Rebel Country You are the leader of a rebel country. Choose your goal for your country, such as destroying your original country that you rebelled against, rising as a world power, or just do nothing and relax as your country sits and waits. Whatever your goal is, you probably won't reach it because I will soon get bored with this.
Country: (Name of your country) Rebelled Against: (Country you formed/rebelled from) Location: (Just put anywhere, doesn't matter.) Government: (Anything really. Can be fictional.) Date and Year: January 2012 Country Stability: 90% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: (What your flag looks like.) Population: (Put how much you want. Explained more below.) Food: 50% Metals: 20% Oil and Coal: 20% Luxury and Goods: 5% Chemicals: 5% Allies: (I will put based on sheet.) Enemies: (I will put based on sheet.) Organizations and Treaties: None Wars Participated: None Wars Won: None Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: (I will put, 1000 is highest.) Country Honor Score: (I will put, 1000 is highest.) Country Economical Score: (I will put, 1000 is highest.) Weapons of Mass Destruction: (I will put.)
More on Population Population isn't very important, but it does play a role in your country. Here's a little more information on it.
Population can rise and fall during wars, natural causes, etc. The more population you have, the more resources you will need for your country. If you cannot keep up with the population, your resources will run out quicker and your country stability will slowly fall if you do not fix this somehow. Happiness is also a factor to regulate. Too much population can be a problem if your country is too small. Happiness and stability can also fall if your country is not doing well or losing honor, such as (Creating Another Holocaust, Causing a World War).
Weapons of Mass Destruction You probably know what these are. If you don't already know from the obvious name, Weapons of Mass Destruction can cause, well... mass destruction. Anything from ranging to deadly epidemics, nuclear weapons, etc. The use of these is unrecommended, unless you seriously want to destroy something. Too much use of WMD's is not recommended either, because you would probably kill everyone on the planet, therefore causing you to start over.
Victory Conditions Signs of victory can be: Domination.
...I don't know how else you would win... lol.
Wars, Organizations, Treaties Organizations can be useful if you need with anything. If you are involved in a war or conflict, your organization will usually help you, unless something is going wrong. Organizations can also help you in time of need, such as economy problems. Treaties cause countries to make each other do something, such as a Peace Treaty, or a Territory Treaty. Wars... well they're pretty obvious.
Country: Citta'Gazze Rebelled Against: UK Location: An Island just West of London. Government: Empire Date and Year: March 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A White Square with a Blue Circle in the middle Population: 2,300 Food: 75% Metals: 30% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 20% Chemicals: 15% Allies: Pakistan, Russia, Ellisia, Afghanistan Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Peaceful Rebellion Treaty, Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 150 Country Honor Score: 200 Country Economical Score: 220 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Atomic Bomb
The borders open to immigrants, which increases honor and population.
LUXUS TAKES TERRITORY FROM BELGIUM Just days after the declaration of war, Luxus had taken half of Belgium territory. Belgium taking heavy losses, is deciding to choose to whether to surrender or keep fighting. The United States and Netherlands has declared war just recently, only a few hours ago.
Country: Ellisia Rebelled Against: Germany Location: Between France and Germany Government: Republic Date and Year: April 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A red star with a tiger Population: 20,010,600 Food: 65% Metals: 25% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 20% Chemicals: 20% Allies: Afghanistan, Citta'Gazze, Russia Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations, Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 330 Country Honor Score: 80 Country Economical Score: 250 Weapons of Mass Destruction: None
"Perhaps you should stay out of our business, and we won't declare war on you." You improve the job system, which increases economy. You also improve security on border guards, which raises military.
Country: Ellisia Rebelled Against: Germany Location: Between France and Germany Government: Republic Date and Year: April 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A red star with a tiger Population: 20,010,600 Food: 65% Metals: 25% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 20% Chemicals: 20% Allies: Afghanistan, Citta'Gazze, Russia Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations, Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 330 Country Honor Score: 80 Country Economical Score: 250 Weapons of Mass Destruction: None
"Our fleets and armies will stand! Are you too a coward to fight ours?"
