ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet 2: The New Beginning

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1,373 posts

Hello and welcome to my newest forum game! Yes, I am back. But first off, I will list some of the reasons why I left in the first place:
1. Real life. I didnt simply have eough time to do it, when I began DtP4 and CaP it was summer break. Then school came and I didnt have time to do it. And having two forum games was just stressing...
2. I got bored. I just overcomplicated it... I didnt have the nerves to do the 30 min. updating everyday. First off I enjoyed it, but then it just became a pain...
3. Ummm... I think thats about it...

So second, what I dont want to happen in this edition of CaP:
Overcomplicate it. Every country had its own sheet. It took forever to update them all... Thats why I wont be giving anyone complete control about a country, I will make up problems, and you will have to solve them.

And last, but not least, the new plans I have for this:
1. We wont stick to one planet for so long as we did last time. We will be hopping from planet to planet, just like we used to in DtP.
2. I want this to be a successor for both, DtP and CaP, do this will include elemetns from both (Terraforming, destruction, conquest...).
3. I do not want to include the Earth itself in this one. At least not early on.
4. From time to time I will make "joke planets". Like worlds from games or movies or so.
5. I might include Earth later on, in certain scenarios. For example I was always interested in alternate history scenarios...

Thats about it I guess. Any suggestions before the game itself starts?

  • 381 Replies
42 posts

Once Madagascar is processed into Goop, I have it sent straight into the Rest wall, weakening it hopefully.

And take the stream that was flowing into Madagascar and redirect it toward the cold.

22,207 posts

Our spies will trybto obtain abblueprint.of one of these human landing pods or any informationbthat would provide weak.points in them.

we will also develop mobile landing barges abd bulster the military further; after doing this, we invade the remaining part of southern Arabiaand immmediately build walls all along the coast to protect from the Goop.

Breeding prgrams will alsobcommence to make the goop-eating fih more potent, non aggressive to nonGoop creatures and able to survive in both tropical and Arctic waters. For a failsafe, they are crticially vupnerableto even slight exposure to a certain chemical formula known only by top Brotherhood officials and scientists.

1,023 posts

Suddenly, everything stopped. The eerie silence of the night sky took over. Every citizen of The Rest looked up. Suddenly, a thousand blue stars appeared in the heavens, spreading light over the dark sky. The citizens watched in amazement as the stars drew nearer. Screams broke the silence when the first star hit the ground just outside the east part of the wall. Soldiers came looking at it with weapons ready for any sign of a threat from the star. Only, it wasn't a star, it was a meteor made up of ice. An icy fog filled the air and blocked their vision, some minutes later the the fog cleared and they could see ranks upon ranks of soldiers with frozen weapons of death. The more meteors hit the ground and out came more soldiers. Suddenly, the meteors stop falling. Then, again all was silent until a deafening roar came from the heavens. There where the moon should be was a dragon. It's scales white as snow but it's eyes filled with black, blue flame came from it's mouth as it roared. Riding it, was an archer wielding a frozen lazer bow with icy plasma arrows. They thought this was another of the ice soldiers, but as they looked more, he was human. His pale skin almost matching the dragon's scales. The Rest was scared, could this be an act of war against them? They already had enough trouble to deal with, if this army decides against us we will be destroyed. The soldiers started moving... but they were moving towards the golem's territory. The Golem Champions started attacking the army, but again more stars fell from the heavens and more of the ice soldiers came. The dragon and it's rider battled, the flame of the dragon freezing the golems except for burning them. The seemingly endless supply of plasma arrows from the archer left some parts of the Golem Champions frozen. Today, The Rest witness the power of, The Cold...

So with some thinking I decided to side with The Rest, they need help because almost all of the nations are targeting them. The Cold's first strategical defense is the ice dragon hatcheries and stables. The second one is it's freezing weather and icy terrain. So yeah I attack the Golem Champions in the east part of The Wall. It looks like they're succeeding in breaking The Wall anyway, see how thin the line is? So yeah that's all.

