in the year 3054 the Empire of man spreed into the universe with the discovery of an alien artifact that opens and controls wormholes. In a distant sector 145 a a race of super intelegant beings and extremely strong creatures are at war. the humans of this sector have divided into groups to assist these creatures... what side will you be on?
Humans: Equally smart and strong, has the ability to choose what side of the war you are on... can build up a squad up to 5. starting abilitys: tactical punch, heavy kick, accurate aim. stating items: combat armor, combat rifle, combat knife, "transcom"(communicator), hot wire sstem( one use)
Sasi'os:extremely smart but kinda fragile, usuallt 5 foot 6,very crafty, can build weapons on the fly ( with the right training)on they fight for the"imperius". starting abilitys: weak punch, Comp. assisted aim, Full Camo( short term invisability) Starting Items: Energy armor, pulse rifle or energy gauntlet,Comp head set, COP gernades.
Barbius: extremely strong but utterly stupid ( talks like orks) 78 foot 400 pounds, and can use vechile turrets ar weapons fights for the "RRRRRAAAAAA!" Starting abilitys: devastating punch,Crush, scatter aim. Starting items: metal armor( scrap metal MELTED to the skin(removeable), Minigun turret, "walky talki" ,"Heavy" blunt object.
Starting mission: Basic training: its basic training... getting you used to game play( normal gameplay method)
combat drop: ( hard core/ constant battle method)you drop in the heat of battle... you learn what to do... failure is NOT an option...
Wild trainingplay at your on diffuculty) droppoff in the middlee of no were... you must trust your insticts to learn how to play(
Plannet wake up: ( survival method of play) you wakr up ad your planet is under attack... can you with stand the un survival odds>
Charater Sheet Player Name: Gender: Race: Features: at least three Rank:Peon XP:1/100 ------------------------------- Items it all depends on you race) weapons: Armor: tech: misc items: ------------------------------ Ship Name:------ class:------ Weapons:------ storage:------ fuel:------- --------------------------- Squad Name of squad:none Memebers: none ( more info will be added as you play) currrent mission: objectiveselect a mission side objective:none
Charater Sheet Player Name: Gender: Race: Features: at least three Rank:Peon XP:1/100 abilitys: ------------------------------- Items it all depends on you race) weapons: Armor: tech: misc items: ------------------------------ Ship Name:------ class:------ Weapons:------ storage:------ fuel:------- --------------------------- Squad Name of squad:none Memebers: none ( more info will be added as you play) currrent mission: objectiveselect a mission side objective:none