you wake up... rub your eyes... then open them. to your suprise you see a completly white room with nothing in it. you here a calm voice say...
"Welcome Subject... How Was Your Slumber? We Have Recived Your Blod Test From The Docters Offfice And We Are Very Happy To Say That You R A VIP To Us..."
A desk folds out of the wall with a sheet of paper on it...
"Fill It Out So That We May Continue"
you walk over to the table... look down and see the paper and a ballpoint pen...
Name: Age: Bloodtype -v Mood: (optimistic, secptic) "style": (athletic,ninja like reflex, think about it,CHARGE IT, im too smart for this , ect. ( a simple phrase to explaine what you r like) Items:
Name: Ridja Chavolski Age: Bloodtype -v Mood: Sceptic "style": Logic would suggest.... Items: Is there room for one more? I'm helping BD run Fantasy Life RPG while he's away, so I might not have insta-replies.
Name: Ridja Chavolski Age: Bloodtype -v Mood: Sceptic "style": Logic would suggest.... Items: sure im painting minitures so i wonthave insta respones either
the voice says... " before i open the door... is there any thing you want?
Name: Ridja Chavolski Age: Bloodtype -v Mood: Sceptic "style": Logic would suggest.... Items: Me? call me hiro... and the other thing? classified... not really but its fun to keep you in the dark... then he lols
part of the wall slides up... its to dark to see into but... there is one white object in the room. a box moves upwards out of the floor... a small metal ball comes out...
Name: Dex River Age:22 Bloodtype -v Mood: optimistic "style": Let's think about this... Items:
the other object is to far to wee clearly and the ball is a normal solid ball made of metal