ForumsWEPRMormon Talk

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102 posts

So, I saw a lot of threads such as "Ask a Muslim", "Ask a Jew", etc. and thought I'd make one of my own. As far as I can tell, Mormonism is one of the most widely misunderstood religions, so I thought I'd clear a few things up. Now, I'm not like a stake president or anything, but I'll do my best to answer your questions. I can't guarantee I have an answer to all of them. I would prefer it if this thread were not to turn into a religious debate. I've tried debating religion before. As far as I can tell, if you took a recording of a theist's arguments and a recording of an atheist's arguments, stuck them together and played them, you'd get approximately the same amount of actual thinking and listening as what goes into the actual debates. That's not to say atheists aren't allowed to ask questions, of course, just that I'm asking you not to turn this into a debate. I would also request that you keep this civil and polite. I will joke about my own religion sometimes, jokes are fine as long as humor, not malice, is the intent. But I will treat your beliefs with respect and expect you to do the same for mine. Thanks.
So now...go ahead and ask.

  • 158 Replies
879 posts

if you kill someone else who is innocent, then you are a murderer.

Even if it was by accident?
102 posts

Even if it was by accident?

Again, what I say on this point is not definitive. You may want to get a second opinion and/or ask someone else.
I'm not even close to being sure, but I think that it would only be considered murder if it was an accident that the person could have prevented. If, for example, someone was drinking and driving and killed a pedestrian, that would be an example of murder. If it was completely by accident(I can't think of an example right off the top of my head), then they might have to stay in the telestial kingdom for as long as any other sinner who committed a pardonable sin.
888 posts

Even if it was by accident?

OK how would you accidentally kill someone?
5,552 posts

OK how would you accidentally kill someone?

You're driving a semi-truck down a mountain road, there's cars in front of you, behind you, and beside you. Your brakes stop working and you can not avoid hitting any of the cars and you end up killing someone by running into them.
888 posts

You're driving a semi-truck down a mountain road, there's cars in front of you, behind you, and beside you. Your brakes stop working and you can not avoid hitting any of the cars and you end up killing someone by running into them.

Ok I thought he meant like shot someone or strangled them by accident.
315 posts

Ok I thought he meant like shot someone or strangled them by accident.
You can do that, too. Let's say you're in a bar fight, whip out a gun and shoot and your enemy. You miss and hit a bystander
3,139 posts

It's technically possible for a soldier to kill another soldier, and that would qualify as murder under the LDS definition. If that other soldier was innocent and was just serving his country, then yes, I think that would qualify as murder. But I'm not certain.

A question directly @MostlyToasty:

How does that make you feel/fit in with your beliefs since i know that you would like to join the army?
26,390 posts

I have a few more questions...
Why aren't non-Mormons allowed in the temple? How do you get qualified to enter a temple if you are a Mormon?
Other than what you've already posted about the Word of Wisdom, are there any other restrictions on Mormons like swearing, clothes you can/can't wear, etc.?
Are there any special holidays for Mormons?

655 posts

How do you get qualified to enter a temple if you are a Mormon

You must have an interview with the bishop and get a temporary temple license ( I think that's what it's called ).

Other than what you've already posted about the Word of Wisdom, are there any other restrictions on Mormons like swearing, clothes you can/can't wear, etc.?

We can't wear anything that's inappropriate clothing, tank/tube tops, really short shorts, other bad clothing ( Bad words, bad logos ) We also can't swear.

Are there any special holidays for Mormons?
No, there isn't.

There is a lot of stuff about the Word of Wisdom, like you can't do... you-know-what before marriage, you can't drink coffee or tea, soda, eat meat in small amounts, and a bunch of other stuff. If you have any more questions, you can just ask me

3,139 posts

Are there any special holidays for Mormons?

No, there isn't.

I was always told there was?


The main specifically Mormon holiday is Pioneer Day, celebrated on July 24 of each year. Pioneer Day celebrates the first entry of Mormons into Salt Lake Valley in 1847, after the long journey westward to escape religious persecution.

Other special days occur on April 6, the anniversary of the founding of the LDS church in New York in 1830, and May 15, on which some Mormons celebrate John the Baptist's 1829 visit to Joseph Smith.
3,139 posts

& the source i cited took their information right off if that helps any.

