If you don't know what I mean, then here is an example:What if, you were sitting down with your laptop and it suddenly turned into a giant banana?
What if in soviet russia road doesnt fork you?!
what if i clicked that flag button?
What if I entered "select all - delete" on the entire internet?
what if someone shoots you and the bullet turns into corn dog
what if earth lost all of it's oxygen?
what if noble gases were actually explosive?
What if Santa gets put on the naughty list?
what if a jackhammer fell from the sky and landed next to you and said HI
What if u were the only one left on earth?
What if the chair you are sitting on spontaneously explodes?
What if you became a bubble?
What if the whole world turned into zombies and we were the only survivors?
What if your computer melted?
What if pasta wasn'y actually pasta
What if I don't say what if?
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