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Modeled after my all time favorite show, here is the whole thing in a nutshell

your gonna start off with no money and a basic featherweight bot, win battles be it tournaments or junkyard brawls and get money to upgrade him.

now onto the sheet

Owner Name:
Owner Age:
Money: $0
Bot Name:
Bio: 6 sentences, optional
Perk: from bio
Bot Weapon: Nothing too fancy/expensive/complex
Bot Shape:
Armor: nothing too expensive, the lighter the armor the faster you are
Bot Desc.: Important things (number of wheels, are where weapon(s) is/are etc.) and other details (looks, decals, etc.) at least 4 things
Special: from bot desc.
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: i make
Condition: fine

now get ta joinin!

  • 242 Replies
16,287 posts

Wood - Knight


Owner Name: Johnny Stuff
Owner Age: 21
Gender: Male
Money: $50
Bot Name: Techno
Bio: Johnny was interested in Technology, so he decided to make a career out of it. In his spare time, he competes in robot fights. Johnny is rather inexperienced, but he has determination, and that's what really counts. He hopes to be well known in his community. His current robot, Techno, is not his first robot built, but his first designed to fight. Who knows what will become of this?
Bot Weapon: Hammer, Shovel (to flip), Spikes
Bot Shape: Tank shape
Armor: Iron
Bot Description: 6 wheels, green color, shaped like a tank, Spikes
Special: Sturdiness - Less likely to be knocked back or fall over
Health: 100/100
Armor Health:20/100
Condition: Fine

"oh boi he dun gotz sawed in da half!" /random hillbilly in the crowd

1,626 posts

Owner Name: Johnny Stuff
Owner Age: 21
Gender: Male
Money: $50
Bot Name: Techno
Bio: Johnny was interested in Technology, so he decided to make a career out of it. In his spare time, he competes in robot fights. Johnny is rather inexperienced, but he has determination, and that's what really counts. He hopes to be well known in his community. His current robot, Techno, is not his first robot built, but his first designed to fight. Who knows what will become of this?
Bot Weapon: Hammer, Shovel (to flip), Spikes
Bot Shape: Tank shape
Armor: Iron
Bot Description: 6 wheels, green color, shaped like a tank, Spikes
Special: Sturdiness - Less likely to be knocked back or fall over
Health: 100/100
Armor Health:20/100
Condition: Fine
I turn to the other robots and see how they're doing.

Showing 241-242 of 242