hello people of armor games, ould you all like to join me in a jolly good game of zombies, yes? jolly good, old bean!!! good show!!
righty 'ho ______________________ character sheet ---------------------- ______________________ name goes here: ---------------------- _______________________ mastery of skill ----------------------- _______________________ strength perception endurance charisma intelligence agility luck ___________________________________ pick one to specialize in... ----------------------------------- ___________________________________
___________________ minor skills ------------------- blunt | firearms | bladed | scoped firearms | explosives | ------------------- scavenging | crafting | ------------------- medicine | minor inuries | major injuries | ------------------- science | ------------------- barter | speech | ------------------- lockpick | stealth | repairing | tactics | ------------------- you have 30 skill points to distribute, use them wisely ------------------- ___________________ biography ___________________ 100 word max, who are you ------------------- starting gear
you may include 1 piece of medical equipment i.e. painkillers 1 low grade weapon i.e. BB gun/cricket bat 2 food items i.e. 1 can of soup and a bread roll clothing for all your body inluding standard clothes BUT only 1 piece of light armour i.e. a hard hat ________________________________________________________________ THE WAY IT WORKS
moving... describe on your post
scavenging... tell me where you are looking and i will tell you what you have found based on a table i will make and your scavenging and luck skill
healing using medicine... i will tell you how many out of your 100 health points you have gotten back
fighting... tell me and i will work it out... but describe it all nice and gory.
i came here after quitting my old job as a cleaner down in ponder town... it just wasn't working out... people were dying there aswell... some kind of disease called... solaner... solu-... solanum, that was it... i don't know what it does, but it sounds creepy, anyway, i got a job as a personal assistant, and i guess i musta got pretty alright at finding things, 'cos my boss always used to lose them, we made a team together, but... he died last year, the git didn't even give me that $10 he owed me, now that i look back on it.
starting gear: --------------
1 small bottle of painkillers 1 pocket swiss army knife... 'lucky' 1 bottle of whiskey 1 can of macaroni and cheese + can opener
black wool hat black lightweight jacket dark blue versatile jeans pair of black running trainers
shoulder pads made from wood and kevlar (some guy who used to work in the military, 'borrowed', them from the tailors store ages ago, i loved him, he's dead too) _________________________________________________________________
As i jolted out of my wire frame bed, with my clothes on as i had been watching family guy late at night, i heard a scream outside, jumped up and ran to the window, however, it was pitch black and as a result i couldn't see much.
I decided to strap on my trusty shoulder pads underneath my jacket, grab 'lucky', my swiss army knife, the $15 that i was going to use to pay the rent, and then headed towards the kitchen.
I opened the cupboard and took the mac and cheese and my can opener, debated taking the cooking pot, but decided against it as it was too heavy, then opened the secret panel behind the wardrobe, took my last bottle of whiskey and realised i needed to get my painkillers and the migrain medication.
I burst through my flat door and began hammering furiously at my neighbours door, whose name was...
Ok...People would not Join...First to tell some Mistakes You made... But for now some Small Mistakes..
1.No capitalization...This just makes your RPG Seem Non-Grammaticly...And It is Not appealing... 2.Bold Overuse...I Said enough..
NOW! The Main mistake is the Overcomplicated Sheet! First of all...It's wrong.. Here is an excample of a Simple Zombie RPG Sheet:
Name: Age: Gender: Health:100/100 Armor:0/0(Optional) PerkOptional) Description: Bio: ---------------------------------- (Now comes some Misc Stuff) Shelter(Optional): None ---------------------------------- Party: None ---------------------------------- Resources/Weapons: N/A ---------------------------------- Stats(Optional): Bla Bla....
Now..For Me This seems like a Simple Sheet... I like to put My sheet a bit longer...But only because there are Important stuff included! Now When I put the Optional Stuff next to something.. It all depends on you.. So you want stats...Put them in...You want armor...Put them in! All your choice!
Also some More Big Mistakes!!
If you put in stats...Put in the Simple stuff... Not Like Minor injuries or Major Injuries.. Medicine is the only needed there... The less your medicine,The Lower Injuries you can heal! Here are some "Basic" Stats:
These were The Basic... Now If you want there are also some advanced stats.. But A reminder!!! You should always use the Main stats to increase The Advanced stats..
Some advanced stats:
Lockpicking-5+ 1 Intelligence(So 1 Intelligence gives 5 To lockpicking!) Acrobatics/Athletics-5+ 1 Agility(Same as above)
And Etc.. Also it doesn't have to give 5...It may give only 2...Maybe 10..You choose!!
Also Some other Mistakes.. I have seen the Biogrpahy needs 100 Words.. Thats a bit too much.. Just put it 3-5 Sentences Max..Not 100 Words... Also the starting gear is well..A bit extreme for starting.. Some basic Starting gear are:
Maybe A Pistol with some Ammo A Kitchen Knife
And etc... A bottle of whiskey..Only alchoholics would take that.. Macoroni..Maybe..But It could be diffrent..Not everybody would take the same Food with them.. Also the shoulder pads are the worst for the starters.. A bit extreme for starters.. They should actually Try to FIND It instead of getting it from the start..
Anyways.. Try to do stuff simple...Without complicating...
Also I saw the Starting Gear you could take.. A cricket bat..Well..A bit to extreme too...You could take out a zombie with that in 3 Hits! A BB Gun is fine...But Maybe to underpowered.. You could take out a bird with it instantly but zombies are a diffrent story :/
I want to say some things I mistaken Above my Post :/ I did not see the Main Stats and all.. ALSO! Try not to rip-off most of the skills out of fallout.. Fallout is a good game but...You need some originality Dude..