In the year 40,000 there is only war. in every reach of the galaixy there is death and distrction.there are many aliens that partake in the bloodbath but one is the most familiar to you... Humans. the imprium of man is the most apossing Force in the gaxaixy.the Space marines though, the back bone of the imperium,are genetically altered super humans that fight for the humans.usually seven feet tall three hundred pounds of raw Muscle.the space marines are armored with power armor and a set of 12 Atrifical Organs that allow the space marine to with stand incrediable condition.
The spac marine suffored the "horus hersey" which was the great betrayel a primarch Horus. Horus turned to the powers of Chaos along with thousands of other soace marines and dstroyed an almost victorius war... destroying any hope that the had.from there diffrent chapters were born... each chapter contains 1000 space marines,and there are 1000 chapters. that mean that there are 1,000,000 space marines in the galaxy. you are eather Chaos or pure...
Name: Rank:acolyte Sidechaos,or pure) Chapterif you play dawn of war or warhammer 40000 then you know what to put...if not the leave this blank) -__---------------------------------___________________ Melee Weapon: range Weapon: Armor:Mrk.9 Spare items:none
you are sittiong around the ship aiting for other players to join(at least 2 to start)
Name:Woren Rank:acolyte SidePure) Chapter:imperial fists Xp: 30/100 ( +20 for orks... + 10 for adding squad) Melee Weapon:Combat Knife range Weapon:Bolter Armor:Mrk.9 Spare items:gernades Squad:Thaddeus(member) I keep doing the same thing except be a little more defensive and strategic.
Name:Woren Rank:acolyte SidePure) Chapter:imperial fists Xp: 40/100 Melee Weapon:Combat Knife range Weapon:Bolter Armor:Mrk.9 Spare items:gernades Squad:Thaddeus(member) I say kill both of them so we won't be exposed (Witing for Thaddeus decision)
Name:Woren Rank:acolyte SidePure) Chapter:imperial fists Xp: 30/100 ( +20 for orks... + 10 for adding squad) Melee Weapon:Combat Knife range Weapon:Bolter Armor:Mrk.9 Spare items:gernades Squad:Thaddeus(member) I call them through the channel and find out what my mission is.
Flag Name: Thaddeus Rank: acolyte Side: pure Xp:50/100 Chapter: Imperial Fists Melee Weapon:Combat Knife range Weapon: Storm Bolter Armor:Mrk.9 Spare items: Gernades Squad: Woren(leader)
Flag Name:Woren Rank:acolyte SidePure) Chapter:imperial fists Xp: 30/100 ( +20 for orks... + 10 for adding squad) Melee Weapon:Combat Knife range Weapon:Bolter Armor:Mrk.9 Spare items:gernades Squad:Thaddeus(member)
* aparently. the orks have discovered a valuable Chapter Artifact... to use the holy item as a cup holder... retriving it will be an automatic Prmotion... and unlimitrd acess to the level two locker/armory..?over.
you check the map... the relic should br just over the hill... you walk over to the hill and hear a series of... WHHH WAHHHH WAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!
you see three squads of Gretchin...( if you dont no then ask me..
gretichin are like ork Midgets... they are about 3 feet tallbut travle is swuads of 25... they also can build, have a sniper, Heavy weapons... and what not... the sirst squad has snipers... the next two haveLas cannons. they are surrounding the Relic
Gretchin are essentialy goblins if you play other games with orks(or orcs) and goblins, and if you dont then they are smaller and weaker versions of orks.