ForumsProgramming Forummy developments! please take a look!:)

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311 posts

well i was a simple spriter til i though they need to do something but sit there, i could get other devs to use my sprites but they never gave credit like they should! so i tryed programming my self! after trying GML and having problems (don't get started on that one...) i tryed flash, every one said it was bad back a GM but i found it was wounderfull! so here i am programming flash! i have been in the learning stage for a year, i wanted to get a good start and learn from the top and not free website! so i looked at moock colins books and feel in love with AS3! hre is a link to my site

Flying Fox Development

i would love any ideas or hints from the oldys and the newbies about developing! also for newbies there is a dev's corner full of links and such for programs and such!

but i would be glad to link to other dev sites so we can create a web of devs and help every one out big or small!

i apershate any comments! and thanks for any help! i am glad to help and thankfull for any help!
(atleast vist it please!)

  • 31 Replies
4,104 posts

oy.., how do you expect me to do that! do you want me to put my brain on a table and show you it is thinking like a dev?!?!? it is pritty simple code realy, yes i looked at a few ideas but that code i did my self i plan o chancing it to a function and adding to it to do slopes...

Programming in AS3 is just a method of expressing the idea. There's always the logic and concept behind the code. Whenever i code, I don't think of how the idea looks as code, I think of the concept behind what I'm trying to achieve, and the logic i will use to make it happen. There are a myriad of ideas I have come up with in my mind alone, without even thinking of how I can make them a reality, because at my current state of skill, I can't even slightly achieve most of them. When i look at any game or program, i always try to imagine how the developer made a certain thing happen, wether it be the AI, or the collisions, or anything, but when i examine the AI, i don't think "if(conditions)", I think "When this situation comes up, it does this". Coding is just half the process. So i want you to explain the concept and logic behind how your collision system works.
311 posts

yes I understand that master565, I do the same and have always looked at top devs works and there ideas of it, say &quotrogrammers at work" by microsoft press is a great example I love those books. But I fine that the code up there is strat forward, it check for collition ever frame when your no colliding so you get a &quotixel perfect affect", so it is saying when you do not colide: move as normal with volicty if you do find you derection your going, set the sprite to stand facing the right way and stop by zeroing out the velocity (I hope ever one here knows issic newtons law of motion or the simple version might I add).
Then it does so with virtical too.

What is so complex about that?

Oh and dark root don't asume , creative commons is not just america, you have to set it up to be only for america, and then you not allowed (or something of that sort) to use it out of america, like DVDs you can only use them in the country you bought them (or reigon).

2,763 posts

Kyahco I was just saying in general I see people assuming it a lot. Also region lock is only a general safeguard and how easy is it to get around that right?

311 posts


well i added the XML levels so i can make levels and then import then easyer and so i can make wacky neat levels on the fly! then i added a mimic fallow system on the second level (not including the menu) the green bird will jump when you jump and "fallow" you around, i would like your insite on that one as i am thinking of scraping it and making a delay system with a mimic back up (if for some reason the follower gets to far back or stuck), but it make the fallower kinda dumb which i wanted... then i made it a lot more compact, say the collison i turned in to a function that works on any thing and is in its own &quothysics" class, so any class that needs its info i can have it extend the physics class (basic stuff but was needed). There is also a moving platform on the first level but it does not work (you'll fal though), and a system to makke the scale of the game bigger (buggy on a website... i need to change the camra system a little...)! then of corse my nice new website look! it is more fitting with the theme i am making.

ok any comments (that are construtive) would be nice! finding bugs would be nice too! (and pressing to buttons at the same time like A-hold and then D-hold bugs the players derction and sprite that bug i know about and i will fix at some piont!)

but thanks for any support! hope you like my next version soon i hope to add a backround with parallel scrolling (the back move faster or slower that the player giving it depth.) music (if i can fin some) and well i would say more but that would spoil it! i will update latter agian!

