ForumsForum GamesTERRA NOVA - Strategy Game

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[ POPULATION , 1890 ]

Adults: Adult men between 18 to 55 years old. Initial quantity is: 505.
Teens: Male adolescents aged 13 to 17 years old. Initial quantity is: 270.
Children: Children 1 to 12 years old. Initial quantity is: 150.

Adults: Adult women between 18 and 55 years old. Initial quantity is: 480
Teens: Female adolescents aged 13 to 17 years old. Initial quantity is: 325.
Children: Children 1 to 12 years old. Initial quantity is: 160.

Working: This will be the number of people working in the colony, including soldiers. Teens also can work, but are not

accepted as soldiers. Initial quantity is: 0, you should charge people for their work in the administration part.
Not working: People who are not working, usually children and some teenagers. So far no one is working (because you must do

so in the administration), then the initial quantity is: 1580 (the sum of all adults and adolescents of both genders).



Blades: Machetes, knives and stuff. Initial quantity is 250.
Firearms: Machine guns and pistols, used only by soldiers. Initial quantity is: 120.
Ammunition: Ammunition for pistols and machine guns only. Initial quantity is: 100 for each weapon.
Explosives: Grenades and mines (both sonic and fragmentation). Initial quantity of each type is: 20.
Protective equipment: Vests, knee pads, helmets, elbow pads and the like. Initial quantity of each type is: 150.
Security cameras: Allow all parts of the colony, especially the fences, is monitored. Specify where each camera is positioned

(streets, buildings and sections of the fence). Initial quantity is: 60.

Jeeps: Primary means of transportation used in the colony. Initial quantity is: 40.
Jeep Batteries: Without these batteries, the jeeps do not work at all. Initial quantity is: 100.
Jeep Tires: Just as important as the batteries. Initial quantity is: 200.
Helicopters: This type of aerial vehicle is rarely used because it draws attention. Initial quantity is: 2.
Helicopter batteries: They have the same function as batteries for jeeps, but different properties. Initial quantity is: 5.
Repair Tools: Important for maintenance of vehicles, the less tools you have, the longer will be repairing anything

mechanical. It is not the number that determines this, but a state. The initial state is: Sufficient.

Fruits: They are very important and healthy, happily exist in abundance around the colony and also in the same. Initial

quantity is: 1000.
Vegetables: They are also very important, but are planted in the colony, which takes longer to harvest. Initial quantity is:

Meat: Can be taken from animals hunted or fished, usually small mammals and fish. Initial quantity is: 1200.
Water: Essential for life, water can be obtained from streams, waterfalls and pools. Initial quantity is: 2000.
Herbs: It has many functions, can be used as both seasoning and for some medical benefit. Initial quantity is: 350.

Serum: Used for cleaning wounds, cleaning nasal spray for asthma, among other uses. Initial quantity is: 100.
Morphine: Used as an anesthetic in serious injury and in surgical cases. Initial quantity is: 60.
Antibiotics: Help in fighting the immune system against bacterial infections. Initial quantity is: 180.
Anti-inflammatory: There are many types, some can reduce the pain (anesthetic), others may lower the degree of fever and also

fight inflammation. Initial quantity is: 80.
Surgical equipment: Scalpel, forceps, surgical gloves and all other equipment needed to perform a surgery. The initial state is: Sufficient.

M-1 Houses: The simplest model of home with just two rooms. Initial quantity is: 50.
M-2 Houses: In this model, residents can live in three rooms average. Initial quantity is: 230.
M-3 Houses: This is the most common model, has four rooms, two bedrooms, living room and a bathroom. Initial quantity is:

M-4 Houses: This is the largest model, with five large rooms, three bedrooms (one with double bed), a large living room and

high ceilings. Initial quantity is: 120.
Command buildings: Command center, hospital, guard posts, among others. Initial quantity is: 25.
Leisure buildings: Schools, parks, fountains, squares, gardens and the like. Initial quantity is: 60.

