i would be able to regain all the points i lost in about an hour!!! but no one would get merits which im trying to get but then all the mods would come back after a year and they would delete all the spam and we would all lose like 5,000 spaming points....
Someone would spam the forums. Then someone would get mad and assasinate them. Which would couse a law suit against Him. But all of us would support Him. We'd become his followers and more and more would follow his couse. Soon he would rule the world. But since He doesn't know much about that he will accedentally hit "Luanch nukes" Button on... Everywhere! then the world would Blow up...
oh you did the thing like the toshiba commercials!! my turn!! all the mods leave and spam starts to over flow the website. then some lowly noob who is undeage but still plays would be playing exit path and the site would crash. he would rage and start to smash things. He breaks a tv that yanks cords out of a wall. the cords would electrocuit the kid and his house would explode. then he would still be alive in the middle of the crater and he would have supper powers and destroy the world! then aliens come and see the big explosions on earth and take us all over and enslave or minds!!!! thank you mods!