1,373 posts

The Cold claims the Southern Polar Cap. That weakens the Golems and the Goop massively because the polar cap streches near their major strategy points. The Rest starts using a new calendar, counting years "After the Ice" or "After the Intervention". Garriss is no more known as the god of the north. He is the god of Cold. The golems on the East wall broke through, but they were killed by the Intervention. But a new, even greater threat is approaching... The Goop. It has divided into two big clumps, one heading towards the South pole, one to the Rest. The Brotherhood however, does not gain access to the blueprints of the landing pods, but they find out what the humans have been hiding. Weapons that use the splitting of atoms to release gigantic power. Or a gas that burns so hot, that the flame is not even orange anymore, that gas is called Hydrogen. Or suits that have many little cameras and monitors over themselves, ,aking the wearer invisible. They did not use any of these weapons yet though, for good reason. They wanted to prevent spies stealing them...

22,207 posts

Top priority will go.into stealing these atom splitting devices and this new gas. If we do manage t steal.the atom splitter, all our resources go into building one and we test it.on the the south of the Rest. Any spare resources go to rebuilding the destroyed portion of tye Eastern.wall.

1,023 posts

I surround the goop lines with the coldest and highest glaciers ever made blocking off anymore reinforcements. Then along with more stars dropping where the goop lines are I send a dragon in each one. We also start working up our frozen warships to attack from above. So yeah along with The Cold's almost unscalable terrain and cold weather it gives me and my army a little edge in the battle. As you remember if we freeze someone or something we can use that body, so we use the Golem Champions too. On the North part of the Cold (Near The Source) our soldiers and some more dragons attack too. The Cold near the Hive will do the same thing to what we did to the Source. I will also make glaciers around The Cold so high and low under the sea, so that it would be hard to be able to attack from navy and air. Glaciers would cover the East wall of the Rest so that it would temporarily protect them because the wall is out. Sentries and archers will be also roaming inside those glaciers for added protection. No more Golem Champion LOL

42 posts

Time for some more chaos.

I have South America split in two, right along the line between Goop and Cold. The Southern part will remain where it is, And the northern part will fit back into place, connecting with Panama.

Then, I have swarms of sea and air Goop attack across the gap to fight back the Cold.

1,255 posts

ahhhh what a shame !! i must make atomic bombs !!! yep ... no more ways to destroy these ... humans and golems !!

DR. eshteban novabre :

we are producing bombs ... massive ones they are very dangoures ! god bless all of us even the enemy ... breadcast 33 ... out .

ill arm my men with the best armors around the world ... ill use titanium for our side aircraft ... ill make thousends of modifyed choppers and and Vtols ... ill equip them with mass distruction weapons ... than ill all armorize my men with the best armors in the world ill equip them with guns and bombs ... than preaper 1000 Vtols and in each goes 15 soldiers !! they are gonna strike the golems !!! but before that we will bomb the golems mother hive with nuclar bombs ... than my man will wear radiated suits and finish of all the remining enemies and kill the mother ... after this they will go and clear out some human parts ... the nearest to the rest ...

anyways their name is( The Last Hope )

ill make sentury guns lots of them and fortify my side ... ill make security camras everywhere ill make thousends of anti air guns ... ill try to make robots !(but first for surguries not war yet)

anyways ill try to chear up my side ppl ... and oh ill talk to ohter leaders to help us with soldiers with the (THE LAST HOPE)

1,373 posts

The Goop breaks through the Wall! The majority of the Brotherhood has been destroyed, but as they escaped, many chapter houses were founded, all over The Rest. They will probably never be as centralized ever again, but the damage is minor overall.

And the little map of The Rest itself.

Top priority will go.into stealing these atom splitting devices and this new gas. If we do manage t steal.the atom splitter, all our resources go into building one and we test it.on the the south of the Rest. Any spare resources go to rebuilding the destroyed portion of tye Eastern.wall.

You figure out how to split atoms and use them for electrical energy, or weapons of mass destruction. You build a nuclear bomb but the test is delayed because of the Goop breaking through. But the test will go off next turn. You realize that the walls have been only the result of mass paranoia and are mostly irrelevant. If the nuclear weapons work against the Goop, their complete uselessness will be proven.

