ForumsForum GamesCreate a Planet 2: The New Beginning

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1,373 posts

Hello and welcome to my newest forum game! Yes, I am back. But first off, I will list some of the reasons why I left in the first place:
1. Real life. I didnt simply have eough time to do it, when I began DtP4 and CaP it was summer break. Then school came and I didnt have time to do it. And having two forum games was just stressing...
2. I got bored. I just overcomplicated it... I didnt have the nerves to do the 30 min. updating everyday. First off I enjoyed it, but then it just became a pain...
3. Ummm... I think thats about it...

So second, what I dont want to happen in this edition of CaP:
Overcomplicate it. Every country had its own sheet. It took forever to update them all... Thats why I wont be giving anyone complete control about a country, I will make up problems, and you will have to solve them.

And last, but not least, the new plans I have for this:
1. We wont stick to one planet for so long as we did last time. We will be hopping from planet to planet, just like we used to in DtP.
2. I want this to be a successor for both, DtP and CaP, do this will include elemetns from both (Terraforming, destruction, conquest...).
3. I do not want to include the Earth itself in this one. At least not early on.
4. From time to time I will make "joke planets". Like worlds from games or movies or so.
5. I might include Earth later on, in certain scenarios. For example I was always interested in alternate history scenarios...

Thats about it I guess. Any suggestions before the game itself starts?

  • 381 Replies
960 posts

I could take over but i would want/need sporemaniac's consent.

1,373 posts

Oh man... The hardest thing to do when coming back is reading the desperate bump posts. Oh well, but Im back, and this time I have an actual reason why I was offline for so long. I was taking a break since... I dunno, January? But then I was considering coming back and my windows got broken. By a boot virus. The whole system had to be reinstalled and I lost most of my stuff. Luckily I retained the stuff I could not replace, like my personal photos and of course, the maps! Someday will come when I will hand this over to another fellow, suited for running a forum game series like this. I dont know when but sooner or later it will come. So, where were we?

All of the non-alligned countries and join Soviet forces.

But NATO nuke soviet installations and cause Fallout to become real

No, sorry, that is too extreme and fast.

I see it now...

I actually don't want to get into political things, but...
The NATO tries to sign treaties with all of the non-affiliated countries.

Some nations join NATO, some disagree, some agree to a limited assistance treaty.

An error in construction of a US nuclear missile causes it to explode in the silo, which is as devastating as it sounds.

However, this is not the cause for concern.

With no evidence left intact, the US accuses Soviet Russia of blowing up their silo.

I like your style, buddy. Realistic. The tensions grow bigger and bigger...

ill attack america with russuia forces !! from alaska !! isnt that just fun ?? ill use tanks ... men ... helicopters and ... meanwhile USA will nuke some parts of russia and in this mess !!i make france attack UK and the will go to war with each other !!! i make them !!! and of cource in this war nazies rise again !!! and they try to make some defences !!in this times iran orgenizez its troops and attack sudie arabia !!! (in cold war time iran was supported by americans and they had good weaponery)

Well, the thing is that you dont control stuff directly this time. Iran attacking Saudi Arabia would just cause a world war, just like the USSR attacking the USA. Just think out ways how to make things hotter and hotter and eventually, boom. War. But since Saudi has support from the USA, you would have to ally the Soviets to attack them anyway.

Defend against armorboy's attack with fighters (F-15s) x20 tanks (m1 abrams) x30 10000 infantry and 100 commandos who sabotage the soviet forward base/outpost.

It's a cold war- no actual violence. This would mean more political actions rather than warfare that would be used if we would declare war.

Just like Zyba said, right now its all about politics and preparations, if the tensions grow too big, war will eventually be declared.

Oh well then I sit down in Berlin and talk to the Soviet leader about banning nuclear test over land and sea and in the astmoshper and in space (forcing all nuclear test underground only)

How would you test nuclear weapons effectively underground? That is a too limited area to unleash their full power.

Im really sorry again. I hope some people will still come back...
1,126 posts

NATO continues to attempt influencing Africans to side with them as well as to secretly supply anti-communist guerrillas.

I know I'm vague, but that's what I do with big groups...

1,023 posts

I am back from the fantasy world and bored of the real world...

Anyway I try to convince some countries to join the Soviet Union offering them etc. etc.

22,207 posts

I know I'm the one that suggested it in tye first place, but Cold War really wasnt as great as i thought it'd be >.>

42 posts

Here's something obscure that is also realistic:
[Insert comedy show name here] does a show that makes fun of Soviets. Unfortunately, the broadcast is picked up in the USSR...

960 posts

I get the US to assault Cuba with a FULL ON STRIKE FORCE!!!!! To make it Anti-Communist.

544 posts

is it too late to join?

1,023 posts

You can always join but you better wait for a while for a good back story not just the cold war...

To entertain yourself you can read the past pages I especially like when the Rest, Golems, Gloop and the Cold was in the world.

42 posts

Seeing as how Western Sahara is 99.99% uninhabited, the US set up several strategic bases there and "unofficially" bring it into NATO because of it's control there.

1,255 posts

ummmm ?? ...
hi man !!!! wow your back !! thanks for coming back and for your computer sorry to hear it that it was broken

anyways ...

iran and china start working diplomatic realationships with russia and each other !! they try to be comunism !!(china and iran)

in europe the eastern germany people start a revolt against the government !! cause they wah=nt to cross freely ! and of cource western germany accepts their reugies with plasure !! cause of these little events russia sends some rienforcements to eastern germany !! ooooooo i can feel a great war going on !! in cuba people star a graet revolt against the army and the government by the help of fidel costro and chegouvara (dont know the spelling sorry !!!) than they try to capture the countery ! america sends some rienforcments to cuba ... and oh i almost forgot ... some of the african counteries began to revalt against the countery (terrorist groups mostly XD and ouuuuuuu france and england try make a better alliance ! they make better trade roads and ... and send more diplomates to each other

1,255 posts

spore ?? you kidding us ??? where are ???? i thought your back ?????

3 posts

i believe Create a planet should be like the first in the series. Destroy the Planet. I felt like joining in and joining the war because i felt like i would want to be involved. I do not want this to be a Nato story. Why not start a new beginning where the series started. Mars.

605 posts

New thread time? I guess.....

960 posts

I started something similar...... [url=]

Showing 361-375 of 381