ForumsForum GamesLeft For Dead RPG

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yes like the hit game Left 4 Dead i'm making the RPG of it ! like most of the zombie games, except different >_>.

so if you don't understand wtf is going on you can play a zombie or a survivor, but you start out small time, a normal zombie and a guy who just fell into the whole survivor thing. not some tank, or some guy with three machineguns and a nade launcher with body armor, NO!

well if your outa ideas for zombies if you wanna play one, here are some examples (from the game)

Spitter: spits acid, is a very quiet infected, but isn't very fact and can be easily tracked by the spittle of acid it leaves

Boomer: a slow big target, spits goo that attracts lesser zombies

Jockey: a small fast moving zombie, can jump on and control zombies but is rather weak

still can't think of anything? ask me :P

well let me get to sheet

Physical Desc.: 3 things, for a zombie put your old selves image, no mutations
Personality:at least 3, zombies here have their own personality, AND can talk only to other zombies
Weapons: nothing more than small pistols, no chainsaws!
Armor: Any clothes for both survivors and zombies
Misc.: 3 things, nothing special
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0/0
Conditions: none

i think that's it get to joining!

  • 504 Replies
30 posts


Name: john westwood
Age: 19
Gender: male
Physical Desc.: small, but powerful legs, a thin build, not for sustained combat, swept over (emo) hair
Personality: shady and keeps himself to himself, tends to be more analysing, prefers to scope out places from afar, out of zombies sight range, ((and smell)which means not downwind from them)
bio: after being brought up in a small hunting village on the outskirts of a forest, the game died out, i was forced to move to the city when i was 17, seeing as my dad taught me how to shoot a rifle from a young age, that was naturally the first thing i would have looked for, dad was the first one out of us to die, and he was holding his rifle... i wonder if some looter has it now, ha... or a zombie has got it mounted over his toilet seat...
perk: trained shot, after being taught from a young age, it was natural that i don't miss my first shot, and i don't miss any shots if i take my time... provided nothing... unexpected happens.
Weapons: a small beretta FS 92 with a low power scope, 1 kukri, (can i have... please???)
Armor: old but trusty german fallschirmjager boots, knee pads built from kevlar and wood, cargo pants with holster round the leg to hold both pistol and kukri, (if applicable), a black, lightweight kevlar reinforced jacket, a black woolen hat to keep hair out of face
Misc.: CROTCH PAD!!!... no, seriously, last thing i want is my balls bitten off, a small crosshair symbol, which i kiss every time i shoot for the first time whilst scoping.
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 20/20
Conditions: none known as of 23 october

suddenly a figure drops down from a rooftop, and unseen until that point, gently attempts to engage in coversation with a tall male with dog tags around his neck

4,049 posts

Iron - Squire


Name: pvr.jhon anderson
Physical builded
Personality:silent(he talks when needed)smart.kind(not to zombies!!)
Bio:he was a soldier till 5 days ago he had simple orders !! 1-kill 2-clear 3-leave but it turned the zombies werent that weak the whole army was taken out he and some me tried to survive ... he only made it he lost his stuff while they were defending their self from a horde of zombies ... now he is alone ...
Perk:melee KOer :he is very good with knives and melee weapons
Trait:very good ears !! his hearing is awsome he can hear 2 times better than regular ppl
Weapons:glock 19
Armor:soldiers shirt and pants and ...(no armors on)
Misc.:tags(of him self and team mates that died).rope(a long one).knife
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0/0
Conditions: none

you're NOT in the military

Name:William "Bill" Overbeck (Awesome guy )
Physical Desc.:Old,Medium Weight,Medium Tall.
Bio:Was A solider In the Vietnam war..Got Old and retired...
Most of his days he spent in the Veteran Hospital...
Until The Virus Came...He got ready for the last fight....
Perk:Solider Skills-His accuracy and Other stats are Increased Because He was a Skilled Solider.
Trait:moldy oldy: you dun be wise, and know your way round' town
Perk: not so epic originality: get L4D2 BOI coach is better, teehee. anywho you do better with rifles
Weaponsuel Berretas w/ Flashlights attached.
Armor:Veteran Clothes
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0/0
Conditions: none

I then...Go talk to him..I suppose??

30 posts

what you say?

1,255 posts

Name:jhon anderson
Physical builded
Personality:silent(he talks when needed)smart.kind(not to zombies!!)
Bio:he was a soldier till 5 days ago he had simple orders !! 1-kill 2-clear 3-leave but it turned the zombies werent that weak the whole army was taken out he and some me tried to survive ... he only made it he lost his stuff while they were defending their self from a horde of zombies ... now he is alone ...
Trait:Quet one: zombies are a bit less likely to notice you
Weapons:glock 19
Armor:soldiers shirt and pants and ...(no armors on)
Misc.:tags(of him self and team mates that died).rope(a long one).knife
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0/0
Conditions: none

ok il ask him if his ok than put my hand on the gun ... so if he you know ... il attack him ...