Country: Citta'Gazze Rebelled Against: UK Location: An Island just West of London. Government: Empire Date and Year: March 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A White Square with a Blue Circle in the middle Population: 2,300 Food: 75% Metals: 30% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 20% Chemicals: 15% Allies: Pakistan, Russia, Ellisia, Afghanistan Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Peaceful Rebellion Treaty, Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 150 Country Honor Score: 200 Country Economical Score: 220 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Atomic Bomb
I open a public University, the University of Citta'Gazze, offering degrees in every field possible.
Country: Ellisia Rebelled Against: Germany Location: Between France and Germany Government: Republic Date and Year: April 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A red star with a tiger Population: 20,020,300 Food: 65% Metals: 25% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 20% Chemicals: 20% Allies: Afghanistan, Citta'Gazze, Russia Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations, Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 350 Country Honor Score: 80 Country Economical Score: 280 Weapons of Mass Destruction: None
After the argument, you begin creating more troops and open more factories. More and more supplies and weapons are being produced.
Country: Citta'Gazze Rebelled Against: UK Location: An Island just West of London. Government: Empire Date and Year: April 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A White Square with a Blue Circle in the middle Population: 3,700 Food: 75% Metals: 30% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 20% Chemicals: 15% Allies: Pakistan, Russia, Ellisia, Afghanistan Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Peaceful Rebellion Treaty, Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 150 Country Honor Score: 200 Country Economical Score: 240 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Atomic Bomb
The opening of the university excites all. The population rises as more people arrive, which increases economy as well.
LUXUS ELIMINATES BELGIUM, TAKES ALL TERRITORY After the first week of fighting, Belgium has stood no chance at all from the beginning. Countries all around the world are shocked, and the Netherlands and United States stop the fighting, stating that there is no longer any use to it.
Country: Ellisia Rebelled Against: Germany Location: Between France and Germany Government: Republic Date and Year: April 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A red star with a tiger Population: 20,075,000 Food: 70% Metals: 25% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 25% Chemicals: 20% Allies: Afghanistan, Citta'Gazze, Russia Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations, Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 350 Country Honor Score: 100 Country Economical Score: 290 Weapons of Mass Destruction: None
The border security keeps guard, while opening more farms and entertainment. The population, food, and luxury increase.
Country: Ellisia Rebelled Against: Germany Location: Between France and Germany Government: Republic Date and Year: April 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A red star with a tiger Population: 20,075,000 Food: 70% Metals: 25% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 25% Chemicals: 20% Allies: Afghanistan, Citta'Gazze, Russia Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations, Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 350 Country Honor Score: 100 Country Economical Score: 290 Weapons of Mass Destruction: None
"We are ready. We will begin a suprise attack on their navy fleets soon. If their allies decide to join in, you may join."
Country: Citta'Gazze Rebelled Against: UK Location: An Island just West of London. Government: Empire Date and Year: April 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A White Square with a Blue Circle in the middle Population: 3,700 Food: 75% Metals: 30% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 20% Chemicals: 15% Allies: Pakistan, Russia, Ellisia, Afghanistan Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Peaceful Rebellion Treaty, Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 150 Country Honor Score: 200 Country Economical Score: 240 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Atomic Bomb
Since we are a lot more of people now, I build a fancy, crazy departamental resort in the water, thus expanding the Island artificially.
