ForumsForum GamesImproved Ultimate Battle

10 2008
12,319 posts

This is a PvP and here is the character sheet:

Name: (insert what you want to be called here)
Class: (choose from one of the classes listed)
Copy the class sheet for the rest of the character sheet.


HP: 400
Damage: 12-96
MP: 20
Special 1: 4 MP, damage is 16-128 for that attack.
Special 2: 4 MP, you take half damage on the next attack, and you still attack on the turn of use.
Ultimate: 10 MP, you take no damage on the next attack, and your attack damage becomes 14-112 for that turn.


HP: 300
Damage: 13-130
MP: 25
Special 1: 5 MP, damage is 16-160 for that attack.
Special 2: 5 MP, you have a 10% chance of dealing double damage on the next attack.
Ultimate: 12 MP, you have a 50% chance to counterattack your opponent (attack if they hit, then you get your attack), and your attack damage becomes 15-150 for that turn.


HP: 300
Damage: 11-132
MP: 30
Special 1: 5 MP, damage is 14-168 for that attack.
Special 2: 8 MP, you have a 20% chance of dealing double damage on the next attack.
Ultimate: 15 MP, you heal 30% of the damage you deal on your attack for that turn.


HP: 250
Damage: 11-88
MP: 40
Special 1: 6 MP, you summon a creature with stats in parentheses (40 HP, 4-40 damage) instead of an attack.
Special 2: 9 MP, you summon a creature with stats in parentheses (50 HP, 5-60 damage) instead of an attack.
Ultimate: 20 MP, you summon a creature with stats in parentheses (80 HP, 8-96 damage) instead of an attack.


HP: 200
Damage: 10-100
MP: 60
Special 1: 10 MP, damage is 12-120 for that attack, and you have a 40% chance to avoid the next attack.
Special 2: 10 MP, you take no damage on the next attack, and your attack damage becomes 11-110.
Ultimate: 25 MP, you take no damage on the next attack, and your attack damage becomes 17-170.


HP: 250
Damage: 14-84
MP: 35
Special 1: 6 MP, you heal 4-32 HP.
Special 2: 10 MP, you heal 7-56 HP.
Ultimate: 20 MP, you heal 14-112 HP.

Unless it says otherwise, you attack when you use a special or ultimate.

Attacking another player:

Once 2 players join, one player can challenge another. To challenge another player, announce the challenge as a post in this thread. Also include what you will do each turn until you can no longer use a special or ultimate. The other player then has the choice of either accepting or declining the challenge. If you decline a challenge, you can challenge a different player in the same post. If you accept, then you need to post what you will do each turn until you can no longer use a special or an ultimate. Once a challenge is made and accepted, I will resolve it with each action being shown with its outcome.

My character:

I will also be playing in order to speed this thread up. Here's my character sheet:

Name: Patrick2011
Class: Tank
HP: 400
Damage: 12-96
MP: 20
Special 1: 4 MP, damage is 16-128 for that attack.
Special 2: 4 MP, you take half damage on the next attack, and you still attack on the turn of use.
Ultimate: 10 MP, you take no damage on the next attack, and your attack damage becomes 14-112 for that turn.

Not only does this let me play, but it also shows you what a character sheet should look like.

Do not accuse me of god-modding. When an attack occurs, damage is random, and I have a program on my computer to determine damage on each attack as well as resolve % chances.

  • 10 Replies
1,242 posts

HP: 300
Name: Rivercrab
Class: Tank
Damage: 13-130
MP: 25
Special 1: 5 MP, damage is 16-160 for that attack.
Special 2: 5 MP, you have a 10% chance of dealing double damage on the next attack.
Ultimate: 12 MP, you have a 50% chance to counterattack your opponent (attack if they hit, then you get your attack), and your attack damage becomes 15-150 for that turn.

12,319 posts

@rivercrab01: Wrong information. You put down Tank as the class, but you copied the Fighter sheet. Therefore, you should copy the character sheet based on which class you want.

If you want to be a Tank, copy this sheet:

Name: Rivercrab
Class: Tank
HP: 400
Damage: 12-96
MP: 20
Special 1: 4 MP, damage is 16-128 for that attack.
Special 2: 4 MP, you take half damage on the next attack, and you still attack on the turn of use.
Ultimate: 10 MP, you take no damage on the next attack, and your attack damage becomes 14-112 for that turn.

If you want to be a Fighter, copy this sheet:

Name: Rivercrab
Class: Fighter
HP: 300
Damage: 13-130
MP: 25
Special 1: 5 MP, damage is 16-160 for that attack.
Special 2: 5 MP, you have a 10% chance of dealing double damage on the next attack.
Ultimate: 12 MP, you have a 50% chance to counterattack your opponent (attack if they hit, then you get your attack), and your attack damage becomes 15-150 for that turn.