1,391 posts

Name: Thomas Mason
Age: 19
Gender: Mason
Physical Desc.: 5ft8, Brown Hair, Blue Eyes
Personality: Kind, Athletic, Climber
Weapons: Dual Pistols
Armor: Sweatshirt and Jeans with trainers
Misc.: Bottled Water, Picture of Girlfriend, Wedding Ring
Perk: Athlete: Able to run faster and take more damage than normal survives
Bio: Played for a professional soccer team before the out-break, had a girlfriend and was on his way to propose to her. When he arrived at her apartment she had turned into a Regular Zombie. He had to kill her with a Kitchen Knife.
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0/0
Conditions: none

Not to late to join is it?

1,391 posts

Name: Thomas Mason
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Physical Desc.: 5ft8, Brown Hair, Blue Eyes
Personality: Kind, Athletic, Climber
Weapons: Dual Pistols
Armor: Sweatshirt and Jeans with trainers
Misc.: Bottled Water, Picture of Girlfriend, Wedding Ring
Perk: Athlete: Able to run faster and take more damage than normal survives
Bio: Played for a professional soccer team before the out-break, had a girlfriend and was on his way to propose to her. When he arrived at her apartment she had turned into a Regular Zombie. He had to kill her with a Kitchen Knife.
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0/0
Conditions: none

Oops my bad I put Gender: Mason silly me haha

2,316 posts

Name:Chad Bingham
Phys. description:Black hair, white skin, looks suprisingly like Nathan Drake from Uncharted.
Personality:Kind, prefers to stay near hordes, easily-angered
Trait:videogame look alike, i have no idea who nathan is, so i dunno what to give you, extra health!
Bio:Chad was at home, cleaning dishes, that kinda stuff. Then the zombies came. They came from the windows and doors. Chad grabbed a knife and drove it into a zombie's eyeball. It got all over Chad's face. Then another zombie bit Chad in the shoulder. He pulled out the knife of the other zombie and stuck into his attacker's eye. He ran upstairs and tried to barricade his room. He sat thier wondering what caused this. Then he blacked-out. When he woke up, he had an insatible hunger for Human flesh.
Perk:Friendly zombie!- Chad has a small goup of common infected with him.
Weapons:His claws and teeth
Armor:Black hoodie, black jeans, black shoes

Fair enough.

Approach through anything that will obstruct their view, bushes, trees, etc.

267 posts

Name: Ron Ronson
Age: 70
Gender: M
Physical Desc.: Tiny, Brown Eyes, Fast
Personality: Angry, Smart, Humoristic
Bio: Security Guard who whants to get revenge on the person that killed his son.
Trait: Mercyless
Weapons: M1911
Armor: Guard Suit
Misc.: Bottle with Water, Batteries, Flashlight
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0/0
Conditions: none

30 posts

Name: john westwood
Age: 19
Gender: male
Physical Desc.: small, but powerful legs, a thin build, not for sustained combat, swept over (emo) hair
Personality: shady and keeps himself to himself, tends to be more analysing, prefers to scope out places from afar, out of zombies sight range, ((and smell)which means not downwind from them)
bio: after being brought up in a small hunting village on the outskirts of a forest, the game died out, i was forced to move to the city when i was 17, seeing as my dad taught me how to shoot a rifle from a young age, that was naturally the first thing i would have looked for, dad was the first one out of us to die, and he was holding his rifle... i wonder if some looter has it now, ha... or a zombie has got it mounted over his toilet seat...
perk: trained shot, after being taught from a young age, it was natural that i don't miss my first shot, and i don't miss any shots if i take my time... provided nothing... unexpected happens.
Weapons: a small beretta FS 92 with a low power scope, 1 kukri, (can i have... please???)
Armor: old but trusty german fallschirmjager boots, knee pads built from kevlar and wood, cargo pants with holster round the leg to hold both pistol and kukri, (if applicable), a black, lightweight kevlar reinforced jacket, a black woolen hat to keep hair out of face
Misc.: CROTCH PAD!!!... no, seriously, last thing i want is my balls bitten off, a small crosshair symbol, which i kiss every time i shoot for the first time whilst scoping.
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 20/20
Conditions: none known as of 23 october

ey... ey, don't worry, i'm noy gonna hurt ya'

just been watchin ya' for a few days, thought you might want a little hand, im a good shot ya' know?

