ForumsGame WalkthroughsRebuild 2 Discussion and tips/ walk-through and guide.

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The first thing you should do is to create your main character, the item you choose that is with you,( Dog, wrench, pistol, or cowboy hat)will have an effect on your character if you equip it. You will need to come up with a strategy for the item you pick as it will help you at the beginning of the game. As you start you should notice that you have eight survivors, by that you will see the amount of food you have.
If the number in parenthesis beside it is negative you need to start expanding you walls and trying to get farms, also, it is ideal to find a laboratory and start researching on zombie vitals, ways to keep the population happy, and research on food and scavenging as these will be what keeps you afloat later in the game.
After expanding and getting some farms you will probably want to start expanding your walls to suburbs and places like that so that you can start keeping more survivors, thus expanding your man power and gaining you more people to complete missions with and fighting off the undead.
The missions you send people out on will start to build up their skill depending on what the mission has them doing. For example, if i send someone to a place that i have killed all the zombies in to expand my walls to the place after they are done their skill in building will have increased some.
There are many ways to win the game, I am only going to tell you one so I do not ruin the game for you. One way is by capturing a certain amount of buildings and then capturing the city hall located somewhere in the map then after that you will need some time while they make a document, during the time they are making the document hordes of zombies will come non stop so be ready to fend them off until it is done.

This is my first fourm topic and am sorry if I have made any mistakes, I am also sorry if it is kind of brief. If you have any questions or something to add please put it in the comments below.

  • 2 Replies
97 posts

This is more like of a tutorial than a guide. Almost everything from what you've said is verbally and non-verbally said in the game.

3 posts

Well, this game is pretty hard, but here are my few tips.

BUILDERS are your most important unit, because they can enclose new areas faster than your other troops, and expansion is the key in Rebuild.
SOLDIERS are the second most important unit. Watch the danger gauge and assing folks to guard duty when it gets too high.
LEADERS are the third most important unit. Recruiting folks means more actions per turn.
SCAVENGERS are only useful at the beginning of the game, but once you've got a few farms, they're mostly useless. Sure, they can get you a sweet item drop from times to times, but on the whole, they're pretty useless. I suggest not having dedicated scavengers, but instead having a few of your mooks "multiclass" to scavenger.
SCIENTISTS are a useful but very, very specialized folk. If you play a long time (over 80 days or so) you won't need them at all, given that you'll have upgraded everything at some point.

My suggestion is as follows:
40% soldiers
30% builders
10% from each other type

A good start
At the beginning, grab the Wrench and equip your Builder with it. Have your scientist (if you have one) turn your suburbs into a much-needed farm. Use your scavenger to scavenge, your Leader to recruit, your Builder as a scout or backup gunner for the first two days and wipe as much Zed as you can with your soldiers. Be careful to have less than 6-7% chance of mision danger.
Starting 3rd day, you can start expanding using your Builder. Your priority should be grabbing a police station (or a mall, but those take time to fortify), as this increases your defense and allows you to survive the first few waves of Zeds without actually wasting actions placing guards. Then try and get a hospital ASAP, and the rest will follow.

Random tips
- Starting at a higher difficulty than "Kind of tough" is very, very hard. Better play at a lower difficulty first, then upgrade to a higher one, taking a few level 10 soldiers with you.
- Do not forget to recruit BEFORE you secure an area. Survivors won't automatically join you.
- On the other hand, do not bother about supplies. You will get them - at least part of them - while enclosing the area.
- Always gamble with the trader. Gamble to the end, you'll get a kitty!
- Early in the game, always accept love caravans. Your morale drops incredibly fast if you don't have a few bars and churches, and they really aren't your priority early on.
- Never leave your mooks unoccupied. Send them scouting, do some recruiting, place guards, train them... just don't let them do nothing.
- Don't forget your items! Equip them, switch them, collect them all!
- If you have a school, it may be interesting to upgrade your scientists and builders BEFORE beginning a long task. The long task often gets reduced by more than 2 days when you assign a more experienced worker to it.
- Zombies are NOT your friends. Never allow for the zombie propaganda. Allow for cage fights.

Have fun with this great game !

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