5 Players Max 1 Mod(Someone who can continue the forum game if im off)
Character Sheet Name: Gender:M/F Age18-30) BioNeeded for Me to give Perk) Job: Look Below Perk: Base:None --------------- Stats: StrMelee Damage and Skill Challenges and Wield Some Weapons) DexDefense Ability and Skill Challenges) SpdHow fast you Run and Skill Challenges) IntSmarts-Hacking etc. and Skill Challenges) ChrSpeak Challenges) EndHp) Hp: -------------------- Equipment: Head:I will give Torso:I will give Legs:I will give Feet:I will give Melee Weapon:I will give Range Weapon:I will give if you have one ----------------- Jobs:
well one of you can be the mod and one of you can be a back mod i cant be on until 6:30 where i live because of school(and tutor) so can you make you chacters?
Character Sheet Name:Jane Dough Gender:Female Age:20 Bio:Lived on a farm.My dad used to beat me and my mom.I stood up beat the crap our of him.Moved to da city Job: Police Perk:Tough Life(+1 Str) Base:None --------------- Stats: Str:6 Dex:5 Spd:6 Int:5 Chr:5 End:5 Hp:50/50 -------------------- Equipment: Head: Police Hat Torso:Police Uniform Legs:Police Uniform Feet:Boots Melee Weapon:Night Club Range Weapon: Glock 17(15/45)
You were in a police car driving in downtown just like normal. Suddenly you saw a group of people on top of a person and what looked like eating him. What do you do?
A.Get out of the car and shot the people to death B.Run them over C.Try to arrest them D.Other
Is it too late to join? If not... Character Sheet Name: Kevin Smith Gender:M Age:19 Bio: Grew up fascinated by medieval weaponry. Not very law-abiding. Once robbed a store full of medieval weapons. HATES modern weaponry! Job: Swordsman Perk: Base:None --------------- Stats: Str:7 Dex:5 Spd:6 Int:5 Chr:5 End:4 Hp:40/40
Character Sheet Name: Kevin Smith Gender:M Age:19 Bio: Grew up fascinated by medieval weaponry. Not very law-abiding. Once robbed a store full of medieval weapons. HATES modern weaponry! Job: Swordsman Perk:Medieval Nerd(+1 Str when fighting with medieval weapon) Base:None --------------- Stats: Str:7 Dex:5 Spd:6 Int:5 Chr:5 End:4 Hp:40/40 ------------------ Equipment: Head: Torso:Shirt Legs:Pants Feet:Shoes Melee Weapon:None Range Weapon:None
You are in a medieval store. You are admiring a rare sword used by a knight. Suddenly you hear a window smashing and sreaming. What do you do?
A.Take the sword B.Look at whats happening C.Other
Character Sheet Name:Jane Dough Gender:Female Age:20 Bio:Lived on a farm.My dad used to beat me and my mom.I stood up beat the crap our of him.Moved to da city Job: Police Perk:Tough Life(+1 Str) Base:None --------------- Stats: Str:6 Dex:5 Spd:6 Int:5 Chr:5 End:5 Hp:50/50 -------------------- Equipment: Head: Police Hat Torso:Police Uniform Legs:Police Uniform Feet:Boots Melee Weapon:Night Club Range Weapon: Glock 17(15/45)
You Manage to run them over but one of them is still moving under your car. What do you do?
A.Get out and shoot B.Try to keep grinding them with your wheels(people are going to ask whats going on) C.Other
Name:Marcus Han Gender:M Age:25 Bio:Marcus was a experinced in Boxing and wrestling.He tried to wrestle but he always injurs people which got him kicked out.He became a policeman for 2 years and knows how to convince and arrest people but tends to kill if they resist. Job:Policeman Perk: Base:None --------------- Stats: StrMelee Damage and Skill Challenges and Wield Some Weapons) Dex: Spd:1 Int: Chr: End: Hp: -------------------- Equipment: Head:I will give Torso:I will give Legs:I will give Feet:I will give Melee Weapon:I will give Range Weapon:I will give if you have one