I found this game on another website, and I thought I might try on this here. There is a number, 500 which the Angels can raise by 1, and the Demons can lower by 1. The angels have to get the number to 1000, and the demons have to get it to 0. Just state if you are an Angel or a Demon and I will record it on my page. Also, state the current number in your post. Begin!
To Sheppito:If it is 'lame', then why don't you tell him what's wrong and how he can fix it? That's alot more useful than saying 'lame'. What are you, six?
Update Seeing as this isn't working, I will throw something random from my head in. Angels get a one-time power of adding 10 to the point while the demons have a one-time power of banning an angel from the game. p.s. I found this off another site. p.s.s. It is loosely based on Dan Brown's novel/