Country: Ellisia Rebelled Against: Germany Location: Between France and Germany Government: Republic Date and Year: April 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A red star with a tiger Population: 20,075,000 Food: 70% Metals: 25% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 25% Chemicals: 20% Allies: Afghanistan, Citta'Gazze, Russia Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations, Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 380 Country Honor Score: 100 Country Economical Score: 290 Weapons of Mass Destruction: None
Some of the soldiers are transported with the Russian army, while the rest stay on guard within the country. You then begin creating another airforce, along with many soldiers and aircraft. The Russians then launch a surprise attack on the Northern Islands, where some of their navy bases lie. ------------------------------------------------------------
Country: Citta'Gazze Rebelled Against: UK Location: An Island just West of London. Government: Empire Date and Year: April 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A White Square with a Blue Circle in the middle Population: 3,700 Food: 75% Metals: 30% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 30% Chemicals: 15% Allies: Pakistan, Russia, Ellisia, Afghanistan Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Peaceful Rebellion Treaty, Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 150 Country Honor Score: 200 Country Economical Score: 250 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Atomic Bomb
The new addition of the artificially expanding resort brings much more economy and luxury to your country.
This morning, Russian units launched a surprise attack on a Northern Japanese island naval base. A declaration of war, many fear that the Russians will call this the Second Russo-Japanese War, possibly for revenge on what happened in 1905.
Country: Citta'Gazze Rebelled Against: UK Location: An Island just West of London. Government: Empire Date and Year: April 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A White Square with a Blue Circle in the middle Population: 3,700 Food: 75% Metals: 30% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 30% Chemicals: 15% Allies: Pakistan, Russia, Ellisia, Afghanistan Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Peaceful Rebellion Treaty, Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 150 Country Honor Score: 200 Country Economical Score: 250 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Atomic Bomb
Everyone loves war, huh.... Anyhow, I order the construction of a Language Center, since we got a lot of newcomers, we need to learn each other language. It will be mandatory for kids that go to school to study at least 1 foreign language.
Country: Citta'Gazze Rebelled Against: UK Location: An Island just West of London. Government: Empire Date and Year: April 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A White Square with a Blue Circle in the middle Population: 3,700 Food: 75% Metals: 30% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 30% Chemicals: 15% Allies: Pakistan, Russia, Ellisia, Afghanistan Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Peaceful Rebellion Treaty, Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 150 Country Honor Score: 200 Country Economical Score: 250 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Atomic Bomb
The Language Center is an important improvement, which definately improves the happiness and security of the citizens. But of course it doesn't raise because it's at 100%.
LUXUM STRIKES AGAIN Early-Mid April 2012
Luxum, the ever growing powerful country, has once again declared war on another country, the Netherlands. Netherlands fear their defeat, and will possibly surrender without a fight. However, doing so will greatly beat their military and possibly economy. However, if they do choose to continue fighting, their country could possibly turn to Luxum territory.
Country: Ellisia Rebelled Against: Germany Location: Between France and Germany Government: Republic Date and Year: April 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A red star with a tiger Population: 20,075,000 Food: 70% Metals: 25% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 25% Chemicals: 20% Allies: Afghanistan, Citta'Gazze, Russia Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations, Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 420 Country Honor Score: 100 Country Economical Score: 290 Weapons of Mass Destruction: None
The Russians are having a hard time with Japan's navy, and the United States is thinking of joining in this fight. You train soldiers to be more effective.
Country: Citta'Gazze Rebelled Against: UK Location: An Island just West of London. Government: Empire Date and Year: April 2012 Country Stability: 100% Country Happiness: 100% Flag: A White Square with a Blue Circle in the middle Population: 3,700 Food: 75% Metals: 30% Oil and Coal: 35% Luxury and Goods: 30% Chemicals: 15% Allies: Pakistan, Russia, Ellisia, Afghanistan Enemies: None Organizations and Treaties: Peaceful Rebellion Treaty, Moshchnyi Alliance Wars Participated: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Won: The Invasion of Eurasian Nations Wars Lost: None Country Military Score: 150 Country Honor Score: 200 Country Economical Score: 250 Weapons of Mass Destruction: Atomic Bomb
Well... I can't act against Luxum, but I open my borders to the Netherlands, to those that are afraid of war and need a shelter.