I surround the goop lines with the coldest and highest glaciers ever made blocking off anymore reinforcements. Then along with more stars dropping where the goop lines are I send a dragon in each one. We also start working up our frozen warships to attack from above. So yeah along with The Cold's almost unscalable terrain and cold weather it gives me and my army a little edge in the battle. As you remember if we freeze someone or something we can use that body, so we use the Golem Champions too. On the North part of the Cold (Near The Source) our soldiers and some more dragons attack too. The Cold near the Hive will do the same thing to what we did to the Source. I will also make glaciers around The Cold so high and low under the sea, so that it would be hard to be able to attack from navy and air. Glaciers would cover the East wall of the Rest so that it would temporarily protect them because the wall is out. Sentries and archers will be also roaming inside those glaciers for added protection. No more Golem Champion LOL

You repell the Goop from attacking Antarctica, but your influence does not reach far enough North to save The Rest... But your new warmachines and the huge defences around The Cold itself make it almost indestructible.

Time for some more chaos.

I have South America split in two, right along the line between Goop and Cold. The Southern part will remain where it is, And the northern part will fit back into place, connecting with Panama.

Then, I have swarms of sea and air Goop attack across the gap to fight back the Cold.

The Northern part of South America is clear of the ice now. That move causes the southern polar cap to retreat, but also, causes the northern polar cap to partially regenrate.

ahhhh what a shame !! i must make atomic bombs !!! yep ... no more ways to destroy these ... humans and golems !!

DR. eshteban novabre :

we are producing bombs ... massive ones they are very dangoures ! god bless all of us even the enemy ... breadcast 33 ... out .

ill arm my men with the best armors around the world ... ill use titanium for our side aircraft ... ill make thousends of modifyed choppers and and Vtols ... ill equip them with mass distruction weapons ... than ill all armorize my men with the best armors in the world ill equip them with guns and bombs ... than preaper 1000 Vtols and in each goes 15 soldiers !! they are gonna strike the golems !!! but before that we will bomb the golems mother hive with nuclar bombs ... than my man will wear radiated suits and finish of all the remining enemies and kill the mother ... after this they will go and clear out some human parts ... the nearest to the rest ...

anyways their name is( The Last Hope )

ill make sentury guns lots of them and fortify my side ... ill make security camras everywhere ill make thousends of anti air guns ... ill try to make robots !(but first for surguries not war yet)

anyways ill try to chear up my side ppl ... and oh ill talk to ohter leaders to help us with soldiers with the (THE LAST HOPE)

You put apart the Wall itself, just for the resources and the armor. The Wall is constructed out of a very strong metal, the Brotherhood itself brought when they first escaped from the Goop. Operation The Last Hope is up. Soon the result of nuclear tests will be known.
22,207 posts

AT ALL COSTS will the nuclear secret be kept to ourselves. If the nuclear bomb goes well, we will build more to repel the Goop AND Golems away from the Rest, and use our big chunk of leverage to gain political dominance. We also make nuclear powrr plants and attemp to monopolize the Electric market.

42 posts

The Goop Source, now connected to Panama, starts spitting out Land, Air and Sea Goop to attack North America.

The Goop streams heading toward the south, I have them start eating away at the ice right underneath the Cold's feet, and then turn this into more Goop.

1,126 posts

Hello I'm back. So... I'm a bit lost here so anyone want to convince me to join there species or do I pick myself?

1,023 posts

Every time I think of the Goop I think they're creepers in Creeper World Academy...

Is that The Cold I see in the North? Anyway I eliminate the goop lines as I follow them to the Rest with airships, dragon, stars and a moving small glacier. When the battalion reaches the Rest we start attacking the Goop and fortifying the borders of it. We also use airships to destroy the MLP near The Cold. If The Cold is really in control of the North Pole I'll try to fortify it like the base at the South Pole. Yeah that's all. FOR THE COLD!

1,023 posts

I also place water sentries that keeps the underside of the glaciers protected from sub attack or anything else. Zyba we once left this planet to move on another one but when we came back the Golems, Humans and the Goop have taken most of it but the refugees of other species formed the Rest. Now I am punishing the dominant species using the Cold the Civilization of The Never Melting. Spore said you can pick a side like the Humans and the Golems or you can help with the Rest. You can also make your own civilization though,

1,126 posts

After looking through a few pages I don't know how to play this anymore. I haven't reached this stage before...(With the traditional) Oh well, I'll go with the goop since it's the only one that is still evolution...

Showing 271-285 of 381