A "simple" buisness game, you are in charge of a minign corporation, that is to mine some very important resources: Gold, Diamonds, Coal, Titanium, Oil, Natural Gas, Thylium, Silver, Amber, Opal, and Copper. You might find mysterious minerals, as well. You will be able to buy new mining locations around the globe, and each area on the globe has certain resources to mine. Below is your company work sheet:
Company Name: Company Age: (date of joining) ------------------------------- Money: $1000 Miners: 5 Locations: 1 Income: $100 a day ------------------------------- Locations:
North America, Southern Appalachian Mountains, Coal Purity: Somewhat Pure ------------------------------- Mining Machines:
None ------------------------------- Current Buyers:
CEC (Coal Electric Company): $50 per shipment of coal ECoC (Electric Company of Coal): $50 per shipment of coal ------------------------------- Current Hold:
Coal: 25% full ------------------------------- Purifyers:
None ------------------------------- Currently Shipping:
None ------------------------------- Prospecters:
Jack Widget ($20 every 10 days) (Location: Home)
OK, since I've typed a lot, I'll give each player a run-through of what each means when they join, unless you understand what each is for (I did my best to keep it simple :/). Anyways, have fun!!
Company Name: Minecrab Inc Company Age: 26/09/2011 ------------------------------- Money: $1000 Miners: 5 Locations: 1 Income: $100 a day ------------------------------- Locations:
North America, Southern Appalachian Mountains Coal Purity: Somewhat Pure ------------------------------- Mining Machines:
None ------------------------------- Current Buyers:
CEC (Coal Electric Company): $50 per shipment of coal ECoC (Electric Company of Coal): $50 per shipment of coal ------------------------------- Current Hold:
Coal: 25% full ------------------------------- Purifyers:
None ------------------------------- Currently Shipping:
Company Name: Minecrab Inc Company Age: 26/09/2011 ------------------------------- Money: $1000 Miners: 5 Locations: 1 Income: $100 a day ------------------------------- Locations: North America, Southern Appalachian Mountains Coal Purity: Somewhat Pure ------------------------------- Mining Machines: None ------------------------------- Current Buyers: CEC (Coal Electric Company): $50 per shipment of coal ECoC (Electric Company of Coal): $50 per shipment of coal ------------------------------- Current Hold: Coal: 25% full ------------------------------- Purifyers: None ------------------------------- Currently Shipping: None ------------------------------- Prospecters: Jack Widget ($20 every 10 days) (Location: Home)
Yep, it's good. Now, since the company sheet is so big, you don't have to post it often. I'll usually post it with every update you decide to make. Now, what would you like to do first?
Company Name:RMC(Raze Mining Company) Company Age:2011 ------------------------------- Money: $1000 Miners: 5 Locations: 1 Income: $100 a day ------------------------------- Locations: North America, Southern Appalachian Mountains, Coal Purity: Somewhat Pure ------------------------------- Mining Machines: None ------------------------------- Current Buyers: CEC (Coal Electric Company): $50 per shipment of coal ECoC (Electric Company of Coal): $50 per shipment of coal ------------------------------- Current Hold: Coal: 25% full ------------------------------- Purifyers: None ------------------------------- Currently Shipping: None ------------------------------- Prospecters: Jack Widget ($20 every 10 days) (Location: Home)
I want to Join!!!
P.S I will start tommorow as Its Night time In my Country..
Company Name: BIC Company Age: 9/26/11 ------------------------------- Money: $1000 Miners: 5 Locations: 1 Income: $100 a day ------------------------------- Locations:
North America, Southern Appalachian Mountains, Coal Purity: Somewhat Pure ------------------------------- Mining Machines:
None ------------------------------- Current Buyers:
CEC (Coal Electric Company): $50 per shipment of coal ECoC (Electric Company of Coal): $50 per shipment of coal ------------------------------- Current Hold:
Coal: 25% full ------------------------------- Purifyers:
None ------------------------------- Currently Shipping:
Company Name:RMC(Raze Mining Company) Company Age:2011 ------------------------------- Money: $1000 Miners: 5 Locations: 1 Income: $100 a day ------------------------------- Locations: North America, Southern Appalachian Mountains, Coal Purity: Somewhat Pure ------------------------------- Mining Machines: None ------------------------------- Current Buyers: CEC (Coal Electric Company): $50 per shipment of coal ECoC (Electric Company of Coal): $50 per shipment of coal ------------------------------- Current Hold: Coal: 25% full ------------------------------- Purifyers: None ------------------------------- Currently Shipping: None ------------------------------- Prospecters: Jack Widget ($20 every 10 days) (Location: Home)
Alrighty, simply, once you come back, what will you do first?
Company Name: BIC Company Age: 9/26/11 ------------------------------- Money: $1000 Miners: 5 Locations: 1 Income: $100 a day ------------------------------- Locations: North America, Southern Appalachian Mountains, Coal Purity: Somewhat Pure ------------------------------- Mining Machines: None ------------------------------- Current Buyers: CEC (Coal Electric Company): $50 per shipment of coal ECoC (Electric Company of Coal): $50 per shipment of coal ------------------------------- Current Hold: Coal: 25% full ------------------------------- Purifyers: None ------------------------------- Currently Shipping: None ------------------------------- Prospecters: Jack Widget ($20 every 10 days) (Location: Home)
Alrighty, same as Razerules, what will you do first?
(And you don't have to post the sheet every time you make a post, I'll post it when there's a major update to it ;D)
Company Name: MC. inc Company Age: 26/09/2011 ------------------------------- Money: $1000 Miners: 5 Locations: 1 Income: $100 a day ------------------------------- Locations:
North America, Southern Appalachian Mountains, Coal Purity: Somewhat Pure ------------------------------- Mining Machines:
None ------------------------------- Current Buyers:
CEC (Coal Electric Company): $50 per shipment of coal ECoC (Electric Company of Coal): $50 per shipment of coal ------------------------------- Current Hold:
Coal: 25% full ------------------------------- Purifyers:
None ------------------------------- Currently Shipping:
Company Name:RMC(Raze Mining Company) Company Age:2011 ------------------------------- Money: $1000 Miners: 5 Locations: 1 Income: $100 a day ------------------------------- Locations: North America, Southern Appalachian Mountains, Coal Purity: Somewhat Pure ------------------------------- Mining Machines: None ------------------------------- Current Buyers: CEC (Coal Electric Company): $50 per shipment of coal ECoC (Electric Company of Coal): $50 per shipment of coal ------------------------------- Current Hold: Coal: 25% full ------------------------------- Purifyers: None ------------------------------- Currently Shipping: None ------------------------------- Prospecters: Jack Widget ($20 every 10 days) (Location: Home)
I call Jack Widget to Come to Work... Then I see Can I Get a new Miner with the Money I currently Have.
Company Name: GIANT mining co. (Lol GIANT) Company Age: 2011 ------------------------------- Money: $1000 Miners: 5 Locations: 1 Income: $100 a day ------------------------------- Locations: North America, Southern Appalachian Mountains, Coal Purity: Somewhat Pure ------------------------------- Mining Machines: None ------------------------------- Current Buyers: CEC (Coal Electric Company): $50 per shipment of coal ECoC (Electric Company of Coal): $50 per shipment of coal ------------------------------- Current Hold: Coal: 25% full ------------------------------- Purifyers: None ------------------------------- Currently Shipping: None ------------------------------- Prospecters: Jack Widget ($20 every 10 days) (Location: Home)