Witch one is better,The almighty raze 2 or the Multiplayer God Plazma Burst 2? They Are almost rivils, if Plazma Burst 2 dident have multiplayer then Raze 2 would beat it! but Plazma Burst 2 does have multiplayer AND you can make your own maps!
On the other hand....The Amazing story of a Raze veteran saving the world but sadly died at the end...and dont forget Raze 2's 30 weapons, abilities and its 5 game modes! but..the one factor that they forgot...MultiPlayer....Whos the best? Vote HERE!
I've always heard about Plazma Burst's multiplayer sucking terribly. And the physics in that game annoy me to end (sometimes you'll get blown up by a rocket and end up in pieces, other times you'll be fine, but either knocked across the entire map or thrown against a wall and die from the impact). I've always liked Raze more than Plazma Burst and if they decide to make a Raze 3, it'll have multiplayer.
Now for weapons. Raze has more weapons. Plazma Burst has less, more samey weapons, not to mention that buying them can be confusing. I've had times where I've had to re-buy weapons in Plazma Burst. A good game should definitely not have a glitch like that.
Raze also has a quickmatch option. Hopefully a Raze 3 will keep that, also giving you the option to play multiplayer and the campaign.
I rated Raze a perfect 10 and if Plazma Burst 2 was put on AG i'd give it probably a 5 or a 4.
well, i love plazma burst 2 and raze 2, and its not truth that plazma burst 2 sucks on multy, the graphic is good, just change the options, the only problem is the HORRIBLE connection! plazma burst 2 have the creation of own maps, but if Eric Gurt make new stuffs in game EVERYTHING GET CORRUPTED! but, after all this, i think is a good game, and raze 2, the dificult we can`t change so it maake the game not so cool, cuz if anyone dont pass a mission, will not know the history.
PB is has multiplayer and a awesome map maker. I make maps in that game and have a bit of a fan base there so I know. You can do anything in the map maker so really, what makes PB great is the map maker. Raze 2 has a great story, more unique guns, and more games modes (for now at least). It also doesn't take as long for the webpage to Raze 2 to load as PB (right now they are doing maintenance for the PB website so don't bother going to see for yourself for now) Raze 2 has alot of unique things about it basically but I still prefer PB because it has multiplayer and because of its awesome map maker (I only wish that it could save more stuff so I can make a very huge map without having to encountering loading problems)
Plazma Burst 2 is possibly much better than Raze 2. I mean, multiplayer in Plazma Burst 2 is very good, and I have not experienced many glitches. Now Raze 2. There I have a problem. I remember getting stuck in the floor to many times. I can go over it at a later time.
Raze 2 is the best, i find some of plazma burst levels too hard, although it's cool that they have multiplayer, and raze 2 doesn't. I prefer Raze2's weapons and maps.
i personally like plasma burst2 better only because it has multiplier for me the game goes smoothly only once in a while it lags,raze 2 is a great game too but it doesn't have multiplayer,other than that i would think raze 2 is better
I tried Plazma Burst 2 and multiplayer was stinkin' hard. Most people I played with are really annoying. They camp or they spawn kill... I love the plazma burst 2 campaign but the jumping is weird. I also like how you can chop people. And you fly when you get hit by a rocket launcher. For me, I like plazma burst 2's campaign and Raze 2's quick match mode.
Don't any of you know that PB2 has a map editor, I haven't seen anyone mention that yet. Well anyways, the map maker is what makes me prefer PB2. I think its great because of the things you can do with it are practically endless.
This is really hard question!I like them both... Plazma burst 2 has level editor, which I like very much,multiplayer what I dont play much thanks to my huge ping and some shooting Raze 2 has more difference between weapons, more avabilities (In only PB 2 Telekinetic module and time warp) which you can choose, nice skins and some shooting :P
I really cant sey which one is better!I vote empty D
Raze 2. Plazma Burst 2 is a great ragdoll game, but Raze 2 features more variety, like the weapon, ability, and equipment options. In addition, Raze 3 is going to feature multiplayer (most likely), but Plazma Burst 2 is a bit glitchy and the multiplayer is really laggy.
Don't get me wrong. Plazma Burst is definitely worth checking out.