In this game, you will be given a story, and then 4 choices. Pick 1, and the most votes wins.First, what kind of person are you?1: Ninja2: Pirate3: Assassin4: Knight5: Wizard/Mage
3 Assassin
5. I vote for Wizard/Mage
NOTE: Voting Will stop at 3.30!
5: Wizard/Mage.
3: Assassin
Since there are equal votes, First vote counts.You're an assassin.Are you a male or female?1. Male2. Female
1. I vote male.
1. Male
2. Female
male... lolz, who knows where this is going...
2. Female.
Ok. You are an assassin. You are a male. Where do you live?1 U.S.A2 U.K3 Brazil4 NetherlamdsVoting ends in 7 hours. ( i have to go to school)
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