2,487 posts

The main specifically Mormon holiday is Pioneer Day, celebrated on July 24 of each year. Pioneer Day celebrates the first entry of Mormons into Salt Lake Valley in 1847, after the long journey westward to escape religious persecution.

pioneer day by technicality isn't a holiday because we don't stop working or going to school for it, but we do celebrate it by remembering those who died trying to get to Utah from illinois in the middle of winter.
102 posts

Why aren't non-Mormons allowed in the temple?

Because temples are considered the holiest places on Earth. Most people don't understand that they're restricted from entering the temples, not because the temples are secret, but because they are sacred. After a new temple has been built, but before it is dedicated as a house of the Lord, there is an open house held. Anyone who wants to can enter the temple and see what it's like. But after it's been dedicated, it's too sacred a place for just anyone to enter.

How do you get qualified to enter a temple if you are a Mormon?

You have to be at least 12 years old before you can get your first temple recommend, but most people get their temple recommends when they're a little older. I personally got my temple recommend when I was 13. Temple recommends look like credit cards or driver's licenses. They have your name, your stake and ward, your stake president's signature, your signature, the words "Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints", and your bishop's signature. You can technically enter the lobby of the temple without a temple recommend, but to get further than that, you need to have your temple recommend. In order to get a temple recommend, you have one-on-one interviews with your bishop and stake president, and if they think you are worthy, you receive your temple recommend and they both sign it. You also sign your temple recommend, signifying that you are promising to remain worthy of the honor. In order to qualify for the interviews for the temple recommend, you must have been a member of the Church for at least one year. You have to renew your temple recommend every two years. It doesn't cost anything to get a temple recommend, or to renew it. You need to renew your temple recommend to ascertain that you are still worthy, because people can change a lot in two years. Someone who was worthy two years ago, might not be worthy now. Also, once you're out of the lobby, you change out of your street clothes into pure white robes. This is purely symbolic. Ordinances performed in temples include baptisms, sealings, endowments, etc. We are not supposed to talk about these ceremonies in detail outside of the temples. Again, this is not because they are secret, but because they are sacred.

Other than what you've already posted about the Word of Wisdom, are there any other restrictions on Mormons like swearing, clothes you can/can't wear, etc.?

We are not supposed to swear, because profanity is considered very disrespectful to ourselves, to the person to whom we are speaking, and to the language itself. We are also technically not supposed to use replacement swear words such as "dang", "heck", etc. because the intent is the same with these as with the more hardcore swearwords, so it is equally disrespectful. However, many Mormons do this anyway. It's very difficult not to, words just slip out. I catch myself doing it sometimes as well.
We are supposed to wear modest clothes in everyday life, and to dress nicely when we attend church. We are not supposed to get any tattoos. Men are not supposed to get piercings; women are allowed a single piercing per ear. It's also an unspoken rule that long, hair is frowned upon in men.

Are there any special holidays for Mormons?

The only one that I can think of is July 24, Pioneer Day. It is also a state holiday celebrated in Utah. We aren't excused from school and we don't have any special celebrations, though. Most Mormons, myself included, just use this holiday as a way to use up any fireworks we have leftover from the 4th of July.
102 posts

Here, I found a picture of a temple recommend online.

We are not supposed to swear, because profanity is considered very disrespectful to ourselves, to the person to whom we are speaking, and to the language itself. We are also technically not supposed to use replacement swear words such as "dang", "heck", etc. because the intent is the same with these as with the more hardcore swearwords, so it is equally disrespectful. However, many Mormons do this anyway. It's very difficult not to, words just slip out. I catch myself doing it sometimes as well.

Sauf pour la language francaise. Il est acceptable de manquer de respect que la language, car nous avons tous le detestent. Je blague. Je me moque de la langue francaise parce que mon francais est mechant. Et mes blagues sont terribles.
102 posts

Triple post: I officially fail.

How does that make you feel/fit in with your beliefs since i know that you would like to join the army?

I want to join the military to serve my country, but I'm not interested in the combat arms. I would like to be an EOD(Explosive Ordinance Disposal) or CBRN(Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear) officer. I won't kill anyone if I can avoid it.
Showing 106-120 of 158