i usually dont make games here, but i just got a cool idea alright so heres what going on, u wake up in a crater, ur city destroyed. All ur friends and family are gone. u see nothing moving. u are badly cut up and hurt but u manage to stand up. u climb up and out of the crater and into a building, or whats left of it. then when u get high enough u can really see what happened. Everything is destroyed, burnded up or completely gone. no one around u survived the blast. a helicopter sees u and comes to u just as u pass out. when u wake up in the hospital strange things start to happen to u. as u lay there in the hospital bed u see on tv that the people caught on the edge of the blast were mutated and deformed (cauz u gotta have ur zombies) u pass out again and when u wake up a gang burst into the hospital, killing everyone to take meds. u crawl under ur bed and...... alright so heres the character sheet name: description: age: skills/former occupation: powers: (yes u get to chose. no telepathy or crazy stuff like that. i will tell u if its good.) reputation: (will change depending on what u do) and thats it. enjoy
name: blue wings description: short, thin, black long hair, black eyes personality: shy, quiet, friendly, naive. gender: male age: 18 skills/former occupation: smart, seems easy to connect with animals, intuitive. powers: morphing, healing factor, can "change" enemy minds and they will be all confused. Basicly, a huge brain freeze. reputation: 9 champion
did he drink it? if yes ill just turn into a bird and stay away from them while looking if anything happens. if not ill just leave
Name: Dex 'Crab' River Description: Tall, thin, Short hair spiky hair, dark red eyes Personality: Sinister, Quiet, Clever Gender: Male Age: 19 Skills/former occupation: Fast, fast thinker Powers: can shoot small beams of concentrated energy Can jump extremely high, and also release a ground pound attack in mid-air Reputation: -9 ( high criminal)
Fighter jets? I don't remember those...
I sprint towards an alley and hide under cover. BTW, when's my next flag?
name:Jon Cook description:Short brown hair, green eyes, pretty tall personality:Calm caring and can sometimes be cold(the three c's lol) gender:Male age:19 skills/former occupation:Great reaction time, Great swimmer, powers: water control, can temporarily freeze enemies in a thin coat of ice, can create water reputation: -5 criminal
name: Tesla description: Tall, very thin, black hair with a white streak on one side age: 22 gender: M skills/former occupation: Technician/Electronist, good with machines and electronics powers: Electric Ghost (can phase body like ghost, phase into electronics/machines, and shoot electricity) reputation:1
And now a Truck-mounted machine gun drives up and begins to shoot at you... ---
name: blue wings description: short, thin, black long hair, black eyes personality: shy, quiet, friendly, naive. gender: male age: 18 skills/former occupation: smart, seems easy to connect with animals, intuitive. powers: morphing, healing factor, can "change" enemy minds and they will be all confused. Basicly, a huge brain freeze. reputation: 9 champion
Yes, he drank it. Hence he spazed out. It doesn't effect zombies much. --- Name: Dex 'Crab' River Description: Tall, thin, Short hair spiky hair, dark red eyes Personality: Sinister, Quiet, Clever Gender: Male Age: 19 Skills/former occupation: Fast, fast thinker Powers: can shoot small beams of concentrated energy Can jump extremely high, and also release a ground pound attack in mid-air Reputation: -9 ( high criminal)
I added a little bit :P The air strike blows up the area and a building is falling on you... --- name:Jon Cook description:Short brown hair, green eyes, pretty tall personality:Calm caring and can sometimes be cold(the three c's lol) gender:Male age:19 skills/former occupation:Great reaction time, Great swimmer, powers: water control, can temporarily freeze enemies in a thin coat of ice, can create water reputation: -5 criminal
You run and hide behind a building. You hear the reaper coming towards you... ---- Also, I forgot to give you all flags so now this is your new check point. Not that it matters much, you guys are all still alive some how...
name: blue wings description: short, thin, black long hair, black eyes personality: shy, quiet, friendly, naive. gender: male age: 18 skills/former occupation: smart, seems easy to connect with animals, intuitive. powers: morphing, healing factor, can "change" enemy minds and they will be all confused. Basicly, a huge brain freeze. reputation: 9 champion
well ill just leave that place. i think this hurts people... i will keep it safe with me until i need it or can think of a better way to analize it...
name:Hiro kindle description:black hair past the ears semi dark skin green eyes always looks mad personalityrideful short tempered but not always doesnt get motivated easily except through fighting and very beast like he can be nice and can be mean when he chooses he never really has mercy on people gender:Male age:34 skills/Former occupation:strong not the smartest you can find but good with strategy and hes fast also loves animals espeically cats powers: can turn to a beast. Similar to a wer wolf or saber tooth from x-men reputation:1
i say come here reaper and slaughter him and grab his gun then obliterate the other reaper.
name: Tesla description: Tall, very thin, black hair with a white streak on one side age: 22 gender: M skills/former occupation: Technician/Electronist, good with machines and electronics powers: Electric Ghost (can phase body like ghost, phase into electronics/machines, and shoot electricity) reputation:1
(-_- really?)
