Story:This is they year 3456 and the world has been torn apart by a intergalactic war,Only countries that remain are America and Britain....Humanity no longer controls this world the alies,mutants and all other mostors have overan this world this is WARZ WORLD!You are the lone wanderer who left the vault in search of your father...
NameJust first name) DescWhat you look like,Personality,ETC) Inventory:Pipboy 3000A,Vault 116 Jumpsuit. StrenghHow much damage you can take,How hard you hit) CharismaHow sly you are in sweet talking or convincing people to do whatever you want them to do) PerceptionThis means your senses) AgilitySpeed and more speed) EnduranceDecides how long you can keep on going) LuckDecides when you get critical hits and also raises all your skill values) Status:Healthy
You have 20 points to put through you attributes.
You exit the safety of the vault in search of your father...There is no turning back.All you can see is sand,runined houses and what looks like a town north of where you are...
well it looks a hella like fallout, why not just make a fallout game, i've made a few and they are a little popular, if you want help i can help make it