16,287 posts

Name:William "Bill" Overbeck (Awesome guy )
Physical Desc.:Old,Medium Weight,Medium Tall.
Bio:Was A solider In the Vietnam war..Got Old and retired...
Most of his days he spent in the Veteran Hospital...
Until The Virus Came...He got ready for the last fight....
Perk:Solider Skills-His accuracy and Other stats are Increased Because He was a Skilled Solider.
Trait:moldy oldy: you dun be wise, and know your way round' town
Perk: not so epic originality: get L4D2 BOI coach is better, teehee. anywho you do better with rifles
Weaponsuel Berretas w/ Flashlights attached.
Armor:Veteran Clothes
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0/0
Conditions: none

bro, what would you do if someone just handed you change, then drops onto the floor lookin like he's having a seizure

Name:jhon anderson
Physical builded
Personality:silent(he talks when needed)smart.kind(not to zombies!!)
Bio:he was a soldier till 5 days ago he had simple orders !! 1-kill 2-clear 3-leave but it turned the zombies werent that weak the whole army was taken out he and some me tried to survive ... he only made it he lost his stuff while they were defending their self from a horde of zombies ... now he is alone ...
Trait:Quet one: zombies are a bit less likely to notice you
Weapons:glock 19
Armor:soldiers shirt and pants and ...(no armors on)
Misc.:tags(of him self and team mates that died).rope(a long one).knife
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0/0
Conditions: none

"i'm *cough* fine *hack*" he gasps then runs off to the bathroom, at the front of the train (inconvenient spot ftw!)

after a while you hear a commotion at the front of the train

Name: Thomas Mason
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Physical Desc.: 5ft8, Brown Hair, Blue Eyes
Personality: Kind, Athletic, Climber
Weapons: Dual Pistols
Armor: Sweatshirt and Jeans with trainers
Misc.: Bottled Water, Picture of Girlfriend, Wedding Ring
Perk: Athlete: Able to run faster and take more damage than normal survives
Bio: Played for a professional soccer team before the out-break, had a girlfriend and was on his way to propose to her. When he arrived at her apartment she had turned into a Regular Zombie. He had to kill her with a Kitchen Knife.
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0/0
Conditions: none

specify what pistols

Name: Ron Ronson
Age: 70
Gender: M
Physical Desc.: Tiny, Brown Eyes, Fast
Personality: Angry, Smart, Humoristic
Bio: Security Guard who whants to get revenge on the person that killed his son.
Trait you deal better damage with melee
Perk: nil
Weapons: M1911
Armor: Guard Suit
Misc.: Bottle with Water, Batteries, Flashlight
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0/0
Conditions: none

your at the bank your guarding, when one day a maniac runs in bleeding from the eyes babbling incoherently, he bites one of the patrons and runs into a back room

Name: john westwood
Age: 19
Gender: male
Physical Desc.: small, but powerful legs, a thin build, not for sustained combat, swept over (emo) hair
Personality: shady and keeps himself to himself, tends to be more analysing, prefers to scope out places from afar, out of zombies sight range, ((and smell)which means not downwind from them)
bio: after being brought up in a small hunting village on the outskirts of a forest, the game died out, i was forced to move to the city when i was 17, seeing as my dad taught me how to shoot a rifle from a young age, that was naturally the first thing i would have looked for, dad was the first one out of us to die, and he was holding his rifle... i wonder if some looter has it now, ha... or a zombie has got it mounted over his toilet seat...
perk: trained shot, after being taught from a young age, it was natural that i don't miss my first shot, and i don't miss any shots if i take my time... provided nothing... unexpected happens.
Weapons: a small beretta FS 92 with a low power scope, 1 kukri,
Armor: old but trusty german fallschirmjager boots, knee pads built from kevlar and wood, cargo pants with holster round the leg to hold both pistol and kukri, (if applicable), a black, lightweight kevlar reinforced jacket, a black woolen hat to keep hair out of face
Misc.: CROTCH PAD!!!... no, seriously, last thing i want is my balls bitten off, a small crosshair symbol, which i kiss every time i shoot for the first time whilst scoping.
Health: 100/100
Armor Health: 0/0
Conditions: none known as of 23 october

fix your misc. and armor, i specifically said NO ARMOR

154 posts

I guess a zombie

16,287 posts

well make a sheet instead of spamming my thread

154 posts

Name: Drake Blast
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Physical Desc.: Tall, furry, and fast..
Personality: Strange, random, mostly nice. Can be really strategestic when needs to.
Bio: Was bitten by an infected wolf, and was mutated with zombie and wolf DNA.
Trait: randomness: your harder to hit
Weapons: claws, appendages, bite
Armor: T-shirt and jeans,
Health: 100/100
Armor health: 0/0
Conditions: no

16,287 posts

Name: Drake Blast
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Physical Desc.: Tall, furry, and fast..
Personality: Strange, random, mostly nice. Can be really strategestic when needs to.
Bio: Was bitten by an infected wolf, and was mutated with zombie and wolf DNA.
Trait: randomness: your harder to hit
Weapons: claws, appendages, bite
Armor: T-shirt and jeans,
Health: 100/100
Armor health: 0/0
Conditions: no

1. animals aren't effected by virus

154 posts

Coulda said that animals arent effected but whatever
Name: Drake Blast
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Physical Desc.: Tall, furry, and fast..
Personality: Strange, random, mostly nice. Can be really strategestic when needs to.
Bio: Was bitten by a zombie in the woods, now he lives his days chasing down any human he can find.
Trait: randomness: your harder to hit
Weapons: claws, appendages, bite
Armor: T-shirt and jeans,
Health: 100/100
Armor health: 0/0
Conditions: no

Showing 31-45 of 504