquin and there to the
eastern area. North of that road, look at the map where there are some
fences and an opening in between them, the fences both going towards the
north a bit as well. Go there then walk to the east a bit. There on the
low buildings you will find the camera, next to the two yellow
# East Holland. Go to the north eastern corner of middle park. From this
intersection go east one block, then go north until the next road goes
east. The camera is on top of the low building in the southeast corner
of that intersection, canât miss it. Just to the east of it is a drug
# Hove Beach? Take the southernmost bridge to the east into Broker. Turn
right (south) on the third intersection. Immediately turn left again
then stop in the middle of this block to the south. Go into the alley
and look east, the camera sits there on the corner of the building.
# Bobao, waterfront. Just east of Colony island is a pier that goes into
the river from Broker. It's the one that goes the furthest to the west
and has a solid white block on the map on it, touching the road to the
east. The camera is on the north side of that building, In the western
area, close to the water.
# East Hook Bay. Look at the map and locate the large boat anchored just
north of the southernmost bridge. From the north end of the ship, a road
goes east then north. On the stretch north, on a building to the east,
is the camera. Look at the map and locate the third building on the
left. The building has a small extrusion on the west and a small walled
in area in the north (thin white line). In the middle of that building,
look to the east and you will find the camera. It is a bit north of
Brucies auto shop.
# Beach Gate. Go through the gate and just follow the road south until
it ends. Now get on foot and go to the east side of the southernmost
building to the east of the road. Youâre you find the camera guarding
the backyard.
# Middle Park East. Take the road south of middle park to the east. When
the road stops (you can only go left or right) get out of the car and
turn around facing west. You should see a building that says "60 Diner"
in red letters, north of the road you were driving on. Behind that
building above a wall facing west is the camera. During some mission
with Heston you also get to stand there and see the camera clearly.
# Meat Quarter. On the western shore of Algonquin, a bit to the south of
the middle, are two large piers pointing to the west, which have
structures on them. One is solid, the southern one is hollow and all is
connected. Go to the northwest corner of that structure, then look at
the west facing wall here. There is a sign up there and next to it the
# City Hall. Follow the road on the map that goes west over the
southernmost bridge. At the fifth intersection you have to go a bit
north and then further west one block. Now directly west are two blocks,
one south and north of the road, that are mostly hollow, dark grey with
a white boarder around it. In the northern one is a structure at the
north end of it. Approach that building from the south and you will find
the camera in the middle of it facing south.
# Castle Gardens. Go to the construction site in Castle Gardens, at the
south east end of Algonquin. In the middle, you can find a gap in the
fence that allows you to drive through, just stop right there and look
west. The camera sits on the low buildings to the west behind the chain
link fence, on the southern most of them, close to the road.
# Fishmarket South. At the east coast of Algonquin at the very southern
end of it, is a pier that looks a like a 90 degree turned L, with a
small white square on it. The camera is on that building that the square
represents, above its west facing wall.
# The Triangle. Go from the Algonquin bridge (second from the south) to
the west. Take the fourth road south (it's the large one that also goes
past middle park) then after one block turn right, to the west. Stop in
the middle of the block south of the road. That block has one alley
going through it, north to south and an extrusion inside the alley to
the east. The camera is on the north wall of the western of the two
buildings, right at the alley entrance. In the block just north is a
drug dealer.
# Star Junction. There is one block at Star Junction that has a bit a
different look on the map. It's south end goes together to a point. It's
just north of the road that comes down from the Algonquin bridge. On the
east side, in the middle, is a sign in gold and above it is the camera.
# Star Junction. On block south of the southeast corner of middle park.
Go to the middle of this block, on its south side. There is a small
kiosk building that sells scratch cards. The camera is on its northeast
# Industrial, south east Bohan. In the south eastern corner, right next
to where the bridge goes to Dukes, you find an industrial complex on the
east side of the road leading to the bridge. On the east side of that is
a wall (thin white line) that is open in the middle of that block. Just
north of the opening on the wall is this camera.
# Industrial, south Bohan. Just west of the road that leads to the
bridge to dukes is an industrial complex (a larger story mission plays
here). There is a gate at its north side, close to the east end. Just
inside the gate is a small gate house and on it the camera.
# Middle Park. Go to the southwest corner. You'll see four small squares
on the map there. The second most northeastern one is a small kiosk on
the plaza there. The camera is on top of it and just north of it is a
health pickup.
# Boulevard, Bohan. Drive east from the northern most bridge. Take the
second road south, then go through the gap in the wall on your left
(east). In this area you are now, go to the northeast and you will find
the camera on the roof of a small construction container there.
== Random Characters == These stand around all over the map in Liberty
City. Just get close to one and their mission starts. Finding all
characters and completing their missions counts towards 100%. After each
successful mission, you get progress added. Here is a map the yellow cameras are well, there were the cameras are.
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