You have just gotten out of highschool. You had alot of friends. You were very popular. But here's the thing. Your last year was in a N.Y.C school. You didn't want that. But you had no choice. You're out of that now but... What are you going to do now?
So anyways as the above suggests, you're out of highschool, but you need to get involved in something. Basicly, this will be a moral choice picking game. You HAVE to get into something that will involve bullets. Cop, SWAT, PMC, gangs, mafias, and anything else that comes up in your mind... But I like violent things. . Or something involved with the above. Drug dealer, P.I, contact, anything that I'll permit.
Now then for the sheet Name: Gender: Age18-65) OccupationNot yet, change this once I tell you, you have the job) Gang/Squad/partner(s)Optional) Health:100/100 WeaponsNone yet, this will depend on which road you take) Phys. desc.Tell me the clothes your character is wearing) Personalityat least three) BioAt least five scentences) Misc.optional, at least three)
Anyways. That should be it. Also, Post as commonly as you can. As soon as 1 person joins I'll give them a scenario.
Name:Jon Cook Gender:Male Age:23 Occupationif i join can i be info broker?) Gang/Squad/partner(s): Jack and Jane(they are brother and sister) Health:100/100 Weapons:None Phys. desc.:Short brown hair, Green eyes, pretty tall, usually wears a white tshirt and black jeans with Black slip on shoes Personality:Can be cold and calculating but usually nice to people he knows. in times of crisis he remains calm so as to not worry others. when he is relaxing he tends to be random Bio:After completing high school and everything he made friends out of Jack and Jane. Jon Always had a knack for finding info about people so he decided to become an info broker. SO the yakuza regularly pays him to get info(i said info alot) but technically i am still trying to get into KW. But as said before he sells info to whoever pays. He doesn't like or trust cops, partly because they can ruin his business, and partly because he was betrayed by a cop who was once his friend. Misc.:Usually keeps a flick blade, My cellphone, and my Laptop
God **** the frikin thing is gone ._. anyway idk what to do can u give me hint? :3 *beaver eyes*
To Ichigo:Well, you can stop posting your sheet until we hit a new page. You could drink until drunk, you could turn in early, or you could go talk to this Allysa woman. Or you could go see MJ too.
To Ichigo: The gaurds let you through. Obviously this ship is run tight and word gets around very fast. You look around and see Alyssa. She is taking a couple of winks. You sure you want to wake her up. I mean, that'd be kinda rude don't you think?
I wait and while i wait i check my laptop to see if Jack and Jane are dieing from lack of air :P if they arent i tell them to go home by email if they are well i do the same thing
I go right up to him and say "Hi, Tom told me you beat this crap outta him nd i have one thing to say!..... Good work" XD oh sure its michael jocks but how can we be sure?
To Ichigo:Nah. There would be no other way out if I had the 5-0 come up the elevater. That's the only elevater... Oh wait let me check the cameras.
John and Kim Hamton stepped out of the Ram truck. "Errrm officers?" The receptionist asked. They just threw a paper over there shoulder and went up the elevater. The receptionist didn't say a thing... John had a SPAS-12 loaded with slugs. They took up each side of the door. Then when the elevater doors opened they thrusted in. "NYPD!" Kim yelled.