311 posts

oops i was going to post a link again! here it is:Flying Fox Dev

also some day i may change the site name to a differant name as it is more... neat sounding and i found a website with a name like the one i have, plus if you put in flying fox you get the bat but if you put in what i am going to use you get nothing realy so i think it will be for the better!

248 posts

You really need to fix the spelling and grammer mistakes in your website. Just sayin'.

311 posts

Yes I know... I try to as much as I can it is really hard for a dyslexic! These letters and sounds make no sence!LOL! I am using spell check plugins and such I need to find grammer ones...

But you guys have to remember I only have electicaty enough to run a computer maybe over week depending where I'm at and if I have it having internet is harder! All I got is this android and it two loses sevice! But soon I will be stationarey and I will go nuts with programing!

Oh and by the way I am going to make an easyer to build arcade game and put that out as there game on my site is conplex so hopefully you'll get to have some fun there!

248 posts

I can help you a bit with the spelling/grammer corrections...

Flying Fox Development: a free game site for developers and non-developers, come and see a bit of the flash programming world, see my makes and other developers too here!

welcome, this is the site for Flying Fox Development!

This site is for the promotion of my developments and Flash in general, I would like to help new devs just starting or old devs who might need some help, though I am not the best nor do I have any training I try my best to help fellow devs, Thanks for any support!

I also have a blog here my blog .

Sorry that both sites are low tech it is still i progress.

Any corrections were done in bold. Right now, I have only done light corrections like capitalization and punctuation. I haven't fixed things like run on sentences and stuff because I really don't have enough time.

311 posts

Well thanks but that is a bit off topic here but no complant! The problem is more having the ablety to go to the site an fix it, this android won't do it....
But thanks for giving support!

252 posts

If you can't type properly in forum posts, I don't know how you can program at an efficient pace. Programming takes effort in the fact that all the variables and methods need to be properly referenced (using correct spelling). If you have not learned how to spell correctly in your leisure time (posting on forums), then it is a clear sign that you cannot program efficiently.

Kyahco, I personally stopped reading some of your posts because your spelling is so horrendous. It is clear that you are a child and have not refined your spelling yet, but to say it is because you are dyslexic is an insult to all dyslexic people who strive for proper speech and grammar.

Sorry to say it, but I agree with Darkroot here.

324 posts

If you have not learned how to spell correctly in your leisure time (posting on forums), then it is a clear sign that you cannot program efficiently.

plasmafish, Im a mexican that actually speak spanish and I can programm. And I find Kyahco a good programmer even with his dyslexic problem

You know, Beethoven was a great composer even deaf.
252 posts

Carly, let me clear this up for you. I did not say that he or you could not program, I said program efficiently, meaning in a timed environment.

In my eyes, with spelling errors in leisurely posts, one cannot program at an efficient rate. You must be able to write code that is free of errors in both spelling and capitalization/punctuation. Every error that is made takes time to fix and spelling errors are just the tip of the iceberg for programming mistakes.

324 posts

I got it plasmafish
but please dont call me Carly, Im a male. Carlytoon is in Spanglish and it means "Carlos y Toon" not "Carly Toon", the letter "y" means "and" :3

9,504 posts

We are here for one thing and one thing only and that is to critique what KyahcoSukaimasutae has developed. Taking the time to point out his spelling mistakes and calling him a thief at first glance is outright shameful, people. He is proud of this thread, and I could be just blowing off steam, but I think you should just maybe, you know, give him a chance, and, I don't know, tips on how to better proceed, since you guys are such experienced programmers?

It's really not that hard, aye?

252 posts

I guess I didn't sugar coat it, but I believe that if kyahco takes time to improve on his spelling and grammar his programming skills/speed will dramatically improve.

Kyahco, things I would like to see in your game:

1. A title - every game needs a title or name.
2. A start/instructions screen.
3. More scenery - the levels looked bland and unpopulated.

Other than that it isn't bad if you programmed it yourself. FYI, I fell through the moving platform on the second level at the bottom. I don't know if I was supposed to be able to land on it or if it was a trick platform, but I couldn't land on it.

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