Wood: Essential material for construction of any buildings. Initial quantity is: 1000.
Cellophane: Cellophane is a type of very tough plastic, used in the construction of the roof and walls of houses. Initial quantity is: 400.
Metal: Only used to make doors, windows, towers and gates. Initial quantity is: 250.
Timber: A larger wood, thicker and more durable, used in larger buildings and fences. Initial quantity is: 200.
Other materials: Things such as glass, clay and others. Initial quantity is: 500.



Sector 1-A: The initial state is: Good.
Sector 2-A: The initial state is: Good.
Sector 1-B: The initial state is: Good.
Sector 2-B: The initial state is: Good.
Sector 1-C: The initial state is: Good.
Sector 2-C: The initial state is: Good.

Watchtower 1-A: Only soldiers can stand sentry. Number of watchers: 0.
Watchtower 2-A: Only soldiers can stand sentry. Number of watchers: 0.
Watchtower 1-B: Only soldiers can stand sentry. Number of watchers: 0.
Watchtower 2-B: Only soldiers can stand sentry. Number of watchers: 0.
Watchtower 1-C: Only soldiers can stand sentry. Number of watchers: 0.
Watchtower 2-C: Only soldiers can stand sentry. Number of watchers: 0.



⢠Security of the Colony:
Soldiers: Have the same function of the police: to protect and serve. Without them, the colony would be chaos. Initial

quantity is: 0.
Wounded soldiers: Initial quantity is: 0.
Watchmen (towers): Initial quantity is: 0.
Watchmen (gates): Initial quantity is: 0.

Collectors and gardeners: Initial quantity is: 0.
Doctors and nurses: Initial quantity is: 0 (initially, not to exceed 200).
Hunters and fishermen: Initial quantity is: 0.
Lumberjacks: Initial quantity is: 0.
Mechanical: Initial quantity is: 0.
Builders: Initial quantity is: 0.



M-1 House: 30 wood. 10 cellophane. 10 metal. 20 other materials.
M-2 House: 60 wood. 20 cellophane. 10 metal. 30 other materials.
M-3 House: 100 wood. 35 cellophane. 15 metal. 40 other materials. 5 timbers.
M-4 House: 120 wood. 40 cellophane. 15 metal. 45 other materials. 5 timbers.

Watchtower: 200 wood. 20 cellophane. 15 metal. 40 other materials. 10 beams.
School: 250 wood. 35 cellophane. 20 metal. 50 other materials. 15 beams.
Prison: 300 wood. 35 cellophane. 20 metal. 50 other materials. 20 beams.
Hospital: 320 wood. 50 cellophane. 20 metal. 50 other materials. 20 beams.
Repair of fences: 20 for small wood repairs. 30 10 wood and other materials for major repairs.


There will be a limited number of players (10), so only the first will have an opportunity to play, not to derail the topic. Before you start filling out the form below:

Name of the commander (you):
Name of the colony:
It is next to the Sixers?

Any questions just ask.

  • 7 Replies
59 posts

That error was a symbol used to feature =/

482 posts

Name of the commander: John Russ
Pilgrimage:Was a young space caption decided to settle down
Appearance:Tall,Average Build,Brown short hair,BLue eyes
Name of the colony:Romanas

Ill play

482 posts

brb homework and my formn game

59 posts

Ok, you're accepted. Now distribute the workers and and whether to build something for me to describe the scenario.

It is important that you have the slightest idea of the series (Terra Nova), can read without knowing a little about it here:

482 posts


I use 250 of the male adults to be sercity
I use the other 255 to be workers
I use all the female adults to be workers
All the teenagers to work with the other people
all the children go to school

Also i build a school

59 posts

100 male adolescents and 50 adult females to harvest fruits and vegetables and working as gardeners.
200 adult male and 50 female soldiers.

Got it?

59 posts

I had not specified correctly, sorry.

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