Alright,some of you saw that my last version was not that good,so Iv been working on it,and Iv now perfected it. first you must infect the person above you then the infectants gange up on somebody(sombody must attack them first)untill he is finnally fallen. after 4 pg.s the infection on everybody is gone,then its starts over. objective-to infect the person above you just attack. rules of attacking-1.even if you make your attake complete the enemy can still dodge. this version the rules of ganging up are a little bit different.ganging up-forinstance I attaek (name) by slicing him. now since he can aviod my attack its going to be a little bit more diificult,then another infactant sais,alright we bothe swing our swords at him. so know the attack is a little bit more diificult to aviod. there are many other ways to gang up.(un infectants can not gange up on infectants) 3.once the person as been deffeted,he is infected, and will help when another person is come to attack. after 3 pages. the first one on the next page sais,Im the infected. and then someone attacks him. Hope this is a little bit better!