ForumsWEPRTeaching Through Video Games

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I've seen how people train dogs by giving them treats after saying a word and making them sit then giving them a treat. I've also noticed how I am trained to raise my hand and sit down after entering a classroom and I recieve a good grade for doing that, so I continue. (except in this case, the good grade is always rewarded unlike the treat)
My question is, do you think video games could be used to teach things like that also? And if you think it can then do you think that you can make it so they use the lesson in real life as well.

  • 62 Replies
408 posts

Video games definitely grab children's attention but I had a few PC games when I was younger, about 2 or 3, but I found them very boring and just played what I called 'Kings and Queens' which turned out to be Heroes of Might and Magic which is far more enjoyable than learning.

479 posts

In my opinion, games that test your logic, such as puzzle games or even that old cellphone game called "Logic" are the best for teaching. Things such as math and spelling games are too easy to cheat on, and I believe many people aren't motivated about education these days. I was, but that's because I like knowing things.

To me personally, education is self rewarding.

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