1,242 posts

Name: Rivercrab
Class: Fighter
HP: 300
Damage: 13-130
MP: 25
Special 1: 5 MP, damage is 16-160 for that attack.
Special 2: 5 MP, you have a 10% chance of dealing double damage on the next attack.
Ultimate: 12 MP, you have a 50% chance to counterattack your opponent (attack if they hit, then you get your attack), and your attack damage becomes 15-150 for that turn.

I am an idiot. My bad.

12,319 posts

I have information on this forum game on my profile. Anyway, since there are two players, the game can start.

I challenge rivercrab01, and this is what I will do:

Special 2
Special 1
Attack for the rest of combat.

1,242 posts

Special 1
Special 2
Attack for rest of fight

Should I post my sheet or not? And is this fine?

12,319 posts

Special 1
Special 2
Attack for rest of fight

Should I post my sheet or not? And is this fine?

What you posted works. You can post your sheet if you want to, but you don't have to. Since you accepted the challenge, I will run combat as follows:

Patrick2011 (Patrick2011) vs Rivercrab (rivercrab01)

Name: Patrick2011
Class: Tank
HP: 400
Damage: 12-96
MP: 20
Special 1: 4 MP, damage is 16-128 for that attack.
Special 2: 4 MP, you take half damage on the next attack, and you still attack on the turn of use.
Ultimate: 10 MP, you take no damage on the next attack, and your attack damage becomes 14-112 for that turn.

Name: Rivercrab
Class: Fighter
HP: 300
Damage: 13-130
MP: 25
Special 1: 5 MP, damage is 16-160 for that attack.
Special 2: 5 MP, you have a 10% chance of dealing double damage on the next attack.
Ultimate: 12 MP, you have a 50% chance to counterattack your opponent (attack if they hit, then you get your attack), and your attack damage becomes 15-150 for that turn.

Patrick2011 uses Ultimate and deals 55 damage. Rivercrab is now at 245 HP.
Rivercrab uses Special 1 and deals 0 damage (Patrick2011's Ultimate means no damage). Patrick2011 is now at 400 HP.
Patrick2011 uses Special 2 and deals 61 damage. Rivercrab is now at 184 HP.
Rivercrab uses Special 2 and deals 35 damage (Patrick2011's Special 2 means half damage, and Rivercrab's Special 2 failed to double damage). Patrick2011 is now at 365 HP.
Patrick2011 uses Special 1 and deals 69 damage. Rivercrab is now at 115 HP.
Rivercrab attacks and deals 50 damage. Patrick2011 is now at 315 HP.
Patrick2011 attacks and deals 56 damage. Rivercrab is now at 59 HP.
Rivercrab uses Ultimate and deals 80 damage. Patrick2011 is now at 235 HP.
Patrick2011 attacks and deals 52 damage. Rivercrab is now at 7 HP.
Rivercrab counterattacks for 86 damage (made possible by Rivercrab's Ultimate). Patrick2011 is now at 149 HP.
Rivercrab attacks and deals 83 damage. Patrick2011 is now at 66 HP.
Patrick2011 attacks and deals 53 damage. Rivercrab has been defeated.

Battle is over.

I won the battle, but having just 2 players is boring. Therefore, more players should join.
1,242 posts

So, do we just chill until someone else gets here?

12,319 posts

So, do we just chill until someone else gets here?

I guess so.
12,319 posts

@bigfatkitty: Your character sheet has errors. This is the correct version:

Name: bigfatkitty
Class: Summoner
HP: 250
Damage: 11-88
MP: 40
Special 1: 6 MP, you summon a creature with stats in parentheses (40 HP, 4-40 damage) instead of an attack.
Special 2: 9 MP, you summon a creature with stats in parentheses (50 HP, 5-60 damage) instead of an attack.
Ultimate: 20 MP, you summon a creature with stats in parentheses (80 HP, 8-96 damage) instead of an attack.

@ericthai1: Your character sheet has errors. This is the correct version:

Name: Eric
Class: Summoner
HP: 250
Damage: 11-88
MP: 20
Special 1: 6 MP, you summon a creature with stats in parentheses (40 HP, 4-40 damage) instead of an attack.
Special 2: 9 MP, you summon a creature with stats in parentheses (50 HP, 5-60 damage) instead of an attack
Ultimate: 20 MP, you summon a creature with stats in parentheses (80 HP, 8-96 damage) instead of an attack.

Once your character is created, you can challenge others to battle as this is a PvP.

12,319 posts

rivercrab01 has not responded, so I will bump and challenge bigfatkitty.

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