The boss is a mutant-zombie 100 stories high try kill himName: DestroyerHP: 1000Scared of: pointy stuff and gunsWeak spots: head and buttGOOD LUCK!!!!(put image if you can)-soldierperson
my turn: I use a flamethrower and knife (a 21 inch one)
I send a hoard of magic fire breathing monkeys to attack him.
this is essentially a copy of kill the... and defeat the [boss era version]
Nice work inferedmonkey! monkeys breath fire and he loeses 20 HPand loco5 its a fan version
and loco5 its a fan version
I smash him with the hammer from super smash bros
I spread a deadly desiese to him and tell him he needs a shot with a needle, or an enema in his butt(that's full of c4) he says he wants the enema because he is afraid of pointy things. so i give it to him and his entire butt blows up.
P.S. the fire breathing monkeys blow up too
I hire Link to throw tons of bombs and attack him with the sword, while I get Zelda to posses a Phantom and start attacking him.
I get Chuck Norris on the scene. giant zombie vs. Chuck Norris = no more giant zombie. jk. i just wanted to say that for fun. XD
I say this is a copy of my game, Kill the Guy, for mine was made a year before yours.
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