Shoot a bolt at the truck, to make it blow up, and if any bullets get fired before then, i phase into ghost mode
name:Jon Cook description:Short brown hair, green eyes, pretty tall personality:Calm caring and can sometimes be cold(the three c's lol) gender:Male age:19 skills/former occupation:Great reaction time, Great swimmer, powers: water control, can temporarily freeze enemies in a thin coat of ice, can create water reputation: -5 criminal
Name: Dex 'Crab' River Description: Tall, thin, Short hair spiky hair, dark red eyes Personality: Sinister, Quiet, Clever Gender: Male Age: 19 Skills/former occupation: Fast, fast thinker Powers: can shoot small beams of concentrated energy Can jump extremely high, and also release a ground pound attack in mid-air Reputation: -9 ( high criminal)
I sprint from the wreckage and dive away to avoid it.
name: blue wings description: short, thin, black long hair, black eyes personality: shy, quiet, friendly, naive. gender: male age: 18 skills/former occupation: smart, seems easy to connect with animals, intuitive. powers: morphing, healing factor, can "change" enemy minds and they will be all confused. Basicly, a huge brain freeze. reputation: 9 champion
alright, well you can set one up in your appartment
name:Hiro kindle description:black hair past the ears semi dark skin green eyes always looks mad personalityrideful short tempered but not always doesnt get motivated easily except through fighting and very beast like he can be nice and can be mean when he chooses he never really has mercy on people gender:Male age:34 skills/Former occupation:strong not the smartest you can find but good with strategy and hes fast also loves animals espeically cats powers: can turn to a beast. Similar to a wer wolf or saber tooth from x-men reputation:1
very ..... nice. all this gun fire attracts zombies, about 20 of them ---- Name: Dex 'Crab' River Description: Tall, thin, Short hair spiky hair, dark red eyes Personality: Sinister, Quiet, Clever Gender: Male Age: 19 Skills/former occupation: Fast, fast thinker Powers: can shoot small beams of concentrated energy Can jump extremely high, and also release a ground pound attack in mid-air Reputation: -9 ( high criminal)
you see a person who was yelling at you before. there is rubble on him, what do you do? ----- name: Viet Anh description: Tall, Thin, Black Hair, Black Eyes personality: Doesn't talk much, friendly. gender: Male age: 18 skills/former occupation: Smart, Independent, Cool powers: fire reputation: 0
you see the crates that have been air dropped. you also see people taking some. do you let them have some or take it all for yourself? ---- name: Tesla description: Tall, very thin, black hair with a white streak on one side age: 22 gender: M skills/former occupation: Technician/Electronist, good with machines and electronics powers: Electric Ghost (can phase body like ghost, phase into electronics/machines, and shoot electricity) reputation:1
Why dont you die?!?!?! a reaper throws a grenade at you, another shoots and rpg at you, 2 more trucks come up, 3 of those annoying conduit guys(reapers in white who can teleport and do ground pounds), one guy with a mini gun, and five suiciders come, NOW WHAT >
name:Jon Cook description:Short brown hair, green eyes, pretty tall personality:Calm caring and can sometimes be cold(the three c's lol) gender:Male age:19 skills/former occupation:Great reaction time, Great swimmer, powers: water control, can temporarily freeze enemies in a thin coat of ice, can create water reputation: -5 criminal
you find a car in the ally way and it still works.....
name: blue wings description: short, thin, black long hair, black eyes personality: shy, quiet, friendly, naive. gender: male age: 18 skills/former occupation: smart, seems easy to connect with animals, intuitive. powers: morphing, healing factor, can "change" enemy minds and they will be all confused. Basicly, a huge brain freeze. reputation: 9 champion
i could but i know nothing about science. id rather analize this material without trying it on a living creature too
name: blue wings description: short, thin, black long hair, black eyes personality: shy, quiet, friendly, naive. gender: male age: 18 skills/former occupation: smart, seems easy to connect with animals, intuitive. powers: morphing, healing factor, can "change" enemy minds and they will be all confused. Basicly, a huge brain freeze. reputation: 9 champion
well, how did they make this stuff? so, the reapers must have a lab some were that you have to find if you want to discover what it is. and, there will be reapers to test it on... were do you look? sewers or rooftops?