You have just gotten out of highschool. You had alot of friends. You were very popular. But here's the thing. Your last year was in a N.Y.C school. You didn't want that. But you had no choice. You're out of that now but... What are you going to do now?
So anyways as the above suggests, you're out of highschool, but you need to get involved in something. Basicly, this will be a moral choice picking game. You HAVE to get into something that will involve bullets. Cop, SWAT, PMC, gangs, mafias, and anything else that comes up in your mind... But I like violent things. . Or something involved with the above. Drug dealer, P.I, contact, anything that I'll permit.
Now then for the sheet Name: Gender: Age18-65) OccupationNot yet, change this once I tell you, you have the job) Gang/Squad/partner(s)Optional) Health:100/100 WeaponsNone yet, this will depend on which road you take) Phys. desc.Tell me the clothes your character is wearing) Personalityat least three) BioAt least five scentences) Misc.optional, at least three)
Anyways. That should be it. Also, Post as commonly as you can. As soon as 1 person joins I'll give them a scenario.
To Hyper: The bullet passes through his heart. All the other Yakuzas swear. "Woah, woah, woah! Unauthorized force man." One of the SWAT guys yell. Who sounds suspiciously like Louis from L4D.
To Hyper: The grenade bounced around before going off. A guy literaly flies at the stairs. He looks suspiciously like Chris and- Wait a minute. IT IS THE A**HOLE!!! He coughs. "D***." He cusses. Probably because you have a SWAT uniform. Well what do you do?
To Hyper:"Da F***!?" He yells in confusion. "Yeah, Jessica is down here too. Just in the back room." He aanswers, returning to your original question. "But before you go off being her white knight, could you get me outta this chair?" What do you do?
To Hyper:Most of the Yakuza were just bodies taking up space. But some were groaning in pain. You walked past them then you stop at the corner of the door. There are two walls on the outside of the room where Jessica is being held. (Corner room) Therefore, there are two doors on each wall. What's your plan of attack?
To Hyper:You open the door. Bullets blast through it but you wait. When you start hearing the clicks you pop out of cover and shoot the guy using Jessica as a human sheild. You immediately. "Son of a b****!" She curses. Most likely because you're still wearing the SWAT uniform.